Friday, April 22, 2016

Minyak Angin

Barang Buatan Cina
Minyak Angin

Sure I got new Ideas. I got anything to replace the benefits from any China made products. Yes. All I got replacement and better quality also. Good for all peoples especially the poor peoples and unlucky peoples.

Let see how is all your products such as minyak angin, palm cream, chap tiger, etc for dizziness or headache purpose being replace by Chicken Eggs. Yes, I meant it.
When you had headache, just eat a chicken egg. Better then panadol also.
Chicken eggs will heal your headache in less then 3 minutes.

So dont lower the price for Chicken Eggs, it now got medical value for all peoples around the world.

Eating more eggs does not higher your cholestrol anymore. It will benefits all good nuitrain for your health.

Anything more thing from China made? Please remind me. I cant get many to thinks. Be a helpful assistant to me so I can replace those Cina Babi products.

Oh. The stomache and tooth pain also.
For stomach pain, leaf extract from belimbing tree (Star fruits) and for tooth pain is garlic extract. Gastric I think I posted before. Please check it.

For stone in kidney, no need to operation or laser anymore, I had research and develop a better easy way. Using white carrots juice. Boiled the carrots and squeeze out the juice. Drink it 3 times a day for 3 days, your stone will dissapear and came out as your pee.
Magic from The Lords.
Tested & Research done
Safe for human and animals also.

So I still need to do more research on Medical health for the healing and curing.
Appreciate your kind contributions and I am 99.9% confident to find the curing for all disease on human and animals.

So, Malaysia people, what is your wish?
Reserve for good heart people only?
Want to be millionaire or billionaire?
I can make your dream come true in less then 5 years. I can make a person with good heart from Zero to better then Jack Ma in less then 5 years. Age 18 above is all you need. Saudi Arabia is 30 years old, I make Malaysia 25 years old? Better then Saudi Arabia. Plants vs Petroleums. Plants win 5 equal to nil. What petroluem can produce, plants also can produce. What plan can produce, petroleum cannot produce. Who win you said?
What China can produce, Malaysia also can produce. What Malaysia can produce, China cannot produce. Who win?
Same to other country value, what you can produce, Malaysia cannot produce. I Will balance to all 196 country with thier own value things. And dont ever value Nuclear, you should know which country got the best nuclear. And I got the most at my hand. You should know.
Tweet the bird

What about converting nuclear to Energy Source for something more benefits. A power source to travel into space. To see the Jurrasic World at Green Planet. The real dinosour that extinct million of years. I bring back alive for your entertaintment. Yup, that was my plan 2 years ago. Dont try to abuse it when I give you this especially the Cina Babi. Always trying to be number one and monopoly other country. Only serve the rich peoples, forget the poor people need.

How you pray your Gods until all come to my house? Why they dont stay with you all. Even the neighbour Gods come and stay at my house. What a shame like this to all my neighbourhood. Oh well, ask them what they do to make the Gods runaway. Funny right? Morning all pray at home but Gods also dont want go back to thier home. They prefer to stay at my home. Follow me where I go. And now all my home at Teluk Intan, Perak, Sungai Air Tawar, Selangor, Kampung Baru Sungai Buloh, Selangor all full of Gods. Crowded until no place to sit. Oh well, you should know your mistakes. Without Gods, the Darkness curse are so easy to get in your home.
Tweet the bird.

The real story of Modern Gods
Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
aka Lord of Gods Ganesha

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