Monday, April 11, 2016

Ketamakan / Greedy

Shade Story 6i

Got 2 option for you to choose. An option that you had to choose to betray someone or not. If you choose to betray, you will get something that is expensive or amount of cash or maybe a guarantee job at some where. It is an attractive offer and need allots of money to buy someone friends, relatives, neighbours, ex-company suppliers, foriegn workers and even the girl friends and all her relatives. Do you need to do something like this to a poor guy that didnt treated you for such a long times. Yes, he is very rich businessman and he had used allots of money to get prepare my menuscript. He had been watching me since I was.a little kids. Following and watching me grew up. Maybe he know about my supernatural power since I was a kids. And he was planning all this behind me. Well he also got a bigger supporter. Well you better watch out when going out for a walk or driving your car. You can pay money hired people to do dirty jobs on me, I can mind control animals to do the jobs for me. The most discusting and humilating is spying on me at my home, my condo, my girl friend house, maybe as well as my home at hometown and my ex-wife hometown. The telephone line is confirm hacked, my father handphone also.
Well long times ago when my sister was still living at my hometown with my parents. She was so scare most of the times telling me there is computer theves. Watching and seeing all she is doing. She complaints to me allots of times and I didnt beleive what she told me is real or false. She get disturb each times she online until she was so afraid and stop all her online internet jobs. The worst is she was scared, traumatised and then she suffer mental problems until now. This I am sure the same people are doing to me also now. What you did to my sister I will get her heal.

See who is powerful. Oh yeah, that is only 5% of little attacking. You should know better what is my Power and my Super Power.
I got the ability to produce anything I want. Hahaha! I can know what is your plan and who you hired. And for 35 days I didnt care about what you do but you keep using my girl friends to attack me, you think this is my weakness? Hello all uncles & King Black Panther Team, I did not disturb you all and you all want to disturb me? I going to help the poor people of Malaysia to gain back what they deserve. But you all will try everyday new things to get me trap or no way to run. Trying to get my girl friends to finished up my cash flow. Even trying to get my car petrol get less by asking her to ask me go here and there. Ask me for paying her mobile phone, she will never ask me all this before, because of you she now know how to request and wanted more money. You teach her the wrong attitudes, you spoilt her future by giving all those small little present or gift or some pocket money. But at your site you already start gaining from me all the side business after you had published my story thru 50 Shades of Grey since 2010. You already gained so much money and even develop and built few shopping mall, condominium, office lot, shoplot, banglo, and even the whole garden projects. Started business, productions at China, Online selling, Online Trading, Production at locally and many one stop center shop. Can be say all the shopping complex you built are my living concepts.
ost individual will choose the higher. I can say 90% of my contact saved on my previous 2 simcard are all involved of this multi trilion project. And that is not included those from my girl friend side, my neighbourhood and the foreign workers.

To make matter worst, you all are the cause of my issue with my girl friends. This is all you did it out. Still trying to contact my brother and parents bullshit about me. Want to influent them to catch me to physiatric hospital. I am sure the doctor you wanted me to visit also taken your money. The doctor that you ask my girlfriend send to my father. Well planned dirty job. Let's see the doctor knowledge are better or I am better before you all want to team up to catch me. Laws in Malaysia, no people can just catch someone if he is normal and not disturbing the public or "mengamuk". You can pay the whole shopping complex staff to treat me like an IS people. Giving stupid information to those shop owner. Planned like I am going to do something stupid. Then I am sorry, my heart is warm, not like you, cold hearted. Yes, I took many photos and video on that day also. Lucky my team was there together with me. So I am not affraid if anything happen. You got so many reporter already start capturing secretly, where I go, even at Shell petrol station you also can do. Everyday at my neighbourhood, watching over me. Watch the watcher before you do somethings. I can say we all are now worldwide leading news.
Happy Birthday everyone. I told you from the first day. Two person only I want. The masterminds, then the leader involve in corruption and bribery, the police involved, the JKR, the Telekom, The lawyers that suddenly so many lawyers letter was issued to me but I didnt receive -, The postman, The stupid saman with capturex photos at parking lot but stated running 161kmh at NKVE highways (cleary can see the driver is not me - my friend) and passenger is being coloured (cant see) but sure got original copy right. Dont delete anything JPJ.
One last times, how you want to solve this issue with me? I dont want your dirt money or your gift? Thank you and terima kasih I say first. Can you do something about the mastermind and leaders. I know you all can advise them. We take action only for the masterminds and leader. Same as the Pink Panther project of multimillion theft, the masterminds only responsible. Those hired or workers are just doing thier jobs. Or you want this news to send to the World? The world will be very interesting to know about this story. And they also will solve many mystery cases.

Tuan tuan & puan puan, I still got next job to research. Dont waste more times to get me. Your plant for the movie mummy?
Do you see mummy before? You want I rise them up to find you? You ask the dogs, the dog will tell you who I am. The crow also can tell you.

