Friday, April 29, 2016

Nothing is FREE

Today I received a call from Sepang Gold Coast Resort. Telling me that I been choosen as one of 50 lucky customers to have a 2 days 1 night at thier resort.
Ok, let's see what is thier plan?
Let's see what is call FREE?
Is it a trap or is a tactic of cheating the customer. I am going there for my new Research & Survey.
What make me curious is the are offering me to go there to collect the FREE broucher together (must) with my spouse. And we can spend the whole day at the resort with a RM50 meal voucher also. We can use all the facalities such as swimming pool and go around the whole resort like a holiday trips.
Dont forget tomorrow is weekend and next day is Labour Day. The continuious 3 days holiday for a famous resort should be crowded with peoples.
Why you make an offer during this peak season?
Or you want me to bring luck to your resort? Then just tell me that, I dont like people to pretending to offer me something but also want something from me. I prefer you just invite me and tell me come with my Lucky Charm. I defenitely bring more Charm for you if you ask. If not free also I can send my Charm to you.
I more like transparent. I will go tomorrow, and your business for this whole year will be absolutely very good. Yes, damn good.
Where I go, I stayed or just pass by, miracle will happen at You dont need to make many more offer, but you must reserve some FREE room for the poor peoples too. Poors people no money to stay at your Resort, but poor people can bring Luck to your resorts. That is what I am giving to poor people. "THE LUCK" for the people that do rich peoples business. So they need the poor peoples to come, but they cannot afford to pay the  high rental, so you must give them free entry and stay during low seasons. Rich peoples do not need to give FREE, they got money to pay themself. FREE to those poor and unlucky peoples, you make them happy, they give you lucky. The more happy, the more lucky they return. Same to others bosses who do rich people business only. Whatever offer or discount, give priority to poor peoples first, is they reject, then only you offer to rich peoples.
I go because I am poor. If I am rich, I will reject the offer and ask them to give poor peoples first.

2. Maybe is a trap for me when I stay there for 2 days 1 night. Anything can happen here. What will peoples do with thier partner during holiday trip at resort? Most people will make romance there. Maybe they will install spycam to capture me or spying on me as they are doing at my home for so many years. I dont care about that, I am very open minded and I enjoy the way if people want to peep. Dont feel shy when I peep you back. Everything you all want to do on me I will got my way to do back on you. And is better then how you want to do me. Think before you do. Think the worst first before you think the good.

3. Getting me away for few days is also a chance for them to sneak in my home again to stole the God's creation. To stole my shade story written on my diary and computer. Yes, they always do this stupid dirty job when I am away from home.
You dont need a hightech camera to install at your home to see who are them. Because those peoples that came is to my home is not my friends. Is thier friends that I dont know and how can I regconized if I see also. They are so smart to do the dirty jobs just like hiring peoples to do. The same way rich peoples hired poor people to do.
But atleast you can know that peoples come in your home, touch your things or open your drawers. Ofcourse I do marking. All my things are always with something being place and it will drop when is open or touch. I am not putting coins or paper, that peoples will see that or hear that when is drop down. Sure is something you will not notice and no sound when is move. Last times I use small screws and small coins. But I think they had notice that, so I use other things now. I dont understand why still want to stole the God's things as I already informed that the Gods are angry. This times the Karma will not happen to these peoples, the Karma will happen to the masterminds and rich peoples too.

Accidents does not happen purposely on peoples. The Karma is given by Gods to warn them not to repeat the mistakes. You ignore them one times or two times, the third or fourt will be more worst. Maybe not you but to those close to you. Even you walk also might get hit or fall down accidently. Injured your leg or hand. You might fall down in the toilet hitting your mouth or broken teeth. Or someone you love or close to you get disturb or haunted. This all happen because of Karma. Believe it or not, ask Ripley.

You know how to pretend, I also know how to pretend. That is called balance. You got many peoples, but I got many Gods. Peoples vs Gods. Are you all human crazy? You dare to play with Gods? I had no eyes see. I just do my job as an author now. What you want played with the Gods then you continue. But my advise better dont be silly anymore. You will cause your own family more troubles and the masterminds cannot help you also. He just can give you more money but he cannot help you any healing or curing. But I can help you all. Think properly before you do. With me or against me. Frankly I tell all of you, only my Kuman Thong you all also cannot beat them. The whole Genting Kuman Thong also not powerful enough to pass my 10 Kuman Thong. Because I make my Kuman Thong super powerful. You can bring The Most Powerful Master come and handle my Kuman Thong, can challenge them anytimes.
The Master I think will get crazy in 5 minutes. You can invite Thai Master come also. I like challenge. See who is the Champion. Like we watch WWE.
Last times got try before, the Kuman Thong never go anyway, she just stay at my home. That is the second one. Now she is even stronger and powerful. Have you ever seen a Kuman Thong eat chicken eggs? What will happen after they eat Chicken eggs? That is thier favourite foods, not your blood. You think is vampire meh? Kuman Thong dont like your blood at all. They say dirty blood. They prefer chicken eggs and sweets. I no money so I give them sugar. They understand my situation and happy I can still share with them. Not like you eat abalone, then your workers eat plain rice.

