Sunday, April 17, 2016

RTV Silicone Shade Story

This happen allot at Indonesia.

RTV Silicone is produce when steel and rubber connect with temperature change from hot to cold or vise versa. To make it more, reverse it faster. How? Add water to make it cooler. Wire is an item that produce RTV silicone. At a house, all electrical items installed on top of the house are the Rich man target. They will hired foreign workers especially Indon consructions workers to do this dirty jobs.   They will be paid to damages the house at many housing area. One by one, the whole roles of the house will be damaged. Leaking from the roof top. The leaking are well done job because all the spot are on top the electric items such as fan, light, aircond and more. This is to let the water drop on top of the wire and then produced the RTV silicone. See how bad this rich people are doing. Destroying people property at purpose to get this stupid cheap RTV silicones.
Not only that, the make leakage of pipe also so the RTV silicone will follow water flow into the drainage systems. Some of the drainage system actually been modified since we move in the house. The top part are about 4" to 6" that can be exchange anytimes when is full of black thick dirty things (is RTV silicone actually). This meant this rich people already know the exsist of this silicone.and they had been using the same tactic to build the house, flat, condo, shopping complex, and all building with the same drainage system. What is this all about? Stealing the goverment money. All natural mineral products belong to government. You rich Chinese Babi stole all this from our goverments.
That is the just the start of this story. They also make leakage and damage from the top of a house door side rail. After sometimes, the side.rails get empty inside. You can try to knock the door side rails and listen to the sound. I feel that 70% of the house at Malaysia are having this problems. Because this Cina Babi team very big. They can do many things with thier money. Now I am gonna teach this Babi eat shit. Now very hard to get him, because all job he ask people to do. Only can get the developer first. Because all the drainage system is same. You can see the top part is seperated. My house one is 4" pipe and is sticking allots of RTV silicone. I am sure all my neighbourhood house also the same. The Developer should know about this. Destroying people house to earn this dirty money.
Now the best part coming. They are doing the same dirty jobs at condominium and high office building. They will get to rent the highest or keep all the highest level house for thier own. They will make the leakage from the highest level until the bottom. The water drop will start at the same located area. Yes, the door side rails of each house at each level. Then the leakage on the wire pipe also as the wayaring from top to bottom are stay in one line or pipe. This is so dangerous for the occupants of the buildings. Windows rails also is thier main target. All the windows rails also is empty.
To collect the RTV silicone, they will put a old vehicle at the bottom carpark. RTV will stick on steel when the water drop on to it. So you will find many old dusty car at those carpark parking there for few months. When is full of RTV silicone, a tow truck will be use to tow away from the carpark to the factory production of silicones at (just few factory only at here). The whole building now is 50% structure that hold up only. It is consider EMERGENCY rate and might collapse anytimes. Eg. Bukit Antarabangsa condominium, building collapse or dissapear (termites will only destroy the inner part of a woods, the outer part will still mantained strong), those hakisan sungai or drain beside all the condominium (because the water leakage flow did not follow the drainage system) it leak out everyway and you can see the drain side is wet when there is no raining. The bottom soils already give way and the building is not balance at all. Is really a RED ALERT to check all this high building. Include KLCC and MKL. They do all this because of RTV Silicone. Is cheap, but is allots when they are bulk. Each day collection is over millions of bucks at Malaysia. Those all are goverment money. These Cina Babi stole from you. Did you know that?
This place are allots of RTV silicone :
High Building, Condominium, Stadium, Hall, Shopping Mall,
Hospital, Shoplot, terrace house, Factory,
Petrol Station, Car washing center, (anyplace that had many vehicle, windows, electrical post, roller or trolly, aluminium things) all produce RTV Silicone. Hey mastermind? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? I AM BIRDIE HERE. CAN MEET ME OR NOT?
The people killed on the collapsed building who responsible? Your life not enough to replace? Did you know that?
The damage building at whole Malaysia, you can repair? Or your team can repair all? My house only I repair 5 times, not even a year, it get leaking again. My condominium also, the wall paint peel off, rail emptied, wall crack, floor unbalance, (damansara perdana). I think all condominium there are facing this problems. All will got old car parking at bottom car park. All team up with developer to build the structure at the rails of windows and door without plaster so the water will drop slowly from top to bottom. You can see many finger prints of those bastard at the walls of the condominium. Those are RTV silicone. Black sticky odor natural silicone.
Cause so many flood because of purposely do filtering at the river to block the silicone. Block the water flow at drainage system. Cause the flood at PWTC and Sungai Wang. Cause all the hakisan sungai. They purposely throw rocks, wood, sand, rubbish to make a filter proses at drain or river.
The filter place the do mostly with marking so the foreigner workers will know where to collect each days. So clever the Dirty mind. My rats will tell you the place where the filter is place when you start your Operation Evil Panther.
Tips : Tong Sampah, Water Dispenser Machine, Gardener beside River, Hardware Shop beside river (selling sand & stone),
Is the police going to start the operation to capture this Cina Babi Team?
Not making and selling fake product to people but destroying all your properties also. More worst is the life that was killed. And those natural mineral is belong to Malaysia goverment to increase thier salary. If million bucks a day, how much per months? Those money i think more then the bribe and corruptions.
Save your people life first. Check all the building of leakage. All goverment bumbung bocor is thier stupid dirty jobs. Stadium runtuh. All are their Cina Babi jobs. Malukan saya saja.

Tweet the Bird

STONE COLD said so.

Sean Khor

P/s : share to Indonesia, Singapore & Thailand also. Because the country can produce the Best RTV silicone only.

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