Saturday, May 7, 2016

Glass & Ceramic Waste

The new innovation for Glass, Ceramic and Shoe Pad wastages. All three items can be recycle and produce this very useful items specially for bulding developer. Can be use worldwide.
Very easy method, no more waste for both this items. Low production cost and high value use. Bonding is request. Bonding and adhesive is two different method. Dont get it wrong.

Adhesive may be used interchangeably with glue, cement, mucilage, or paste, and is any substance applied to one surface, or both surfaces, of two separate items that binds them together and resists their separation.

Bonding, A coordinate covalent bond is one where both bonding electrons are from one of the atoms involved in the bond. These bonds give rise to Lewis acids and bases. The electrons are shared roughly equally between the atoms in contrast to ionic bonding.

So, wait my published book for further complete prosess and formula for this useful recycle business. Waste glass, waste ceramic and waste shoes pad.

All wasted will be Recycled to be a valued items. All wastes include foods wastes also. Well, foods waste actually is very very value not for fertilizers only but to make organic drugs. Did you know that? Rotten foods with bacteria as agents can produce many miracles things. Anyone research on this before? Rotten foods + bacteria + energy = miracle items.
Each foods produce differents kinds of elements. And these elements can replace many other elements for the same results.

These are called the CHNOPS elements; the letters stand for the chemical abbreviations of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur.
Comman biochemistry or biological for all living things.

BioCoach Activity
Concept 1: CHNOPS:
The Six Most Abundant Elements of Life
Most biological molecules are made from covalent combinations of six important elements, whose chemical symbols are CHNOPS.

Biological molecules, or biomolecules, are built by joining atoms through covalent bonds.

Although more than 25 types of elements can be found in biomolecules, six elements are most common. These are called the CHNOPS elements; the letters stand for the chemical abbreviations of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur.

Uranium stone vs Latex Rubber
Which can produce more energy?
A stone or A Rubber?
I go for Rubber. Challenge? Anyone? Scientist from all over the world?
And the rubber is that I am sleeping at my home. The natural latex pillow.
Yes, is confirm latex more powerful then Uranium. Produce by plants.
Dangerous if latex abuse. Just like tyre exploded only you will lost your hearing.
Dangerous items, put as KIV. No sharing on this formula.

But these two country that buy most natural latex maybe is doing this research already. But dont know if they found this formula or not. Korea and Japan. Maybe they already know the exist of this elements on Natural Latex. That is why they are buying so much from all over the world. Smart Korean and Japanese. And what are you planning? Revenge on Pearl Harbor. Dont start war please. Kaiju is watching both of you.
Ultraman vs Kaiju
OMG. This really happen. Then who gonna save the world? Ofcourse is Mickey Mouse and Tweety Bird. Yes, is Mickey and Tweety to save Ultraman and Kaiju.
Disneyland, the Kumanthong spirits mix as we needed from the start.
Same, both parents argue, they will stop when the baby cry. Only the baby will ask thier parents to stop fighting. So we need baby spirits top stop them. Is true.
I love baby spirits.
So when you see two leader is argueing, call his son or daughter, they can stop thier father only. Those peoples beside or followers get them aways. Bring his cucu cici all come see both thier datuk argue. 100% they stop argue.
The Power of Moral.

Tatalalicious means something or someone that is straight up ghetto.
Shanika: Oh my god I hate that stupid ass ghetto bitch! She done be straight trippin and tryin to pick a fight with me!

Marques: Oh i know! That tatalalicious bitch best not be messin with us because she gonna get her ghetto as beat!

Lord: Calm down. Smile at her.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
Master of Physiology

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