Or you check Saudi Arabia research team about the petroluem they got any problems or issue? The petroluem is leaking and coming to Malaysia. Go and ask them to check how long or how many stock is left on thier Earth?
Or you want see Sungai Buloh rain ice for the third times?
Ask Nasa to check the galaxy got extra 4 planets now. I name it Green, Bleu, forgot the 2 planets. Or those got power of GOD come my house and see how many GODs are in my house and outside my house. Is full house. No place to sit, they still want at here standing. When I say Oh my God.
Malay, Chinese, Indian, Christian, Thai, Darkness, all is here. You all are welcome! But dont pray at me when you come, because I am human too. You can pray at what god you praying.

Dont think is a jokes please. How I know about Nabi Muhammad when I dont even know. But suddenly I know all his way, how to wash face, hand & leg before praying. Yes, I know. Three times  each part. Right?

So I am here to balance the eco systems. Not only the jungle, everything from Politic to Job, people, all the country in this World I need to make it balance. As you can see why is Malaysia the first place I need to solve. Because Malaysia is the starting point of the Global crisis. Can you solve IS problems? I can solve. The pirates? I can solve. China? I can solve. The bombing everyway? I can solve.
But dont know why you all keep stopping me to do something that benefit everyone? You want job, I create more things for you. You want money, I create more business for you. You wan special plants or animals, I also can create for you. But you can take care of them or not? Even a hungry dog you also want to make him dissapear, where is your heart anyway? Dogs never simply bite people, they only bite people that disturb them. Bird never simply tweet, they tweet when they see you or knowing you are beside.
Same to cat that miow. Plants also not simply will grew? Each plants that grew rarely at a place is a signal of somethings. Even you pluck it off or chop, they will regrew again at the place. Each plants got each meaning. Wait scientis to break the code. Not all I need to give. Then everyone no need to work, sitting at home wait money drop. Explore your minds with something different to achieve greater success then getting so much money but doing nothings for the public. Only wanted to cheat them more esspecially the poor peoples. Please teach your kids what is Moral also. You got the times, you dont teach now, when they grew up, they do the same. Like father like son.
The really in my mind I wanted is Stop Slavery. And giving the ladies to incharge the family financial. If not guys will simply flirt it out. When girl flirts, they never go over the limits, when guys flirts they double up the limits when they are super rich. Guys mind only got two suiz, on or off. But girls got multi purpose suiz, on off stabilizer, volume up & down, etc. I am guys also, I flirt also without limit, I admit that. If can let a girl to control me, you also can do the same.

I am tired to tok 1, tok 2, tok 3, tok 4 & tok cock. Release Banglasia then you will know more. Go support Banglasia at "starterkick". I know the story already.
A true meaningful story all Malaysian must watch.

So what you want to know? Your future? Dont ask me, you create your own future. Just believe fung sui is the master of elemental of your life. Change it if you feel your fung sui is bad. You lost no money when you change. No need hire any master unless you are rich to spend those money. When you got the right fung sui at your home. Everything will come your way. Even moving a small pieces of rock can change allots of things. Or adding more water, woods, Metal, fire, air and Earth / GEM this year. Then is colour matching, number matching, and so on. Want to know more. Wait my free publish book soon. And is free of charges.
Return as donation to Zoo Negara Malaysia. That is under me... smile. Then I will donate to all charity, old folks home, etc equally. Other donations to temple you may give from your heart.
For school hope the goverment help equally to Chinese & Indian school also, not just SRJK or SMJK, Mara, etc. All local education should receive fair treatment. Because children grew up they will work for you, if you no help them now, how you want they to help you after graduate.

Aiks! Just wait if my wish come true after STRIP the masterminds. If not talk so much he will just do reverse type. Only the rakyat can do. But now goverment can sue rakyat pulak. Then how the rakyat can do anythings? No idea right.
The King only. Hope the king can rules and take action. So rakyat must beg the King first. Dont go fight goverment, you get sue. Find the King for Help. Any complaint go for the Kings. You had no choice, he set the rules Goverment can sue rakyat. That is an insider job again.

Well, wish one day me and the masterminds can drink coffee together. Chit chat and become friends.
Insya Allah.

Awaiting thier money to built the World Zoo & State of Gods at Sungai Buloh. Is a perfect place. Start from Kuala Selangor to Genting Highland (kumanthong palace - world most kumanthong spirit) ask Genting owner if you dont beleive.
That is what I dont like to go genting, i will hear all calling me Daddy. So if you bring Kumanthong together with you, you will never win his money. Sure lost, maybe bankcrupt but dont jump, plant pandan now. Your pandan spirit can take care with kumanthong babies. Pandan is ladies spirit. Go try your luck with pandan leaf. That is my tips. Then he will find another way in future.

Tian chua, what is your wish? Just call me better. Dont beleive massage?  You got my hp? 0143333301.
Technology, medical, business, fung sui, art & design, research & development, or anythings is good only.
Free of charges also.

Dont tell me you infected Zika also?

I dont know. The virus only will know.

The bird tweet.

Have a wonderful day everyone one.

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