Sunday, April 17, 2016


It is rude when you talk on the phone while people are sleeping. You can always walk away to talk. It is more rude when is purposely done.

My mama teach me before you do something, think first the benefit of your things, also the bad things of it if misuse and the solutions after that.

When you apologizes for something. You must 1st say I am SORRY, 2nd I will not repeat and  3rd (most of people never do the 3rd step) DO IT RIGHT back.

All my Innovation are FREE to all people of the World to gain benefits and share together. Some people abuse what I give for own benefits only. So I always had a solutions for what I offered.

Dont be smart with my unitech to built a runaway starship for yourself only. Your over smart plan will not success. The reLEAF Green Technology got a problems to if not handle properly. Well, it will produce a scientific virus too. This is to handle for those people that trying to abuse my technology. Got that! Whatever my gift will always a solutions for those who misuse it. This we GODS learn from the pass. How many was sacrified because of human? How many was humilated by human? How many was played by human? Now they created a Special Extreme GOD to you. YES, that is me Sean Khor Yan Guan. Born on 17th May 1979 (my times is special), and my date in Chinese calander or others are special to (check it yourself). And why i am Taurus in Zodiac Sign. I start absorb the GOD power since 17 years olds.
Today I got almost all the GOD power from the Galaxy. That is why I am here, Cina Babi again. I never learn Chinese at all during my school day. The first day I entered the class for chinese subject, not more then 5 minutes I walked out the class and went back home straight.
And tell my parents I dont like Chinese subjects, I like Malay Subjects. And I get my permission to study all at SRK and SRJK Saint Anthony school. Jesus was there. And opposite and behind is Methodist and Convent school. While just beside is a graveyard that I played and hangout place. Go and check my background of studying and the location my school, my class and my seat also. Under my name KHOR YAN GUAN. Top Students too. But top at skipping class. Hahaha! For a good reason I do that. To take care the darkness from disturbing the students study. If not me, who else can control so many spirits at all the 4 schools. Well atleast I do a good job to help all the students that pass in flying colour. That is call sacrified dude.
What about your sacrified meant to the people beside you? Or you are pushing them to hell? Yes, you doing that, they were stupid to do the jobs for you and then they get punishments when caught. And you just smile and get away.
What a dirty minded human.
Let the animals teach you first. Started with insects, rats, cats, dogs, monkey, tiger, elephants... so on.
Virus already planned 2 years ago.
Darkness just awaiting the Undertaker permissions.
Gods is watching live drama.
The title of this drama I name it
"Infinity Identity 92j" well... interesting! Produce & publishing for everyone soon. Remember is my copyrights.
Also GoGreen, SaveEarth & StopSlavery and Helping the Poor Peoples
That is my target and destiny why I am here. Ops, reminder, I am here not because of LOVE dude, I go for HELP.
Then LOVE will follow me. And so with Health and Wealth later. If you choose Wealth first, last is HELP you need. Dickass dude. So never in life you choose money first. That is the wrong Step to walk in your path. Always is HELP first.
You will see the Animals doing it. They now will not bully the small animals anymore, they will protect thems. Dogs protect cats, cats protect rats and rats protect the insects. So when are human going to do this? Boss protect the workers? He dare or not? He push them to hell only.
SUN MADness... No Solar meant no money for you. Productions no running meant losses incure. No winds no, no heat, slow water flow... no RTV silicone, ... how you generate Energy?

Is your big business earning money or sure losing money?

