Sunday, May 8, 2016

God's Wish

The God's Wish is simple

He want me to let everyone know all Gods are real and exist.
So I had to menuscript all the Gods stories. The spirits story.
The Fairy tales story.
The Superhero story, The Ultraman story,
All into one book. This book is my blog.
You will see all these Gods story with Angel, Santa Clause, Fairy Tales, Kuman Thongs, Allah, Ganesha, Jesus, Zeus, The Mummy, Monkey God, Buddha, Batman, Superman, Cicakman, all into one Books.
That the Gods wish for me to do over 20 years ago. And I need over 20 years for this books. And all actually the Gods told me what is next and what is after. If I do this, that will happen, if I choose this, this.will happen. All with both question and answer for me. They open the book for me to choose what to do. 😆😆😆
I can read the Good Book you know. And is really me that connect Alien to Earth. Because I already know that. And stone is the connector at my house. So what will happen after connections. We will help the Aliens with no favor. What kinds of help? How human do experiment on animals. Human will be the Animals for Aliens. Same as human treat animals. Then what benefits to human is same the 1animals benefits from human. You treat the animals this way, so aliens treat you the same way. Gods did not want to punish, but he return the same things you do only. So is balance. Do you agree?
If Gods want to punish, you think you still at here? Not Gods only, even a Spirit only is powerful enough to tweet you.
And you dont think an Atomix Nuclear can explode as planned. You get Bomb yourself first before you Bomb Kuala Lumpur. That Karma is from me to you. But if accidently I pressed the number, then I meet you at Heaven first before send you to Hell. Yes, to you The Mastermind and the Cyber Criminals.

Your empire is going down if you did not do what I say earlier. And I do because I know next. That is my ability you dont have. Same as you, no need to do, just hired peoples. I do the same, but not hired but is willingness the Spirit help me. Anything, anything also can.
Still not enough of your money and properties? Still want more? You cannot finish all your money even you stop everything and enjoy life. Why still want doing it and give peoples chance to get you? And later cause all peoples around me troubles. Ofcourse I know you no problems, because you did not do anythings. And peoples just do for you. When something happen, the person gone missing. Then who get troubles, all those stupid followers still doing stupids things. Putting knife and pointing peoples. You come my home, I got magic compass to show you. This one is natural compass and 99.9 accuracy. It is place at my Living room. Just write a name on a pieces of paper, then put it on top water. You got the answer if it sink, meant he is. If the paper flooting, then he is not involved. This is the power of Water Element can do. Learn the power of Elements God's creation. Not learn to play on human, stupid human. Make me laugh at you only for making the fool of yourself. Why need lawyer when natural things can do?
What are those 5 elements power? Research this you find more money.
Each Elements The Gods created will have one super power. Everything of Gods creations will got power. Why the Egypt peoples can connect Aliens, but modern peoples cannot? And is draw out so easily to read. I just read one times I know what that mean. How come until now nobody can get the answer? If read from left to right no meaning, try right to left. Or up and down. 4 ways of reading only. Is that so hard for sign reading? You can make so many imoticon, you see then you know the mean. But this one you cannot read or you dont want to read? 😅😆😉☺😊 this icon you know? Those art you dont know?
Come on, take all the "batu nisan for me" or email to me. Let me read for you FREE of charge. No need hired expert or PRO. Those are really the Natural Technology I want to learn. Really. Before we got this Technology, they created the Natural Technology before it slowly forgoten by human because of less "Sharing" habit. Just care for himself, dont like to share at all. I am differents, I share it out. But those who got it dont want to share, then it stop there. Keep for themself only. I wonder why since it is free, why you dont share it? And you want to earn more money from it.
Learn the sign is very interesting.
Learn the symbol is very interesting.
Learn the sound is very interesting.
Miao, wo wo, ji ji, ze ze, ku ku, all got meaning. If you got it, then you can communicate with animals. If not 100%, 50% then atleast you know what they want to say. Record it - convert it - expand it - reverse it, you got the code. The sound code. Researcher, your job please do it.
The Sound Professor.
Then fish, the sign of fish. Not one fish. You get more fish is easy for you to learn thier signal. The easy way to learn fish signal is at Fish Shop. How they swim? What meant the swim to the left? What meant the swim to the right. Each spot the stay at. Top front left, back middle right, up middle... each place tell you what they want. Why all swim down, why all swim up, why all died, they are telling you somethings. Same as fish at ocean. If you cannot read the fish at a aquarium or pond, how you do research on Ocean?
All animals got the powers, each with special power, is for you to treasure, not the money only. There are so manythings on earth for you to treasure with each organisism and plants had a supernatural power. Not Uranium only. Uranium for me is just a stupid rock with energy. Go and find a miracle stone then wasting everyone just know Uranium only. Stone can be a broadband. Stone can connect Spirits, then is sure can connect wifi. Right. Dont say cannot if you not even try it. Break the code. Dont ask me to break all the code, then I just take Gods book and you photocopy all, like the Chinese peoples are doing. Copy copy copy.

Boss say sell this Rm100
You sell Rm80 and come back say customers this and that. You are no good salesman
You sell Rm100 and come back say nothing. You are good sales man.
You sell Rm120 and come back say this customer like it. You are very good salesman.
You sell Rm120 and come back say Rm100, you get Rm20. You are smart salesman.😆😆😆 this peoples I like.

Boss buy an items Rm50
You buy Rm55. You are stupid
You buy Rm50. You are clever
You buy Rm45. You are smart
You buy Rm45 but say Rm48. You get Rm2. You are damn smart.😆😆😆 this peoples I like.
They help save money and earn money in both way. If you are doing something that only benefit one side (no balance), it cannot make a good teamwork.
You benefit both way, you are great team.
Business is like that.
So you cannot blame your staff cheating on you if they are selling the same price but mark up for themself. And you cannot say them cheat you if they help you save purchase price and get for themself.

You can say them cheat you if the deduct from selling price or mark up on purchase price. That are the Sales & Purchase people value. Treasure it.
Work smart, not work hard. Get what you should get, give what you should give.
Those are the "chance" for you to find money, not go and gambler or buy numbers.

A good boss will help his staff.
A bad boss will ignore his staff.

A good friend will help his friend.
A bad friend will ignore his friend.

A good relative will help but get jealous if you are doing better.
A bad relative will ignore and still want to step down on you.

A good enemy will help.
A bad enemy also will help.

So in life, for your safety, you need to cut out Bosses, Friends and Relatives. They will step you down when they know you want to fly. This is true. Very true after my Research on human life.

A real good bosses will offer you oppotunity. Giving you share or open an outlet to share with you without any request on money. Because they already got money, for what purpose they want to ask your money "🔔🔔🔔🚺🚤⤵♾♻"
so those who know you need money but no help you or wanted to help you or return for you is always got a new ideas 🆕☟🔙🔙🔙🚣☯

The Three Worriors Gods is here with me. Your Worriors Gods that I swear infront loud and clear had come to my house.
All the Warriors Gods.

To be continue...
The Return of Hang Tuah, Malaysia

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
Lord of The Gods

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