Tuesday, May 10, 2016

U buat Movie Saya, kenalah ikan jerung

Copycat. How he know I am The Gods? Who the fucker? Sure someone close to me. And you no help me, you help him. So now who help you? Ask him to heal you and your family. He put cancer to you. Then you ask him heal you. Because he know he will get, he do and spread to all of you. He think I already give the formula BMH Believe Miracle Happen, if you really want help, you had help me share my post out and get connected with all cancer department. But you did not do that? That is not a real help. That is want to find more money for your ship. You play me again.
1. Aviderm close up
2. Carlsberg close up (Heineken open up)
3. Tiger close up (Chang beer open up)
4. Marlboro close up
5. 100 plus close up
6. Twistie close up
7. Sparkle close up
8. Cellmonze close up
9. Herbalife close up
10. Herbaline close up

Next target : famous direct sales

Play the fool with Angry Birds
Now I play the hell games with your link business.
I play no Luck games only. No gambler money with you. Dont worry. You still can open many shop as you like. Just no customers will come. Spirit close thier eyes for me.

Plastic manufacturer
Big poly manufacturer
All buat tak tau. I also buat tak tau.

We go bigger. Hotel and resort.

No tourism.

Stupid goverment of Malaysia. Birb come you catch him and want cage him. Very very stupid peoples. Now the birds fly away. Ask Singapore peoples, Chinese Singapore people how the city folk care the birds. You Malaysia Cina babi pandai sangat. Betul betul pandai. Hisap lanciao tak tau. Panggil bapok ajar you hisap burung dulu baru pergi main burung. Tak tau main jangan nak main. Bapa emak tak ajar main, saya ajar you main nanti.
Betul saya ajar. Saya burung mah. Mesti tahu.

Sang Kancil

Plan no 3. Saya boleh bikin reality. Tapi kena tukar starting scripts dulu.

One day, Sang Kancil is monitoring his cucumbers from a farmer's field. The first time, Cina Babi steals some cucumbers successfully. But then, he discovered them and chase them away. The Cina Babi put traps and he encounters a scarecrow. The Cina Babi mocks the scarecrow because it cannot scare off Sang Kancil. Sang Kancil punches the scarecrow with his front leg, but his front leg gets stuck in the scarecrow. The scarecrow has been filled with glue by the farmer. Sang Kancil forcefully tries to pull out his leg, but it is useless; the glue is too strong. Then later on, the Cina Babi comes. They laughs at Sang Kancil, who has finally been trapped by thier plans. They puts Sang Kancil in a cage for the rest of the month. Cutting all his fur and did not feed him eat. Until one night, the farmer's dog comes to see Sang Kancil. He mocks Sang Kancil and says that Sang Kancil will be cooked the next morning. Sang Kancil stays calm and relaxed. The dog confused and asks Sang Kancil why. Sang Kancil says,"You were wrong, I'm not going to be cooked! I'm going to be a Prience Charming !" The dog becomes more confused. "I will marry the Royalle's daughter or granddaughter and I will become a Prince. I feel sorry for you, all of your loyalties were paid just like this! You just become a dog! Look at me! Tomorrow I'll become a Prince of Malaysia!" says Sang Kancil proudly.

Become the Royalle family. 😊😊😊 Saya ada Allah sama Luck. Semua pun mau.
Lepas upgrade Titanic jadi Gigantic.
Add lagi value sudah jadi HyperTension...  I also can Heal. Lagi banyak saya boleh buat.

