Monday, April 18, 2016

Medical Purpose Misai Kucing

Shade Storey 11i

I first came across the benefits of Misai Kucing at an exhibition put up by a College of Traditional Chinese Medicine [TCM]. Having noticed the plant growing in parks and home gardens, I asked one of the staff its medicinal uses.

“This plant can clean your kidney and bladder,” replied the staff, “for centuries people took it to remove kidney stones.”

My father suffered from gout and kidney stones. Therefore, I decided to buy a potted plant.

“how do I take this herb?” I inquired.

“Just add boiling water to the leaves,” replied the man, “in the West they call the drink ‘Java tea’. ”

Researchers became interested in Misai Kucing at the beginning of the twentieth century when it was introduced into Europe as an herbal tea. The tea was used as a blood purifier.

Pharmaceutical research on Misai Kucing had begun since 1970’s in Germany and USA on essential oil of Orthosiphon stamineus [Misai Kucing] as well as Active Chemicals in the plant and their benefits for health.

In Malaysia, research institutes such as the Institute of Medical Research and the Kuala Lumpur Hospital of the Malaysian Health Ministry are participating actively in conducting clinical study to verify the efficacy of Misai Kucing in treating kidney stone disease. The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia contributes to the scientific research and development of Misai Kucing by conducting the extraction, quality control, standardization, pharmacological in addition, formulation research

What is Misai Kucing?

Misai Kucing or Misai Kuching (Orthosiphon stamineus) is a medicinal herb found mainly throughout South East Asia and tropical Australia. The plant is a herbaceous shrub, with a unique flower. The flowers have fine filaments that resembles cat's whiskers- hence its Malay name, Misai Kuching [Cat’s whiskers]. Its other names are Kumis Kucing and Java Tea.

In the wild, the plant can be seen growing at fringes of the jungle, in wastelands and along roadsides. It can grow to a height of 1.5 meters.

What is it used for?

Misai Kucing had been used for centuries in Malaysia and Indonesia for treating ailments of the kidney and bladder stone. it has a combination of properties that makes it effective for treating these conditions.


It has a long history of use as a safe and effective herbal diuretic, so it is very useful for flushing the kidneys and urinary tract. It also relieves spasms of the smooth muscle in the walls of the internal organs, making it valuable for gallbladder problems.


If you have urinary tract infections [whether due to fungal or bacterial causes], drink Misai Kucing [Java] tea to treat the condition.


Rheumatism and gout are the bane of many elderly in this modern age due to increased meat/protein consumption and a sedentary life. These conditions involve a build-up of acid and metabolic wastes within the muscles and joints. This leads to reduced circulation around joint which results in painful swelling in addition, in time may lead to joint destruction.


Remedy for blood vessels and circulatory problems


Misai Kucing can reduce swelling. Research showed that it has anti-inflammatory agents that are not steroids. It is also believed to enhance the functioning of the immune system and reproductive system.

All of the above properties make Misai Kucing suitable for treatment of chronic arthritic conditions and certain soft tissue disorders associated with pain and inflammation.


Mr. Tan was introduced to the benefits of drinking Java tea by friends after he developed diabetes. Initially he was skeptical. According to Mr. Tan, he noticed his blood sugar level dropped after consuming the tea for several weeks. He said, "I'm not claiming that the tea can cure diabetes. This is nonsense. The message I'm trying to deliver is that, from my personal experience, Misai Kucing does clean our body of toxins and help stabilize a diabetic's sugar levels.”


The herb inhibits blood platelet from sticking together. It is also used to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.

A study by Fukuyama University in Japan showed that extracts of Misai Kucing given to lab rats can lower blood pressure. It also has active substances that can reduce and prevent heart diseases and disorders.

Misai Kucing has powerful hemolytics. When injected into the blood stream, it is able to dissolve red blood cells at even extreme dilutions.


Can protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals; provide a source of vitamin A,

in addition to the above properties, Misai Kucing also has other capabilities that require further research and clinical trials:

Prevents or reduces cancer [when cancerous lab rats were treated with Misai Kucing, it was found that it slowed tumor development both in early and late stages of growth with no apparent side effects. ]Involved with growth & tissue repair.Anti-HIV and anti-malarialAntistressAntiulcerAnti-acneMisai Kucing products

Misai Kuching is used in many of the formulations of products where safe diuretic action is required such as detoxification, water retention, hypertension, weight loss and for kidney stones. The products appear in form of tablets, capsules, tea sachets , drinks, raw herbs, dried leaves or extracts.

- See more at:

Malay :
Nama pokok ini ialah Pokok misai kucing. Macam mana boleh diberikan nama tu mungkin dari bunganya yang banyak sesungut macam misai kucing. Nama saintifiknya ORthosiphon stamineus.Hidup subur di rumah saya ttp bila dialihkan dia mati.. jadi biarlah dia di situ. Selama hari ni saya buang shj daunnya bila merimbun, lepas ni bolehlah dikeringkan ttp rasanya saya tak boleh minum teh daun misai kucing sebab saya kurang gula dalam badan dan tekanan darah saya rendah.

Dikatakan pokok ini mempunyai ciri2 anti alahan, mengurangan tekanan darah, antiperadangan dan melawaskan air kencing.Ia juga boleh mengubati sakit buah pinggang yg belum sampai peringkat serius.Jika digunakan sebagai ubat batu karang resipinya adalah segenggam daun misai kucing,7 pokok dukung anak,10 helai daun ngokilo,10 hirisan temulawak dan 4 butir jagung muda. Rebus dgn 4 gelas air hingga mendidih. Minum air rebusan itu untuk satu hari. 

Daun Misai Kucing tersusun dalam pasangan yang bertentangan. Daun Misai Kucing berwarna hijau, berbentuk tirus di hujung dan tepi daun berjereja. Tangkai daun pendek, berukuran 0.3 cm panjang dan berwarna ungu-kemerahan. Batang pokok Misai Kucing berbentuk empat segi, berwarna kemerahan, tumbuh tegak dan bercabang-cabang.

untuk mengurangkan penyakit kencing manis,jemur segenggam dun misai kucing. Bila kering rebus dengan 3 gelas air sehingga jadi segelas. Minum beberapa kali sehingga habis. Boleh juga kisar akar dan batang pokok misai kucing dengan sedikit air. Tapis dan campur dengan air suam dan minum perlahan2.

Bagi merawat darah tinggi pula ambil 2-3 helai daum misai kucing dan rendam dalam segelas air panas. Biarkan suam dan minum . Amalkan.

sumber:Majalah agromedia bil15.

ps: daun ngokilo tu apa benda palak..???

Tweet the Birds

Stone Cold said so.

Sean Khor
Master of 6 Elements Exchange

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