Sunday, April 24, 2016

Shade Story 20i

Shade Story

The electrical bill at my Sungai Buloh home and Damansara Perdana was also something very mystery. How on earth both the electrical bill was so expensive? With both over Rm200 and Rm300 respectively every month? This will only happen if the electrical items at my home is turn on. But I was not at home and I am sure I turn off the suiz most of the times. And this payment continue for almost 2 years before I get into hospital. Still suspecting something is happening at my home when I was not around. When I was at Sungai Buloh home, they will go to my Damansara home. When I at the other side, they will come to this site. Well, what they doing at my home? They are stealing my research and development ideas. My creations, all my things including art & designs, fashion & trend, technology, elements research, medical research, all my things they stole away. They use my creation to develop and produce for themself. The hired many people to follow me and track on me. So they know where I go, what I times I be back or no back.
They hacked into my life and destroy it. Beside, they gained allots from my ideas and creation that suppose to share with the people at Malaysia and the world. But they get it away for China.
To make me un-notice what they want, they created story such as doing other things at my home. So I will not suspected them that the are stealing my ideas and innovations. Most of it was for beauty and liner, fashion, design, fragrance and more.
Those story they made are really as real because all involved my friends, neighbours, relatives, ex-supplier, almost all my friends (madam kwan).
Those story included drugs, murder, gods (this one they pay the price) and even MH370, the Gutterpost and insurance claims, theft and bank card clone.
They got a well menuscript and director to teach them what to do. For so many years, they play me this kind of games, how much you think the masterminds had spends? I can tell you is allots. Then how much you thinks he has earn from that? Ofcourse is much more then what he can spends. Right? Do you think you can get away form me now, I am the Lord of Universe, did you know that? You played the wrong guy and you need to pay the prize.
They even published 3 novel for me. 50 Shades of Grey is the book they published on 2011 base on my love story. Total of 3 books they published. And one movie is already finished last year. It was shown on 14th February 2015 Valentines Day. And the movie break the box office record of over USD500 millions. How much you think they had earned after the movie? Not only that, the books and online apps of 50 shades get wild too. And they earn so much from that.
So they continues to make the second movie. Also they wanted the reality same with me. This times they get my girlfriend to make the move. So it will look like Anna and Christian Grey in the book and movie. Getting all the items same as what in the movies. Yes, I got all those items too. All was at my home. I can show you when you come visit me. My dungeon also. Well, that is not as big as Christian Grey. Maybe in future it will be. Much more better then him.
And worst, they are doing the same for the third books. Did you read the third books? Ofcourse I dont want be same ending as the third books. I want it to be 50 Shades Brightess, not darkness... idiot people!!! You guess how much money needed to get and create a story line for someone like me? And the story started since I was dating with my girlfriends over 10 years. And they had followed and spying on me for over 20 years. I dont know the ecxact date, but I know is over 20 years because I remember the toys when I was a kids playing being display at Hang Seng, Hartamas and Publika. I founded all my old toys at there. And the design and structure of those shopping mall are same as my home at Sungai Buloh. How on earth this could happen?
Well, as I told you, what I like people will like. So they get all my things I like and just follow, sure got very good business. Whatever things place at my home will be the trend and best selling items every years. Anythings, from tiny little things to big furnitures and also electrical items.
All is the best selling things worldwide, not Malaysia only. Just a copy of leaflet I keep, then is very good. If I throw away or take out, the business will automatically drop down. Any toys at my home will be the best selling children toys. The most red pack (ang pow) I keep, the Bank will be the best bank in Malaysia, Public Bank. I keep the most ang pow of it.
Any colour I place at home will be the best colour. Any number also. Whatever things, sure good business. Even better if those I draw out the design for anythings.
As I wear ladies panty, then the trend will follow. Guys will start wearing ladies panty. Is true. Ask yourself? What I do, people will follow. So I must do good things, if I do bad, people will do bad.
All they follow me.

Tweet the birds

Stone Cold said so.

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
aka Master of 6 Elements Exchange
Previously, the bill was so expensive when I was staying alone. But seldom back home as I was staying at another place.

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