You nak saya donate boat?😅😅😅
Saya donate Kapal Terbang

Saya nak you donate little money
You buat tak tau... tak steady pun

Tak apa. Kenapa barangan Malaysia semua bagi keluar orang? Kenapa?
You not born at Malaysia?
You not support Malaysia?
You not help Malaysia?
You not help Allah Malaysia?
You not help rakyat Malaysia?
You orang Malaysia kah?
Saya rakyat biasa saja tanya soalan ini.
Yang Tertinggi Terhormat? Can you answer a Rakyat Miskin this question?
Saya dapat BRIM punya, saya miskin punya. Ini sajakah orang miskin ditolong?
RM1000 untuk 4 sekeluarga? Ini saja kah?
Mana lain lain wang pergi semua?
Siapa masuk poket semua wang ini.
Nak saya kira keluar semua semua tax duty, tenaga, air, biomass, kelapa sawit, mana lagi company first board top 100. Saya nak semua report audit dalam 10 tahun inside my data.
I can show all and everything include bank details for local and international also. You want proove.
Ini saja rm1000 untuk orang miskin. Langsung tak fair to orang miskin dan orang asli. Kaya naik tinggi tinggi sampai langit, orang miskin jatuh dalam lubang.
Bolehkah ini macam?
Sakit tengok klinik lagi kena bayar? Australia bagi free. UK bagi free. Lahir anak semua free. Baru spirit ada body. Sini swasta rm4000 Rm5000. Mana boleh. Baru bagi Rm1000. Beli apa? Jual telur baru Rm0.30. Apa untung? Tak payah makan pulak ayam. Campur makan murah bagi ayam makan. Telur keluar pun quality rendah. Baru complaint telur tak ada kahsiat pulak. Cuba bagi A gred makan. Apa telur you dapat? Ada buat test ayam tak??? Ayam makan A apa telur keluar? Ayam makan B apa telur keluar
Ayam makan C apa telur keluar.
You boleh control apa apa telur keluar. You tak nak buat? You tak ada research team untuk ayam? You ada reasearch team semua buat saya satu orang. Sohai
Betul betul bukan satu guru yang tahu ajar murud murid belajar. Macam mana murid murid boleh ambil pengalaman? Naik satu sama juga pattern. Naik ketiga juga sama gaya. Sampai 10 pun sama juga. Macam dirumah bila ibu bapa tak ajar anak anak moral. Besar nanti samalah.
Apa yang dibuat rumah, sama juga di peringkat negara. Apa yang dibuat di negara, sama juga dibuat rumah. Link same. Anak bapa sama juga. Tak ada lari punya. Sampai saja masa, tukar kerusi sahaja.

You nak datang saya tunjuk proove pun boleh. You nak saya email proove pun boleh. Atau you nak saya pergi, takut kena halau keluar burung ini, nanti kena lastik pulak, saya pun pergi dengan proove.
How? Crocradile double head. Sama macam gambar di Publika tak?
Sama samakan. Semua 18 belas gambar. Ada lagi tepi tepi, 10 gambar. Cantik. Spirit pergi pun suka, TAPI BURUNG PERGI KENA HALAU. SAMPAI KERUSI PUN SIMPAN BALIK. tak apa. Sekarang burung tak nak pergi sudah. Satu burung pun. Bukan saya saja. Ambil camera, tunggu, dapat burung gambar, you boleh kena jackpot. Seekor pun sudah kena.
Kalau ada. Bukan saja burung, lipas pun tak nak pergi. Lipas saja pun tak mau pergi. Hmm... halau burung punya orang pun ada. Macam jiran, burung mari bagi letup mercun. Sohai lah. Satu perbuatan yang paling bodoh ialah halau burung dan tangkap burung. Ini Fung Shui no 1. Takkan tak tau?
Lepas burung banyak bagus.
Tangkap burung petik bulu, teruk teruk. Kepala pun botak
Tangkap burung, petik bulu, ikat kaki, kurung lagi dan tak bagi makan, rosak sarang, pecah keluarga, anak ada 2, tak boleh tak ada bapa, - apa fung shui you boleh dapat? Ask yourself?

