Sunday, May 8, 2016


Why do you have good eye-sight and clear vision in this life?
Because you offered light to dispel darkness in temples and public places.

Why do you have long-life in this birth?
Because you have set free cagebirds and animals and established sanctuaries for animals where they are totally free.

Why do some people become bald-headed when they still young?
Because they plucked the feathers of helpless birds, thereby making it difficult for them to fly. (Check your next life)

Why do some children die while they are still young?
Because they destroyed birds and animals for fun in thier previous lives.
(Check out this lives)

Why do some people live happy long years with both theirs parents?
This is simply because in previous life they did not disrupt the families of birds and animals, when they were young.

Why do some hisband and wives live happily together while some couples fight with one another?
Because these happy couples have lived together for many births practicing meritorious deeds together.

What has made you more intelligent and wiser than many others in life?
Because you helped monks, religious person and scholars to spread the Words of Buddha, Allah, Jesus and Ganesha of his moral teachings.

What is the reason for one to be born dont need to work but with so much wealth?
Because he has practiced charity in his previous life and shared what he had with those in need.

Why do you have a Superpower?
Because he help Gods in his whole life with no favor request. He did in all his life.

Many more... about how you treat birds. Will publish the books too. The rewards and the cause of treating a bird.
Check googles what is bird for Gods.
It will surprise you.
They can track you
They can be a postman
They can talk
They can do anything but human cannot. Fly you cannot. Think, they are smarter then human. Did you know? Discovery already proove that birds are smarter then human. Gods created birds smarter then human. But get bullied by human. Sure the Gods angry also. Not the house dirty only.

Birds only need to fly freedom, eat and make the world. Have you seen a bird working? 

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe

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