Friday, April 15, 2016

Little Karma for Theft

Shade Story 6iii

Hi everybody, the bird is tweeting again.
He found out almost everything in his life being taken away and published, produce, making huge profit of it. So how to get back all his things that he invented?
The true is, why a witch came for me also. She give me her special power of making spells. That is great, GODS cannot do that. But witch can. Wow, and her special stick for me. This stick is so priceless for me. With this stick, I just write it on my books or blog or draw or now even speaking only then the spell is on.
So how do I get back all my deserve things. I make a spell to them who steal my innovation, technology, research, development, Art & design, stories and all other things related on me to gain profits, then you or your family member will fall sick naturally and terible. No medical can cure this sickness. The only healing if come to me and pray my GODS at my home. Apologizes to all the GODS what you had done. And return all back to the Lord of GODS. He will consider how much to return back to you.
Healing need times to cure for this sickness. GOD gift are to all the people in the world. It cannot be taken for own purpose use only and gain for yourself. Selffish human.
Let the GOD teach him or her the lesson today. With the help of superior Witch. Hahaha... the witch laugh!!! And the GOD smile... the LORD had done another right decission. The LORD will donate it to the people of Malaysia when receive.
I am not a greedy selfish people like you all.

Tweet the BIRD.

Stone Cold said so.

The Lord of Universe
Ft Evil Witch

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