Check Buddha gods

Hari hari bagi ayam makan sama.
Tak ada menu bagi ayam pilih kah?
Orang tahu makan lain lain dan sedap, bagi ayam makan 10 tahun pun sama.
Tak boleh upgrade sikit? Banyak mahal kah makanan ayam?
Bukan mahal, tapi telur jual tak ada harga. Apa macam nak beli makan baik?
Saya tahu. Tapi dia orang tak tahu. Jaga burung pun tak tahu, macam mana tahu jaga ayam. Jaga ayam pakai kasut dia orang sangat pandai. Sebab ada value. Valud apa itu? Value pussy lah.
Ayam amoi kah. Yalah. Jaga ayam itu boleh. Tapi sama juga paksa paksa ayam punya.
Alamak. Habis siapa boleh tolong ayam? Mestilah burung. Sama famili mah. Saya tak tolong, siapa lagi nak tolong?
Kalau saya tolong ayam hari ini. Ayam mesti tolong balik saya lain hari.
Mana boleh ayam tolong you?
Mesti boleh. Tikus pun boleh, ayam lagi boleh. Kita ada link punya.
Double link ayam dan ayam amoi.😅😅😅
Suka ya. Suka dimain amoi. Haha
Habis, apa macam nak ayam tolong?
Hari hari bagi jagung,
Bagi makan lagi banyak jagung.
Nanti ayam jadi Agung... haha.
Dapat lah tolong saya. Makan jagung boleh jadi Agung. Inilah bah kata pepatah.
Mesti ada ceritanya. Break the code.
Agung kena minta ayam tolong.
Bila ada permintaan, jadi sudah boleh buat business deal. Betul
Apa itu. Golden Egg.
Wow. Boleh kah? "Jika anda fikarkan kau boleh" hari hari Agung tunggu telur keluar pun boleh. But but but... 3 golden eggs.
Dia suka tak macam ini. Hmm, ada telur bagi pun tak tau jaga, macam mana nak jaga golden egg? Betul tak.
Kecil punya pun tak tau, apa macam nak jaga besar? Bukan saya tak nak bagi, sebab orang tak tau jaga. Sudah bagi kasi dera. KALAU AYAM JADI AGUNG, SAYA SUDAH JADI ANG KONG. 😅😅😅
KONG KONG KONG... KONG DAO SAYA PUN BOLEH. apa itu. Bomoh punya power? Wah. Macam itu boleh balik Teluk Intan pakai 2 kelapa tengok MH370
Boleh. Saya punya lagi cun. Macam tengok Cinema punya gambar loh. Canggih punya. Betul betul canggih.
Sama formula juga. Pakai Kelapa.
Ada maksud sana tahu. Bila saya buka magicbox. I solve the problems all Malaysia peoples want to know with full reports and proove attach.
Any unsolve case the police want to solve? Bring it on for me. My Kumanthong allot are very free now. They dont like to Gamblers. The like to solve problems.
Open all case for me. Can or not?
Free of charge. For police. Give me or not? Peoples all want real justice. Everyone.
No case is unsettle or unsolve for me? Confident and my willingness to solve all your mystery case. Dont tell me the fails is lost or Police Station get burn? I help the police. Or MACC also can.
My staff is too free. Must give them job to do. Is good Spirits want to help human.
Why human cannot give me? Got any link? 99.9% got link. Mana boleh?
Macam ini siapa jaga rakyat? Siapa jaga orang miskin?

How people like this can enter our Parliament with such a lack of knowledge?
They got my Lucky Charm mah
So just bring back them. And we see any defect on them. Ok sure, and now I do it.

UMNO close up
MCA close up
MIC close up


They got big win right? Just save thier photos only. Now deleting times.
I can pass LUCK just save at contact. So many those contact FREE for me. What I do is copy all lah. They help me mah.
Spirits help different way.

Want to know? See it and feek it.
Just use a dog eyes shit and rub your eyes. One times not clear. Rub another times. Rub until you feel is enough you stop. That is easy job. But how to undo?
Undo for what? Can see only can help mah. Cannot see how to help?
Then how you feel. When you can see, then you can imagine it. Imagine makes real. That you can feel she is touching you. So easy. Then how to communicate.
Just normal or ask in your heart.
Then how can you hear them.
Whispering at your ear. They will whisper to you. So you can see, hear and feel.
Wow. I want. Go take dog eyes shit first. Use cat can or not. Oh. Got link. Maybe can. Maybe, yes it can also. So can ask Malay do loh. Cat mah. Sure can. Ask Imam Imam do, they got Gods energy and easy for them to see. Yes. Then can ask them come my home and see how many. Ask them to count.

