Sunday, April 10, 2016

Online Trade

Shade Story

For public awareness. All online trade should be registered and posted all original lisence, owner and personal guarantor. Any misuse of the online trade will be responsible by the guarantor.
This will benefit both party for trading purpose.

Trade without these application please apply and make full awareness to the public. Not using famous people to get publicity and then do something stupid on them or hire someone to do dirty jobs.
How many life just taken away like that?
How many accident and life taken away?
How many insider job? Car machenic and technician involved?
That is so terible things the mastermind wanted to do.

Solutions :
Do you know animals also can repair car? Well they can help repair only good people car. The insects got eight hands, can produce RTV silicone, can do manything then what human cannot do. That is The Amazing Spider-man.

Amour Upgraded for all Insects.
No more poison can effects these insects. Even rats poison will not kill the animals. But they can attack back by putting back to your foods. Flyies also do the same. They will send back to your foods or water. All you wanted to killed will return back to you.
Dont worry public, these insects and animals only attack bad heart people.
They wont disturb good heart people. If you spot them at those food or water, meant it is contimadated.
So do not eat this at home.
Try to kill them, you get killed yourself...!!! That is their new upgraded amour. Will upgrade thier weapon soon.
Darkness is happy today. Treat them at 7pm today if you wish a good day tomorrow. Up to you guys.
Well this praying ceromony is for the Chinese people only.

The tweets.

Stone Cold said so.

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