Sunday, April 10, 2016

Malaysia Terkini 3ii

Shade story of Tobacco.

Is stated on the box of the cigarate pack that this product contain 4000 chemical that is dangerous for people health.
Can you list out all 4000 of these chemical? Are you talking or trying to do something about it? I have no idea at all. Can anyone explain to me the 4000 chemicals or maybe just 100 enough what chemicals can be found in tobacco?
I can find organic stuff, but I cannot find any chemical stuff.
Part 2.
Stated with photo also printed on the box. There are five different box. These are "smoking cause
1. Tongue cancer
2. Mouth cancer
3. Leg gangrene
4. Neck cancer
5. Women miscarraige
Is this all really the cause of smoking? Is there any information or test is done (verification) smoking is the caused?
If you know the cause then you should know the cure, am I right? Then where is the curing for cancer, please?
Dont tell me you put kimo to all cancer patience and let them suffer? Losing their hair and not even can taste water. This is all you are doing to help or cause patience  more trouble? You are not helping them, you are making them more serious. Is like putting a time bomb on them. So you better check and research first what I say.
For your information from what I know, smoking tobacco is a healing for all cancer patience and is a precaution for cancer.
Well I dont know how you need to tell the public about this? Or you can just let me publish my blog to the public so you can get a better clearance about smoking. Or you get the rakyat to STRIP the ministry of waxing. I give you that make this breakthrough to the world. You get the honour from all around the world. Is that a deal?

Anyway, smoking tabacco is cancer curing.

But it is different for cigar.

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