Monday, April 18, 2016

My Love Story

Shade (me) who is dating with a girl named Huney (Alison). It was Shade second times together with her. They we couple when Shade was only 13 years old that times. She was the second girlfriend Shade meet.
Before that, Shade first love was a girl name Lily (wy) when he was just started his seconndary school. They become couple just a day they meet. Is was just a click and then they become couple. After few months together. Things was not getting the way should be. The girl was upset because Shade is too friendly with other girls.
After a week broken up, Shade were introduce to Huney by his best friend Alex (CK). CK was courting Huney sister and later knew that she got a pretty younger sister. Then he ask Shade do you want to know her. Since I was already single, I said Yes! Then he plan an outing to a nearby waterfall together

her second timeust broken with his girlfriend. They we dating for only 9 months. first meet Anna when he was just started work at Sungai Buloh. He

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