Friday, April 29, 2016

My Kuman Thong Baby Spirit

Little Kuman Thong Story

Shade Story 22i

Baby Spirit Girls or Boys. Kuman Thong Amulet or the Powerful Spirit Spells.
My advise is "Do not play this at home".
If you are good, there are better but if you are bad, there are naughty. They can mind control you back and make you do bad things and controlled you. This is thier vise power.

Whenever You go to forums discussing about Kumantongs, You will see kids giving advice, saying that Kumantongs are not to be made used of. They will tell You the purpose of keeping Kumantongs are "to save" , "to rescue" , "to protect" the child ghosts. Must treat them like your own child without asking any return favour. Many people buy Kuman Thong just wanted them to do something for them. That is the first mistake they had made.

You want to keep Kumantongs, so that they can be Your SPIRIT SERVANTS.

Many Kids and even, the adults, will spend money to buy food offerings for their Kuman thongs everyday and hope some miracles that their Kuman thongs will transform their life for the better, while at the same time going around lying to people that keeping Kuman thongs are just a way to INCREASE GOOD KARMA by protecting the Spirit Ghost Childs.

By doing food offerings everyday to Kuman thongs and yet still achieve nothing, are like employing human workers without giving them jobs to do, and still pay them salaries every month.

If You spend too much money in doing Food Offerings and buying too many Kumantongs and still achieve nothing in life, might as well just donate the money directly to the welfare organization and You can help the Humans directly and Increase Good Karma at the same time.

For Good People with good heart only. These Good Luck charms and powerful Amulets could make you wildly successful in every aspect in your life. Pick the area in which you need most assistance and find the charm or charms your life has been waiting for. For good purpose only.

1. Love Charm & Amulets
Want to return your lost love or find your true soul mate? A Master Pyschic has blessed these love amulets to help you enjoy the rich life filled with love and happiness.

2. Good Luck Charms
Frustrated by not getting what you want? Are you ready for a lucky streak?

3. Money Amulets
Want to grow your money bank account? Need fund to enjoy the good life? Tired of working hard and getting no where?

4. Happiness Talismans
Do you need to turn things around, and clear the path to success and happiness.
The Powerful Baby Spirit or Kuman Thong Spirit

5. Kuman Thongs Amulets
The most powerful Amulets in the world.
Dont play with this if you are not a good heart person.
i. Do You know How To Use Kumantong to be Your Private Eyes? - They can check on people and report back to You
ii. Do You know How To Use Kumantong to possess You or a Spirit Medium and then You can talk to him or her directly?
iii. Do You know How To Use Kumantong to transform materials? - such as Turn Stone Tortoises into Real Tortoises temporarily, Turn leaves into bees and stink people etc.
OR at least ..
iv. Do You know How To Use Kumantong to help You predict upcoming Lottery Numbers?
v. Do you know How To Use Kuman Thong to help You predict your nemesis?
I HAD MASTERED ALL 5 of Kuman Thong power. And even give them 3 more special powers to my Kuman Thongs only.
vi. To help me use my mobile and notebook. They can restore anything for me at anytimes. Or request anything from me at anytimes.
vii. To get all Gods permission to allow my Kuman Thong stay together with them without disturbing them away. Yes, only the Daddy, The Father of Kuman Thong can do that.
viii. To follow my nemesis and let me know everything they are doing. As my investigator.

Well, as I am alone and no friend to help me. The Kuman Thongs are my spy that help me everytimes. They will update to me via my mobile or google me. They can send massage to me and let me know anything that is happening all around the world. Same as what their Gutterpost hackers that can do. Gutterpost Hackers vs Kuman Thongs (you guess who will win). I go for Kuman Thong baby spirit. Want to challenge my Gutterpost Hackers? How many of you there? All of you versus only one of my Kuman Thong, my second Kuman Thong, she is my first own child. She is sexy pretty girls lolz. She is 18 this year, an adult girl already. Her mum is my ex girl friend.
Can you all confident to challenge with her. With all your combined experience in hacking people network. Now I give you to  hack my network as you like. See who is the greatest hacker of all times. Wish my Baby can be the Champion. Oh well, she is a Champion for me. And I miss her so much. Winner will get free healing from me. Is that a deal?

