Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Bad Mood

Think of going back home.
Do my work.

Restore my mobile and notebook. Restore all my emails. Then all documents I just send to CIA for investigation. Yes, the crocroach want me to do this.

When I restore it. Many many people will be in troubles. Very big troubles.
So you so happy my girl friend treat meike this. You all so bad and evil heart.
My girl friend you also dare to play. Nevermind, one girlfriends exchange with so many girlfriends. That is more worths. Why not? I lost only one Girl Friends, in return so many girlfriends from your side. Great jobs Masterminds, you cause them all of them this. Your plan just give troubles to your followers and family. You should responsible if you are a men (not pengecut). You should stand up and come find me instead causing more your friend and family troubles and suffer. You are so selffish. Really very very selffish.
You want gain so much money, you wan play peoples, you want make people crazy, you want make people humilated, you want make people commit suicied. You all play so many people life. Gutterpost hack people life. You all deserve to be teach.
But still you all push more people to come and get me. This only push them to hell.
I dont understand why they still want to accept and do the dirty jobs? How much actually he is paying each days? Sure allot until my girl friends everyday just want argue with me. Anything she will purpose do and want make me angry. Hello, can I get angry when I know someone is purposely doing? You know why, because she want get me to medical check up if I get angry. Haha... before I angry, she already very angry herself. How can you accept this job my sweet heart? I am the Game now, do you understand. But is alright if they are paying more and more money for people around you, then get you or hired you to get me. I know is not you direct deal with the big boss, sure got middle man to do this.
Same like when you are caught by police, find a middle men that will deal between you and the police. Any transaction made will not direct pass to you and the police. It must deal thru with those middle me.
Sweet heart, I did this before also. And I was the middle men for those Rich boss and the police. I was the middle men for the Vietnam girls too. I walked into this underworld jobs for over 10 years. Do you know that. First was Snooker and Gambling Machines, Cybercafe with mamak stall outside, I almost venture to open one also. Then I was into Club Spa and Night Club also. Purposely going and spending so much money to get to know them better. From waiters to manager to bouncer to the mummy and the girls and last to the boss club also. That is what I am doing? Break the code. Until what happen when police raided the club, what will they do and who will the look for and how they settle and how the girls are release? All I know. Not only 1 clubs almost 10 clubs including high class Night Clubs. Next is escort girls service, local and international. Prostitution and slavery was involved in this high tech syndicate. How they start until the end. Who is the big boss man. Who is the sponsporship. Who is those bribe and been corrupted by them. How the bride and how the pass the money. All I know from A to Z. Locations, Office, Hostel, and Working place. How they renew thier passport. Which and where the department involved. Who is the middle man. Who is the runner. How much they charge the girls. All I know, my research of the Underworld International Syndicate.
Then is drug involved. Who is the runner or pusher. Who is the delivery man. Who is the suppliers and who is the making and stock up the drugs. Where they store and keep the drugs. How the keep and how they do. All I know. Because I do my homework 100% with my will, I say I will break the code. Then I will do it no matter how hard or dangerous. Because I know good and moral people will always get return better then what they sacrified.
How can a human without any special technology tools can discover such international hitech business? And is done by one man show from start until now. But now got Europe help, that is different story anymore. And I know the good people and undercover are also following me all the times. The Eastern and Western all are watching me. And the local still do nothing and pretending dont know anythings. This is so stupid, as I am giving them chance to fight back thier boss and leader, they all pretend dont know or scare to do. What you scare if you are right? Only peoples are wrong will scare. Is still got chance for you to catch back your boss, yes is you that can do that. Dont be scare of him, now he more scare then what you will do. If got two people go to catch him, then is enough to get him punishments.
Same as the girls captured in the raid, complaints to police they are being force by the boss to do prostitude, he will be in big troubles. But the girls dont know and scare. Worst they need to pay more for thier release double or triple the actual bribe given. The boss will charges them higher also. So the boss eat all thier hard earn money each times the raid happen. Maybe purposely ask for the raid or complaint by his own men to get police raids.
So you can now go report who bribe you and catch him. Give him chance if he can prooved that other boss hired him, let him go if he can prove the mastermind. That is the way to get masterminds. If not, we only can get the body guard and hired workers. That is not my target for my jobs over 10 years without a salary also.
You want me to stop for nothing I do over this 10 years research? I wasted all my times and sacrified everythings you think I will just stop it. If you are not doing your jobs, then the Western or Eastern will do.
Once my bats data sender send to them, you all will be too late to surrender. Now you do, the mastermind only I want. Those being hired and bribe I dont want them in troubles.

As I told you the Pink Panther Project, Multi Million dolar heist. Just want the Mastermind. Do you all understand what the Lord of Universe want?
Do you all need how many days to thinks.
You dont have high tech tools? I can supply to you, FREE of charges.
Even many tools to get the Invisible Gutterpost Hackers with a pieces of cake.
And the police team that 100% can capture the mastermind easily will be the BEST Police Investigation in history. The world most wanted men will be captured. The mastermind of MH370, The IS group, The Underworld Projects, International Drug Smuggler, all will be solved.
I got a supersonic technology for you to use. Are you all joining me for better future? I am not joking. 99.9% will get the Mastermind and teams, also the most dangerous Hackers. And the manmade Disaster and mysterious accidents that killed the life of peoples. The mysterious commit suicied case. The dirty insurance claims. And all those online Casino and Trade also. All this will be solve forever and those victims soul will happily back to reborn, if not they always following me here and there. Asking me why I still not make any move since I can just crush them anytimes. All the animals are making noise now. They really want me to do it. But I told them that is the peoples jobs, I only give free consultant with no charges. They got take salary so they need to do thier jobs real and fast. Every seconds is giving chance to them to runaway. Wake up everybody, is times for you all to reverse. He will not help you went you get troubles, but I can help you and even can heal your sickness or disease. Any disease I can cure you all.
They cannot do that. They only can give money money for you to get more suffering. My advise is do not go against the Power of all Gods, not one but is all. Here I got Jesus, Allah, Hindu, Thai, my lovely Kumanthong, Dark Site and more Angel & Zombies. All are here with me. What is my Power to absord all this?
The metal near me will fading in a week. So fast, in just a week the metal colour will fade. Do you know that. A cup of will just gone in 2 days. The fruits will not damage for a month outside the fridges, the Rat, Crocroach and Ants are everywhere I go. The Crows and swiflet birds are every way near me. I can see thru walls, come ask me when you meet me, top or underground I can just easily see thru. Not 1ft 2ft, over 20 to 30ft I can see. I can write on blogs when and what times an accidents can happen at anyway and anyplace I want. Who will involved also I can made. What injury also I van write.
Who you think I am? A normal human, yes I am normal. Just I got Moral, I got Value. Money cannot buy my Moral at all, because I dont like money. You cannot bribe me with money, also dont bribe me with girls or sex. I am not interested also. My Value is no money can buy. They want to bribe me many times, but I no accept it, even you give me Billion of dolar, I will tell you fuck off.
I can be very rich then what you offered to me. Did you know that?

He will then get

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