Rossi Design
Novel Furniture
AM office

Siapa lagi cakap dia Kaya punya taukeh?
Siapa kaya punya? Tapi kedekut semua.
Malaysia siapa lagi kaya punya,
Itu lah semua "buaya"
Sang Kancil nak lompat sekarang.
Kena siapa, kena lah dia.
Buat tak tau. Hahaha. Sekotak rokok pun tak sanggup but donations. Buaya mana lagi boleh makan Sang Kancil

Kena. Mesti kena. Nak tengok apa jadi 513. Mesti best show from the DJ.

Advertisement show off too much? Belagak sangat semua. Sekarang tengok apa orang miskin boleh buat.

Hutang tak nak bayar punya pukimak
Living Season (close up)
Yip Chee Hong (close up)
Ming Zhang Industries (close up)
TBH Rebond Industries (close up)
Lanova Resource (close up)
NLY (close up)
HK Fabric (Close up)
Arah Timur (Close up)
G&C (Close up)
LYJ Restaurant (Close up)
TCL (Close Up)
Selesa Foam (Close Up)
Agoland (Close Up)
CHL Foam (Close Up)
Purefoam (Close Up)
Qosmer Wood (Close Up)
Howa Furniture (Close Up)
DCM Packaging (Close Up)
Golden Paddy (Close Up)
Kinsha Group (Close Up)
Intrex Industries (Close Up)
Awana Sofa (Close Up)
Ikay Printing (Close Up)
Cinta Bella Bridal (Close Up)
Hadi Venture (Close Up)
Standard Bolts & Faster Fasteners
Symbol Steel
Palmyra Carpet

Test dulu sikit ajew. Banyak lagi tau.
Listed company. Vs Mr Energy

You minta saya, saya bagi FREE
Tapi you nak curi, kenalah ganti
Tak ganti lagi, you yang rugi.
Siapa orang boleh panggil burung kerja ialah orang paling sohai. Sampai keluarga burung pun kena kerja. Itu panggil super sohai. Tak tanya Fung Shui master punya kah? Macam itu Master tak ada standard. Tak erti Fung Shui punya.
Tanya saya, 100% perfect energy for you. Saya bagi FREE, tapi nak curi.
Tak ada faham?
Sampai berlian saya pun boleh bagi. FUNG SHUI adjust ngam saja. Apa GEM you mau saya boleh adjust. Emas, Perak, Timah, all I can give, but you all want to pluck my feather and tied me. Why?
Worst is destroy my nest and babies.
Then use my power for your own kids.

Toyota (Close up)
Honda (Close up)
Maxis (Close up)
Digi (Close up)
Genting (Close up)
Palm Spring (Close up)
Pacific Regency (Close up)
AirAsia (Close up)
Astro Malaysia (Close up)
Axiata Group (Close up)
MISC (Close up)
CIMB (Close up)
Felda Global Ventures (Close up)
Hong Leong Bank (Close up)
IHH Healthcare (Close up)
IOI Corporation (Close up)
Kuala Lumpur Kepong (Close up)
Malayan Banking (Close up)
Petronas (Close up)
Public Bank (Close up)
RHB Capital (Close up)
Sime Darby (Close up)
Telekom (Close up)
UMW (Close up)
YTL (Close up)