Oh, so fast peoples are selling The Unicorn toys. Those are my mascot for my first book that still under prosessing. Just emailed 3 weeks ago but now peoples start selling it. Nice and cute toys. How fast your work plan and how fast your production started and even the market are selling. Hot cake? So clever and fast to earn money. But I cannot accept because again you produce it at China factory. I told you the God's creation is for Malaysia peoples. Why you still give to China? Dont you understand what I say? You like China then you go China do your business. Dont do there and then earn people money here. You want earn the people here then you do at here. Not give to China do and sell here or other place. Support your own country as you are born here. If you cannot support the peoples here, how you want the peoples support you. All unicorns toys are making hugh money. Small and big toys are already everywhere. How much money and how fast he had made off. Is this fair to the peoples at Malaysia? Totally not fair at all. How many peoples miss out the jobs that suppose to work at here? A factory office need how many staff to run, a production need how many workers, a marketing and sales need how many salesman, how many dealer and trading, how many shop, how many online business? All link up for one factory only offered so wide of job oppotunity and all is given away to China. What about publishing book and magazines from my menuscripts? Is this Malaysia allowing his own peoples to do this? Are you not doing anything for your own peoples? Are you like to see your country with many poors peoples and without any proper jobs? So they will continue with dirty jobs only? With no EPF income until they are old? Then the old folk getting helpless more and more. Can you see all this issues? Is all link up and cause Malaysia a big burden year after year. And now I try to save Malaysia but nobody wanted to help? Where are the Malay and Indian peoples? I need your support? Can you give me?
I already give many money from the sky to you all. Still need to think or not?
Or you all want to see more WWE match? I can make them for you to see if you want? Or you want to see it on Youtube all the dirty jobs details only you all want to work and support me? One hour is enough I can upload all into Youtube. Bank account with details of transactions of anyone, any company, the whole teams? And the Gutterpost hackers account too. You want this to be happen or not? If not stop all China production and start over at Malaysia. For your own country and peoples.
I dont want to see anything before my book publish being start at China. China will be the last country the Gods will help. You no need to help China. You making China more troubles for me to solve. China is the most problems country because most are Chinese peoples. Headache. Always want to steal and copy peoples things. The big thief of the world. Everything also want to steal. Never use own ideas, just know how to copy peoples. That is less moral education. The hardest thing to teach a son which dont learn moral at young age. Very very hard to teach when they grew up. Do you know that? You come and sit my place, I let you teach or you teach me how since you are so smart? You are big big boss, so many workers work with you, teach me how to teach no moral kids and adults.
And I want in 3 years to solve the whole world problems. Share with me your solutions? I want to hear, I can accept if it is right. I am not a stubburn person. I can listen if you talk to me. Unless you not agree with me. Or you look down at poor peoples like Jack Ma, the Alibaba creator?
Please dont be like him. I am totally not respect him as a successful man at all. The real Jack Ma suppost to be a Malaysian peoples. If all the business back to Malaysia, all the top 100 from China is Malaysian, including you. And I am not targeting on that at all. My new target is to be The King of Lord Universe.
Nothing to do with the Earth. I just want help the Earth. Heal the World and make it a better place. As I dont like to see peoples suffer and dying everyday. You can check and see the dying people population clock.

Every second one people are dying. EVERY SECOND. Can you slow it down? Make it 10 seconds. Make this your target then I will say I Love You and the God will say "you are the best human on Earth"
Heal The World.
This is rich peoples should do. Why no rich peoples do when they are rich? Why keep those money at bank or wasted buying many properties or share. Why not help the poor peoples that are dying because no foods? I help heal people, you help poor peoples and leader help care peoples. Then peoples no problems, all no problems, the Gods also no problems, all problems solved. All find money together, play together and enjoy together, Harmony Earth. Go Green, the Earth get balance back, Natural Disaster also will stop, the Elements is stabil. Natural Disaster happen because the Element are not stabil. To much water will put pressure on Earth, then will cause crack, then Tsunami happen. Too much wind on Earth will cause Tornado. Too much heat on Earth will cause Valcano explode, too much metal will cause Earthquake. All happen because the Elements are not balance anymore. We need to reEARTH. Go Green and get everything stabil. Trees needed to stop Climate change. No trees, over heat, ice melt, water increase, earth pressured, cloud more water, wind get stronger, all natural disaster happen because of manmade.
Dont blame the Gods. Who blame the Gods I will kick his ass. Research first before you blame someone, never blame Gods this and that. Gods never take away peoples life, they always protect peoples.

What else you want to know about Gods or Spirits? I no need posses by Gods to communicate with them. I can direct talk with them like I am talking with you. I am 100% a normal healthy human and I am a horny guy too. I pass my moral with no mistakes. I was raise up by my lovely Mother and Father with love but without punishment. My mother never raise her voice not even one times with me even when I had done wrong. She will patiently talk with me and tell me 3 steps
3. What can I do to make it Right
Many peoples will miss out the third steps. And sometimes an apology does not mean you are wrong or the other person is right, it meant that your relationship is valuable then your ego. It take a strong person to say I am Sorry, and even stronger person to Forgive.

Please choose your choice :

1. If you say I am Sorry, I will say I Forgive you. or
2. You want me to say I am Sorry, I will say it to you. "I am Sorry"
3. You want me to post it on Facebook saying "I am Sorry", I will do.

Because only 3 words I can save many peoples life. And I lost nothing to say I am Sorry. Which one make you feel better?
The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited of erased, it can only be Accepted.

If I can Accept, what about you? Let's start to mend the deepest wound together.

Tweet the bird.

Stone Cold said so.

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
The Peacemaker

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