You think this is a shade story or a real story? Ajaib = Miracle

How to made Kuman Thong Spirit by your own.
1. You must have the featus of the unborn child.
2. You must keep it dry for ?? days.
3. You must put the featus beside a rock for ? days.
4. You must dry up under the hot sun for ? days (you can collect the dropping oil from the feutus at this stage - the powerful love oil spell). Some will burn with Fire.
5. Then ? days for Winds or Air.
6. Then you must place the totally dry up feutus beside a hugh old trees for ? days also (Old trees are believe to have god)
7. Then another ? days under another big trees but under the root.
8. Go for another ? days under Earth soils.
(You can add perfume in this stage, so when the spirit is beside you, you can smell the perfume).
9. Then is with Metals for ? days also.
10. The last is praying for ? days by chanting "please come back to father" 3 times for each praying. Spray some water after praying.

With the step 4 to step 10 is ? step x ? days = ?? days. Include the first 49 days is total ?? days. Excactly cannot missed even a day or more.
The final praying is chanting the Magic Words on the last day, the ?? days. (It is not available to share because people will rise them for own benefit or bad motive).
It is easy to rise the darkness but hard to get them back. So dont try this stupid act at home. And dont get Kuman Thong for bad purpose. The ending for you will be cruel and suffer once they mind controlled you back. Your human energy will be absorb by them. That is my advise.

The feutus spirit is bring back alive after going through all 5 Elements of Fire, Air, Metal, Earth and Water. You need a powerful Master with these Element power energy to get them back. If not the spirit will always haunted you and people beside you.
If you ask me, I will help you. And is 100% free of charges. You can donate to me after you get better without being disturb by the baby spirit anymore.

To those who had Kuman Thong, make sure you had a good heart to take care of them. Give them freedom and happiness. Do not Slavery them, untied the rope for them. And teach them moral as you teach your own child. Do not ask them for any favour in return. That is wrong to teach a kids. The will return you the best favour itself. They know what you want. You no need to tell them. Raise them as good as your own childs. Help them to study and learn more things. If he become lawyer or doctor, then you get benefits. Understand. I see many with Kuman Thong Amulets does not make the Spirit happy. I see many are crying and asking for help. Because they were treat as a Slave by his Master. Never bring them out also. Just stay at home all the years. Never been teach of anything. How can they help you if they dont study anything? Or you just want to teach them gambler only. Other then that, nothing they know. You want your kids to be like that or not?

I got 10 Kuman Thong, each one will study different books. I teach them, buy books for them. Not just toys and foods. Take many things back to home for them to treasure. They make miracle things too. Things that human did not treasure yet but they already know. They can help me for all medical treatment. All treatment without any use of drugs. Why nobody teach Kuman Thong to do all this? Why just teach them for your own dirty business getting better? So now you only want teach Kuman Thong to be a healerl? How many more years you need to raise them up? Atleast 25 years until they get phD or more. Then HIV, Avian or Zika already infected Billions of peoples all around the world.
Because I want them to be success in human life too. I teach them what Gods created for us. The Technology & Innovation, Professor & Scientis, Medical & Health Expert, Business & Marketing, Fashion & Trend, Art & Design, The Element Fung Shui, Physology Expert, Leadership and Moral Value. And I am looking for more  Kuman Thong Spirit to fill in more available free spot. I make them success, they will treat me better in future. This is the right way to have Kuman Thong Baby Spirit.

Check out my all older blog for all FREE of charge services and consultant. Thank you for my Genius Kuman Thong that help me all this. Salute to them.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
Father of Kuman Thong

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