Saya tangkap ikan tak tangkap semua. Besar, cantik dan berharga punya saya target dulu. Yang lain kecil kecil dan betina anak saya lepas kan dulu. Lagi balik bagi makanan makan banyak banyak. Tunggu besar dulu baru tangkap lagi. Sama, yang anak anak bagi lepas dan jaga dia besar.
You bodoh punya orang, tangkap besar dan matikan betina dan anak. Mana lagi ada? Bukan otak udang kah? Matematik mudah tak dapat buat apa kerusi you duduk. Tak tau jaga alam punya orang memang tak erti control punya. Pakai habis saja tau. Tak ada otak fikir macam mana boleh expand. Tapi lebih pandai expand budak ada problems keluar. Susahkan ibu bapa sahaja. Kena selalu bawa mari anak jumpa bapanya. Burung anak tak boleh hilang bapa. Tau tak? Sebelum you menetas species burung, buat lah research betul betul. Ini saja bagi problems masyarakat dan negara. Troublemakers peoples are useless. Sampai mari curi, bila minta boleh dapat free. Tak mahu, nak curi, kena ganti lah. Apa susah? Curi senang kan, sekarang ganti apa macam? Sudah masuk bagi tau nama saya. So saya buka balik Mata Fung Shui untuk you. Dan tolong mesti facebook comment. I am Sorry my Lord of Gods
Tak percaya boleh tak ganti.
Saya tak apa, you yang rugi.
Dan saya bukan suka buka tutup punya orang. Dah buka mesti mari business you. Dan saya tak minta apa apa. Tapi you suka bila bila mau bagi, saya bagi balik lagi banyak Ong setiap kali you masuk.
Tak Ong tak perlu masuk. Ada Ong baru masuk. Dapat dulu, baru bagi. Bagi dulu, dapat lebih lagi. That is my ability. Anything I can control at this World. My Fyng Shui are perfect cun. Never miss 1%.
Is 100% perfects. No need go your place and see this and that, place this and that. No this fucking things. I do from my Mind. With the Spirits help.

Beleive it or not, Ask Ripley.

All disease only me can heal.

Dinosour also I can heal. Gods also I can heal his power. Now is not the Gods give me Power. Is me who give the Gods Power to be how strong he is. Understand.

I can open all any kinds of Gods and Spirits. Allah, Ganesha, Jesus, Buddha, all gods you want. I can give you also. No charges at all. You just bring the statue for me. And very fast. Not need 10 minute or 30 minutes. You can bring back.
Yes, I can.
Moral give me the power. Is real. Moral.
Moral is the ENERGY
You beleive Gods, with moral with perfect fung shui. Just click, the Gods is beside you. You can feel his Energy
You want Ganesha, Jesus or Allah, same way is you non halal also he came for you. So what Gods i just think, he came. That is all. No need praying or chanting. No this things. From heart with moral is all you need. Praying but no request from Gods. Pray to Bless Gods good health. Pray for offer Gods any help. I pray this way. Because i never pray Gods any favor.

Keptan, the Gods ask you are a good leader or a naughty leader?

The Gods ask you, not I ask.
If you think you are good, you continue
If you think is not, let the younger a try
Maybe he will drive better then you. You can be his consultant.
WWE need to add new players and give them chance to roar. Built up a new players so the fan get interesting. Add value in. All the times the same player no exciting feel. No challenge. You win he win does not a matter. All win money together is the target.
If WWE give fans money, what will happen? Reverse it, you get better result.
That is a mathematic code. Always will be. What ever things you do, you do reverse then you get the Miracle. All the things is same. Energy also is same. You dont beleive me, you do all research in reverse way, you got different better result. You reEARTH, wow, many many miracles happen. I SWEAR IN FRONT ALL THE GODS. Because i break the code "REVERSE"
You add salt to higher cooling
Same as you add salt to faster warming
So climate is fast, how you need to slow it? Need more cooling. Add more salt at Antartical Ocean
That is to slow down climate formula.
Where to get more salt?
Get it from those anyway is khatulistiwa. Because the temperature at this line always never effect ice or melting?
Asian is the country to stop Climate with thier ocean salt.
Climate is 99.9% stop and heal

