Friday, April 15, 2016


Shade Story no. 6iii

Why Slavery happen everyway?
Who play the games?
Who is Master and Who is Slave?
How we save Slave?
How we control the Master?

By sticking it "#No Slavery" will not stop this from doing. Because those people are very rich and they want this kind of satisfications that they cannot get in home. That is why I need to solve the family problems first for them. To get all this kind of kinky and fetish with her love one. And the slave all mostly came from poor people or those staying at rural area without a well education offered to them. Most of them are from poor country. They came to a country hoping to get a better income jobs. They were unaware that they are going into this syndicate that running this business. Earning back thier hard earn money.
I was in this research for over 3 years in my life. No support from anyone. Spending all my money just to get all informations. Learning all the tactic they use to cheat these poor little girl. Yes, all I did this is for the poor peoples that dont know they are being cheat for so many things. Until thier own daughter being the target of rich people. OMG, is this the balance life between rich and poor? Sure is not fair at all. How can rich people play on poor people daughters for his satisfication and pleasure? That is totally insane. You can go into the games if the girls are willing to offer you thier body or service. But I know most of them are not willing to do so, is because of thier poor enviroment, some had no choice some are being force to do so.
Eg. The girls was told by her friend that here got good income oppotunity. The friend lie because she/he is paid very high for each girl that came here as a commisions. Because of money, she betray her friends. She will try so many way to lure these girls here. Telling them bullshit story such as working at restaurant, shop workers, as factory workers, or other good jobs with good income. These poor girls will feel happy to hear these story and greedy is one cause they get cheated into slavery.
They will an offer to them first with everything the boss will help to buy first. The cloths, bag, even a tissue, ticket, everythings they will give money to the friend to help them buy. What is worst, after that they will charges them back with higher price (a tissue is 10 buck - OMG) a flight ticket is 3000buck, a shirt is 100 bucks, a meal is 50 buck, and so on. Once the arrive here they already owe the boss a large sum of money. How can they return back this money? Hostel and meal each day 100 buck. Driver 50 buck. Guard 50 buck. Office 50 buck. One day expenses is over 300 buck. Can they survive in this way? What job they can do that give them so much money? There is no choice for them to sell thier body and service to the boss customer. They are few escort company with the same BBM. Same tactic with political they are using. But this is underworld business only. I think this business are more profitable then the open listed company business. Maybe twice or triple the profit then Apple or Microsoft. Break the code... AMEN.
This business also related to many Goverment department to get thier visa and release upon captured. Handle with most middle men between the boss and the incharge person. With runner doing thier passport without them going to the place also. The runner will just get thier passport from office and do the jobs only. The girls had no change to runaway. After doing all this, they will charge again the girls with high price. Earning back thier hard earn money. They need 2 to 3 years working as service girls to get the money return back. So this meant they earn nothing from start to end, all just need to return back to the boss. They will get earning after all debts are settle.
The price for each girls are between 130b to 300b for one shot 45min to 1 hour. 200b to 500b for 2 shot 2 hours and over night service (3 shot) for 250b to 600b 6 hours to 8 hours. Service to Genting Highland will had extended 2 hour travel trip for customers also.

They operate this service with separate part. Office, place the girls work, hostel, waiting place, driver on call & makan place. This to avoid the police easily.
If police want to help discover all these place. The animals will help you. Follow the rats, crows, ants and crocroach. They are at those place already. My investigator free for you. Which shop, which stall, which office, they are there everyday.
They increase population very fast now. Pest control no more effect thier habitats. Or you want to wait more species to come first. I send Alien and Predator then only you want to start working. You do now, sure you will be the best police award from the worlds. You know why is Malaysia. You will know when you break the code.

Some high class escort are more expensive and can be happen at 5 stars hotels for the rich and famous.
With more exotic games supply for the customer by those unwilling girls.
These girls stay at well guarded place with hitech survilience. Normal people will not have the chance to go in these place. You will get to bash up if they found you sneak into the big place. Well, I did get my pass to go in, you know how? Because I am his biggest customer that fork out all my money for this research also.

These girls will keep changing working from one place to another place. So the customers always think that new girl arrive. But actually they came from another club to another club only. When they were capture by police. They need just need to stay for 7 days actually. But they dont know and was scare. Even need to deduct thier money for the release done between the middle man and person incharge. The release actualy a thousand, but they were charge double the price. If got 20 girls, the boss also earn the money when they get capture. What the shit! I am selling my body to earn money for you, when I get capture, you get me release and I still need pay you more money? What is this business about? Earning your worker money? If they are smart, they can actually complaint to police that they are being force to do, then the boss is in big troubles. And they can be release and treated very goods as a witness of the case in future. They can be place or stay at better wellfare with free meal also until the case is done. But all these girl dont know the law and nobody try to help them. Lawyer should be place at police station for the free consultation to them or public at anytimes. So everyone will know thier rights. That is transparency.
That is lawyer job to consult them or public that dont know any laws.

Pity for them need to stay at the cell for many days, money deducted, and still need to continue the jobs.
Got more bad boss also will arrange to capture his own workers and earn thier money. Some happen at Pub, Massage, etc. Is this how rich people get more rich?
Zika virus teach them a lesson. All I want from this bad boss.
Wu lui bo lan yong! Hokkien words.
That because you are to much over. No heart. Mostly Cina Babi.

Stop SLAVERY. Do properly and dont cheat these girls. Deduct what is paid only, no mark up price. You can earn a better way then doing this bad way.
They should get higher paid then you because the are selling thier body and service. You can only earn commision from them. Reverse! Maybe your business will get better with thier perfect service. Service will naturally better then those by force. If luxury income, girls will come to you, you dont need to search so hard or offer higher paid to people to look for more girls that dont know about it.
They are all my ladies.

See the craziest thing I will do. If I play a games, I play it all. And I like those challenging games.
That is what I am.

Tweet the birds

Lord of Universe

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