Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Rats Can Tell You

The rats will tell you which company or peoples that played on me. The bite every business card I place on the floor. They are so clever. More then you think those rich people play on your Gods. They played Allah, Jesus, Hindu Gods and Chinese Gods too. How can these bad and evil human being teach a good lesson? Any sugguestion please tweet on my Tweeter or Facebook
Please let me know the best solutions for them. Read all my blogs story then you know what and how the played on me. It can cause someone get crazy or commit suicied. Gutterpost are thier hackers team that hack into Apple and Andriod systems. Also the hack into the peoples life disposing all thier private photos and videos to the world. Edison Chen and those actress are them who exposed. If I am not wrong, under the name Kira. Then also those Hollywood actress and mostly Asian victims, most are Chinese Teenagers. Many famous people cannot accepts it then they commit suicied in the sudden hoping that nobody will expose his personal private sex life. 
Then after they died, they got way to hack into thier financial and take off thier money without any people notice it. My bank account was also being tranfered some money without any notice. When I check it, then complaints, then only they transfered back into my accounts. How easy dirty job the can do. How many company they can transfered so easily with small sum. Because big company seldom check on little sum. If they check it then later after complaints, they will return back to thier customers accounts. And this bank happened to me is Public Bank. Do you think they got inside job working together in the network? Ofcourse they got. 99.9% and I even know who are them. If you dont beleive me, then beleive the Rats what can they do. They can bite all rhose bad and evils people business card for you. You just take all your staff business card, place it on the floor for the rats. Then you check it next day. So easy I give you this Hitech Tool for your investigation purpose. Or you want wait they come for healing then only you want to check? Or you waiting your love one for any unwanted tragedy then only you want to check? The Gods give advise and teach you all how to catch them but you all still sitting doing nothing, this meant you never respect the Gods advise. Right? If you respect, stand up and get to work. Your good chance to get promoted after you get the masterminds. You just need two people to investigates, that is enough to catch all the bad and evil peoples. Because all jobs the animals will help you. If they go into hiding, inside the jungle or under the ground, i give you another animals equipment to locate them. I can locate them all using my Element GPS tracking system. Even change face also cannot runaway. My little Kumanthong like to play hide and seek. And more is coming to my home also, from Genting. If you go gambler this months, change of winning big bulk is easy. Tips given. Because next few days I think all his Kumanthong will be at my neighbourhood playing hide and seek. Dont disturb them, they are cute little spirit baby. They will care your baby and children too if you treat them nice and respect them as how I respect all of them fairly. Well, I am the Father of Kumanthong you know. I got 2 Kumanthong, they are the most powerful in the world. Always playing at my home, super active. They like Ultraman toys. Come again my home, they curse you then I dont know what will happen. Check yourself at Google what curse they can do. Never come in my home without my permission or when I am not here. All the Gods and Spirit not welcome anyone of you at all unless I am at here. Dick head stupid theft. You think my home is Hotel can simply come in and out. Not my home only, the neighbourhood, pass the Guard house you will be in troubles. The spirit is as far until Sri Damandara. So crowded you know. And each day is growing more and more. All come here to watch me how to solve this international problems. And also see how the peoples do thier works. Fair or not fair. When I say go ahead, you all will be at Hell waiting me. Now i waiting you all but still nobody want to get to work. See how many Gods and Spirit will turn up each day. The more they come, the energy is incredible. I can smell what is the Rock cooking. You want or like BBQ or Grill? See your loved one in such incidents will make you feel better? Because you never feel any regret and remorseful at all. Well I wait if anyone tweet me or massage me how to solve these evil and bad peoples that play GOD like a toys. Animals are better then them. Even worst then a rat thier human value. So before how  you catch a rat? What you use yo catch? And what you do after you catched. 
As the Rats had cause many lost of lifes, destroy people marraige, destroy people dating, destroy people career, stole peoples things, and many more evil and dirty jobs.
Make people crazy. Blame people of thier dirty job as they plan to blame on me too. Want me to restore all out from Googles and let everyone know who and who? I can restore Google anytimes. Because Google is God too. Is you all give me all the information yourself,