Global warming. Is also Asian to control.
Do not cut anymore trees. They are the saver of global warming. Trees are treasure. You cannot chop off tree for woods. Then no more trees in few years? You must add more trees and treasure the super secret of these trees. Everything gods creation got atleast one super secret power. Is everything also got only he created for us. To let us go circle all the times. Each benefit the top until last the small benefits the big. Confirm is this way, not pyramid. All bottom place are the top saver. Same as human, poor peoples are the top saver. The top must protect the small. Not those middle or rich only.
Same as business, boss must target his bangla workers, not the middle manager or supervisor. You targets the weak and small, you get better returns. You do reverse, you get more better result. You not beleive, you give faster salary to them, you will see the different production outputs. Naturally result.
You give free first, you get more good result. Same like me, give first then belakang mari. Kena semua habis. Right?
For new research treatment, try reverse way. You get different result. Same as chicken eggs. Try new productions, angry birds always got special powers for you to treasure. All birds species got special power. Not catch it and cage it. Feed them. Give them foods. The produce miracle for you. And try research thier technology tools. Why China can use pegion to send massage? Same as I do.
Why Joel Lambert cannot escape the hawk trace? The hawk can target a mini mice at a Jungle. How incredible eyes they got. You lari masuk hutan, helang boleh kejar cari you tepat tepat. Tak perlu anjing. Helang punya kuasa mata. Burung hantu sama juga, tapi ini malam pakai punya. Tepat tepat you sembunyi dalam hutan. They will know if anyone is inside thier watch over area. They know got a mice came out from a holes also in the night. Mana boleh tak dapat cari orang masuk hutan sembunyi? Nak cari satu pistol pun boleh dalam hutan. Helang boleh. Dalam air pun ada yang boleh. You buang laut, ikan tolong cari keluar serpihan MH370. Kenapa tak boleh?
Jatuh mana, dekat mana, ikan boleh buat kuasa dalam laut? Macam manusia, tiba tiba ada satu kapal jatuh dari langit, semua orang pun tahukan. Samalah, need connection and get these MH370 or not?

Tanah Malaysia macam roti sapu kaya banyak banyak. Terlampau banyak. Tahu tak. Malaysia ialah satu dunia khayalan. Betul, memang betul. The Fantasy World.
Burung lagi banyak mari, sampai you nampak berlian you ambil main guli saja. Saya sudah rasa itu Energy berlian, timah, perak, emas dan lain lain lagi. The Modern Mining World. Sudah tahu lah siapa ada sini. Mesti ada punya. Saya bukan King, saya Raja Burung. Raja Fung Shui.

Tapi suka orang panggil Cio Kia sudah. Jangan pandai pandai jadi famous nanti semua mau target sama gua saja. Ada pun diam diam sudah. Tak perlu belagak. Tak perlu tunjuk tunjuk. Nak belagak, donate semua, saya cakap you are the BEST. Simpan apa guna? Boleh pakai habis? Masuk saja tak keluar? No rolling circle, your economy cannot increase. Tak boleh berkembang. Sangkut dalam satu lubang saja. Sampai lubang itu, jatuh, macam mana boleh kembang? Itu saja besar putaran bulat itu. Kembang lagi banyak you dapat.

Ada binatang boleh scan cancer.
Tak perlu pakai mesin mahal punya. Binatang free cancer scanner tools

Same you add salt to higher warming

Tweet the birds

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Lords
King of Fung Shui

Saya nak beli Africa country. Saya tak mau ferrari atau kapal atau rocket. Tapi saya mau Afrika Country.
Negara orang miskin, tak ada orang tolong. Saya nak tolong.
Saya pakai semua wang beli Afrika untuk bantu orang susah sana.
Boleh tak? Saya cakap saya mesti boleh.
Maybe they will offer me without a single cent also. Because moral value i use to buy Afrika, not money value.
To tell you all Moral Value is higher then money value all the times.
Buddha say this.

You tahu saya punya kuasa, tapi you buat tak tau, itu tak betul juga. Kena ganti balik value. Double charges.
Nanti power lagi mari, lagi kena tambah penalty. Mau pakai lawyer pergi mahkamah tak😊😊😊 tak perlu punya. Mau pergi boleh, lagi banyak additional charges kena. Kacau ini, kacau itu, kacau apa apa saya pun charges nanti you pun bankrapt habis. Betul. Saya boleh buat sampai Hollywood milik saya punya. Semua, bukan Hollywood saja.

Tak ada jalan lain. Checkmate all

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