And T&B is still billing me for what I am giving to him? What a funny story. Is my GIFT for him, he charge me for the GIFT pulak? Tak masuk akal pun.
Like this Prince give gift, the receiver need to charge him back. Fair play like this.
Uno games. I order Wantan mee, when the food serve to me, the owner still need to pay me money for what I order... hahaha. Same shade story lar.
You want earn money, please you earn those rich people doing business money. Dont earn those poor people money. They are only workers earning few thousand for living and take care the whole family. And dont earn students money as they are educated and grown up to help you back. You should support them since young. Not try to earn the student's parent money. Dont tell me all Elements generated money is not enough to cover all the expenses? Unless you eat all yourself and share with your friends only. Those all are free Energy Power to share with all people at Malaysia. Not to the rich people only. And you still charging the poor people money? Tak betul macam ini.
Runtuh lah. Bawah tak support pun. Atas berat sangat. Pyramid tak boleh kuat macam ini. Kena bawah kuat, baru saja boleh naik atas langit. Tengok lah lukisan di Eygyp, lukisan apa maksud. Bukan sengaja diukir, cerita disebaliknya. Scientis play research again and get the meaning right. Is not meant all the people work for the Kings, it meant they support the Kings after getting good benefits. The true shade story.
Yes, I got one real hidden mummy at my home too. Small about 2ft long. Is at my BRP home. The Mummy at Malaysia.
Beleive it or not, Ripleys said so.
The Tiger eyes also with me.
Ok. Show you later I snap a photo.

Makan times,
Here come all the Leader, Malay, English, India, Chinese, Singh, AliBaba and ETC.
So they look at each other first, they guess and think who will be the first to sit down and eat. So they plan to vote. The person with most vote get the first place to eat first. OMG, is this the right way to vote for something? Why not all at the same times sit down together and eat together instead wasting the times to vote who is first and who is last? This is a moral lesson too. Those which are late is thier problems, times given to everyone, reach the times all sit together and eat.
All can share and hangout. Even chit chat after that. This is called the real harmony. Not doing things or vote base on the skin and cultures. If GODS can mix, why not human? Animals already doing that.

Jangan makan sendiri, makan sama-sama. Tak payah susah nak explain bagi reporter ini lah, itu lah, dia lah,... share saja apa yang ada, apa yang sudah dapat dan apa yang akan dapat. U tak rugi apa apa pun, sebab semua itu Free Gift. Lepas itu you boleh jadi HERO atau ICON Malaysia. Lagi baik kan. Nama pun cantik, rakyat pun suka, Malaysia pun terkenal.
The best herioc leader of the century.
The Award is waiting to give you if you act now.

BRIM pun boleh continue derma wang lebih, cover hutang hutang, settle inner problems, rakyat pun Happy.
Saya baru dapat RM250 dua bulan lepas. Alamak! Sikit saja bagi. Buat Malu lah.
Lebih banyak you bagi, lebih maruah you dapat. Then lebih banyak I bagi you balik.
Ini circle. You tak rugi ikut saya, mesti untung gao gao! Ong i pun boleh bagi. Economy pun boleh naik. Guarantee.
Itu sebab saya disini.
No more poor people at Malaysia in future. Japan pun kita menang. RM mesti naik. Just solve all the latest issue and stop all those fake news and media report to the fans. Just announce what you plan now to donate and raise those salary to the Goverment Workers.
And help all healing and curing ASAP before too many infected.

Use all those times to develop and innovation for our own people first. Not taking to China. That is what those CINA BABI here are doing. Check those factory then you know. Promote own brand but other country signature. Suppose all is Malaysia innovations especially on beauty, cosmetic, skin, hair, nail. Not Italy or France or Switzerland. And perfume also is Malaysia. Shoes also. Like Jimmy Choo. All brand is Malaysia the best but they promoted to help other country!!! Set up a government lab laboratory for facial and bedding test control. Issued own certificate. Get all goverment approval and lisence first. Register Malaysia brand trademark. Then only allow them to start production at Malaysia and marketing.
Is a worldwide business for beauty and bedding because is everyday used products. All Innovation, Research and Development I will give FREE consultant.
No charges.

Must stop all the Online Trade business. The killer of the peoples. Nothing is easy money. This is the evil jackpot they earn money. Some App with over 1 millions user. If one person had 1000bucks only, meant is 1 Trillions the got each year they reduce the productions. Because the controlling them. And hit the double jackpot if the famous ambassor happen somethings bad. Triple the jackpot is the famous people commit suicied or accidents is done purposely.

For Medical also. Cancer, AIDS and Dengue. All sort of mysterious sickness.
Get a website for me or link my blogs. Transparent to all the world. With Malaysia logo. GOGreen, Save Earth and Stop Slavery. Help the poor peoples.

Signature is : Infinity Identity 92j

Is that OK?

Please teach your kids this little moral.

Tweet the bird.

Stone cold said so.

Sean Khor

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