I told you earlier, you will get back in return what you want blame on me. And you get more worst then you do to me. My return with all evidence and photos or even video captured on my spy eyes. Ass holes stupid human. Gods also got spycam, you dont know meh. Can install at cloud and air or ground. Want I post on youtube? Showing what you all are doing? Showing how you fuck another girls when your wife not around? How you play those innocent little girls? How dirty and horny you are? Come you share my video and I share your video. Fair play guys. I am open minded guy. How about you? How great if your lover or wife see you at the internet. Same as you do to those innocent young girls. You all are really a destroyer of human life. You know or not. I am really dont know which way to teach you all a lesson. Worst is own relatives and friends can do this to his own people, same Chinese race. Betul betul Cina Babi Hutan. Kurang ajar. Biadap betul. Memang bikin Tuhan marah. Betul Tuhan pun marah dia orang lagi teruk. Cibai Lanciao Cina Babi. Buat malu saya saja. Tak ada maruah langsung. Bikin susah orang saja. Pandai curi barang tuhan. Pandai main tuhan. Padan Muka sekarang. Pengecut betul Cina Babi. Tau main tak tau jalan. 20 tahun lebih dia orang main saya. Sekarang giliran saya baru berapa hari. Cukup tak main? Tak cukup lah, dia orang main saya lama lama, mana boleh saya main sekejap saja. Jom sama sama main mah. Saya main steady, tak pakai power atau magic pun. Lagi saya seorang saja, you besar banyak orang. Jangan Kalah, bikin malu tau. Orang ramai buli satu orang. Nasib baik tikus tolong saya. Semut pun tolong kuat kuat. Cerita macam ini pun boleh berlaku, dulu silap orang tak tolong tuhan. Macam Jesus,.. sekarang ini tuhan lain macam. Sudah upgrade punya, Intellegent Modern God. Tau tak? 
Sebab semus Tuhan gabung bersatu dan tolong saya lawan dia orang. Cina Tuhan, Hindu Tuhan, Allah, Jesus, Thai Tuhan, Indo Tuhan, dan lain lain tuhan semua datang rumah saya. Hari hari tolong saya main komputer saja. Ikut saya keluar masuk jalan jalan. You punya tuhan pun tak nak ikut you, sembahyang hari hari tapi tak ada tuhan. Apa you buat kawan? Tak malu kah ini macam? Ada banyak wang apa guna? Orang tak ada value pun. Maksud Rm100.00 x 0 = Rm0.00 tau. Kosong lah account you. Tak ada Nilai Harga Sendiri. 
Jumpa nanti I akan tanya kenapa you buat? Tengok apa jawapannya. 
Saya selalu bagi chance, cuba dia orang tak erti nak ambil. Pasal ego dia orang. Berani buat tak berani mengaku. Pengecut lah. Kura kura pun lebih bijak dia orang. Mungkin banyak makan babi sudah jadi otak babi. Sampai babi pun bagi makan busuk busuk. Kemudian sendiri pun makan babi pulak. Otak teruk babi. Babi pun tak bagi anaknya makan busuk, cuba tak ada pilihan sebab kena Slavery dan paksa makan makanan busuk. Hati busuk lah orang ini macam. Kena virus babi sekarang. Makan lagi Bah kut teh, padan muka kemudian.
Tapi orang baik makan tak ada hal. Cuba boleh kena orang jahat saja. Ini virus you makan, mungkin anak yang kena. Canggih virus baru ini. Inilah teknologi virus baru. Hack lah kalau boleh. Sohai. Lagi nak panggil teman wanita says main, lagi teruk you kena main saya. 
Jangan nak beli saya. 
Offer saya Rm5 juta buat apa? Panggil saya diam kah. Boleh tak buat ini macam? Kerja 10 tahun saya ini baru Rm5 juta? You tau kira matematik? USD 5 billion pun tak cukup. Harga nilai saya bukan Zero, tapi Aero. Infinity Identity 92y berharga lebih QUADRILLION kawan. Harga gaji belum kira lagi. Rm5 juta itu buat apa? Nak beli Tapir pun tak cukup. Orca, Kuola, Hornbill, Panda... cukup tak? Bikin pintu World Zoo pun sudah habis. You simpan balik ini rm5 juta. No thank you sir. You really look down at me with this price. Make me feel more unhappy. Want to bribe me with only Rm5 millions. What a fool. Sendiri nak masuk perangkap pulak. Tak buat kenapa nak bagi saya Rm5 juta. Bodoh. Depan main poker game, belakang bagi wang panggil kalah. Tak best lah main macam ini. Saya kalah baru Rm5 ringgit, tapi menang semua wang you orang. Boleh fight kan. Rm5 kena jackpot, mesti kena. Mesti lah go go go. Lagi saya you punya Healer tau. Saya tak heal you, famili & kawan, mana ada doctor boleh ubat baik you. Cukup tak Rm5 juta nak says lari hilang lagi. Tanya Tengku nak saya tak? Berapa offer. Saya pergi Saudi Arabia, mesti jadi nombor satu dunia. Lagi cepat. Lagi baru baru ada kolam air baru ditemui, mungkin sana pun boleh jadi World Zoo. Prince, what is my case worth?

Baru cukup wang bina Zoo Malaysia bagi Tapir. Nak tengok Tapir di Publika pun tak jadi. Buat lah Tapir famous macam Panda atau Kuola, baru lah Tourism boleh meningkat. Business pun tambah. Ada Tapir tapi tak mau value dia. Dah bagi tapi tak mau pakai. Nak cari wang kotor saja pandai. 
Tau saya cakap siapa. Change when I giving you chance. Against me meant against the Gods. No respect the Animals meant no respect me. NO RESPECT ME, THEN YOU NO RESPECT THE GODS.
So how? 

Tweet the birds
Sean Khor
Lords of the Universe
Jesus, Allah, Ganesha, Buddha, etc

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