Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Gods & Dark Site shade story

Shade Story 11ii

The GODs and The Darkness
Both are good friends. The only things that separate both of them is thier power.
GODs is to provide Save & Peace, Darkness is to provide Lesson & Punishment. When both combine, they are the Rescuer of Galaxy. But they need a well moral human only can do the job. Passes all the test given. Without a mistakes. Without abuse of any power given for own will. Without creating bad damages. Handle all problems with replacement and solutions with better benefits. Helping not only human, but also to the GODs and Darkness. The only choosen man in the World, that is who I am and why I am here. That is my Destiny. 
And now is my turn to Reverse what is abused for such a long times. And to explore what is miss out for so many years. 
Why I created another 4 planets in the Galaxy? First, The Green planets, the new planets for the Dinasour that I will bring back to you. Jurasic Park. If you are lucky enough to explore my given unitech technology in wise way.
Second, The BLEU planet, is the new World also for the Sea Living Creature for all the living SEA creatures.
All these creature will not attack good heart species. And those that respect me full honour. Respect meant greet me, not pray for me. I dont need you to pray for me. Only GODs and Darkness will pray for me. They are very happy to find a choosen one for such a long times. With many abuse the power given when they got the power. To those who had good heart, you can find all the answer from Googles, they will answer your questions. Benefits the answers and do not abuse it when you get rich. Go Green, Save Earth and Stop Slavery. Then always Help the poors when you are rich. Not only donate money, offer them good job with good income. They will return more then what you give.
What suppose from Malaysia, give back all to Malaysia. What suppose to other country, please return back to them. Do you think a big GIFT consider as BRIBE? Yes it is. Receiving such big gift is a bribe in GOD's law. Unless you share it to everyone, transparent then it is not bribery anymore.
Each of the country in this world are given a special own value for all. Treasure all your value and let all your people living better. Dont sell or take away your own country values things to other country.
Doing that will only helping other country get more powerful. When they got power, they start to monopoly other country. Same they will try to monopoly all from your country for their own sake. Nobody is no ONE. Always is No. All country are equal. If you are better country, you help the poor country, then you are the best country, not no. 1 country.
If you like War, just go and play Clash of whatever you like. The games is prepared for all who like War. You can play Clash of Galaxy also if you like. Got what I meant? Oh that you can fight for no 1 space among all. Base on people, state, country, and so on. Or you think you can beat me in Clash of Clan, my clan is Ultraman. Bring it On. You might win me. If you feel happy to win me, I let you win. I lost nothing at all, is just a games. Dont use this war on human life. Killing innocent people, killing the plants and animals. Making the Spirit and GODs angry only.
GODs give you this, you still not enough, want to stole other country things, want to monopoly other weaker country. Is this the Rules the GODS give you?
I not only can curse people, I can curse your whole country if I want, the World or the Galaxy. I can do only for bad people, the Underworld, the mastermind only. Those hired to do are not consider bad people. They only doing thier jobs for you. Do you think IS Group is bad people? If nobody support them or hired them, they will do the jobs? Ofcourse no, just because someone is supporting them and give them money, they do the jobs. Everything is planned to gain money only. After the incident, all the trade will rocket down and they poke all the money.
Those cancer patience does not happen to good people. Maybe someone beside thier love one that do bad things only. How was the feel when your love one get cancer? Ask youself first, what bad things you had done and cause someone beside you this? And now I am giving all cancer patience a chance to recover with taking those stupid drugs, you just need to smoke tabacco 5 sticks a day. Recomended Winston cigarrate. If Green pack then is better curing. Other cigarrate also can if provided in GREEN pack. Cigarrate does not cause cancer, it will cure cancer. Tweet.
And those bad people that apologize to me, will get healing 5 times faster then those who are not. An apologize at my Tweeter account "snkhor", just type "I AM SORRY, please forgive me"
Confirmed your you or your loved one will heal.
JT International Tabbaco Sdn Bhd, I dont know who are you, but I know your business will increase. So with the Goverment tax and duty. Well be sure what to do with those money.
Well Zika, Avian and other new virus, I am just waiting you all. When are you preparing me a website to share all my shade story? They all are at your hand to help? Save them from your heart.
Not doing to help is consider bad heart.


Stone Cold Said So.

Sean Khor
Lord of The GODS

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