Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Purposely Give

This is purposely give. So want me to boost it. Right.
I read your mind.
But I do what I say.
Ok. Luffman cigarrate. See the dogs bark. The birds tweet.
They also dont want me to do. You know lah. They are my God. And Gods are my Lord. We always go vise versa.
Not reverse. Meant we give and take, take and give. Fair. Balance.
If just give only, no take then is more Luck. If just give and take then is less Luck. If no give, and take only? Better Luck loh.
Reverse you will increase the atom.
Right. When i no give. I got more Luck.
So the animals help me again.

They want me to take back all my things. And wait people give me first. Then only I give them. Simple things I cannot solve, the animals will help me. Because I only solve big big big coding. Simply one let you do. I do the hard one.
So i want better first only can help the poors. That is right. The rich want better need to help me first. Go circle now.
Oh well. Another solving problems. Poor Rich Me. Since poor peoples cannot earn rich peoples money, I give to them. They rich peoples want my luck, they give to me. Take and give. Is that fair?
Allah say yes, Buddha agree, Ganesha as you like, Jesus go ahead, others we want your books.
The Lords, the miracle box lah. Wait who got my presents on my Birthday.
This is called Birthday Presents.
On your Birthday, is not your parents to give you, is you who give them a presents on your Birthdays. That is called Moral.
To say Thank You for bringing me into this world. Understand.
That is why my parents never give me any presents on my Birthday. Not even one presents. My heart no feel any at all like oh my birthday is here, what are you gonna give me, oh what surprise u got for me, oh what is my wish... not any of this feel in my mind.
The times to get presents is 25th December. That we called Christmas Day.
Everyone celebrate this and received from Santa Claus. The return of Santa Claus on Christmas Day for all Children in the World. So to the old folks and unlucky peoples. The is a real Santa in reality. They really exsist one in the World. Go my home and see the Santa Claus toy placing on the side mirror, below the Gods.
That is how rise of the Santa Claus.
What more miracle disneyland wish? The pinoque, Cinderalla, Sleeping Beauty, Mermaid, Beauty & the beast, Snow White, all these ladies I make it in reality for the Prince Charming. All Disneyland beauty queen. Not those copy cat Gods Story. We go for Disneyland that target all age of peoples. They will got more popularity. And ofcourse the Ultraman, then the Superhero, Transformer, Alien & Predator, Ghost, the non fiction movie is always my choice first. Just change Disneyland on my top choice. Because all movie they do, the will include many Moral value to teach the kids. Any moral value movies, I will choose and watch if you couriered to me before you lunch it, your movie will be a hits. And song also if you send to me, your song will be a hits if I like it. In CD copy first. No cover also accept. But with titles and short summary is the best. If you printed a quote of Moral on the cover of your products. I give you an add on the products. Not those cancer picture on cigarrate box, is the worst design i not even want to see at all. Look like shit. You like it I return back in reality for yourself. Stupid act. Just know how to do dirty job, those teach good value things dont know to do. Think lah better ideas to get peoples notice your products. Packing is important to get someone notice your products. If you put 10 different quotes, peoples will read one by one holding your products. Maybe he like it, he buy 10 of it and back to show it to his kids.
This is marketing. Add value things on it. Not add negative things on it and wait the Energy man do somethings. Haha. I wait you wait. Sohai lor. I do monkey you also follow do monkey. Who is the best actor in the world? All get awards and famous. I dont want lar, because I want cari makan. Not curi makan. Different. This is called cari makan or find waterfish.
I learn from playing snooker lor. The value of snooker player. How the player cari makan. You ask the snooker player. Each club sure got 1 cari makan kaki. Each country also will have one. The worlds also will have one. My target is correct one. That is my target lah. Same link from small to big. So the snooker player is a smart peoples. Thier brain to target waterfish, to earn pocket money. So you know now, go play snooker and train. Maybe one day you come and ask me play syok syok only. Because you scare liao. Wow! This player very geng, how to win him. The same story happen to all snooker player with those cari makan player. Award you take, money i poke in. I dont want famous also. Thank you for hiding me from getting famous. Tau buat tak tau. Nanti tau u betul betul Happy Birthday.
Tengok you punya Luck baru tau.
Bila tak ada saya punya Luck.
See you are bad luck or good luck.
You should know yourself better then me.
Fung Shui i teach and share all.
So got times for you to adjust. But I dont know the spirits want or not. Try it.
Tak buat tak tau, dah buat baru tau.
Sembahyang tengok mari tak.
Cuba saja semua cara saya bagi.
Saya punya semua mari. Kalau saya boleh, you pun boleh.
Sean Khor Boleh.
Fikirkan jika kau boleh! I remember kawan. Fikirlah sampai 17/5.
I no gambling, but I am the Judge.
You all play and I watch
Winner the Champion, the award
You take it. Because I dont want any Awards. Because yesterday, I just been promoted again. Unbelievetable.
That why yesterday I can change the Lunar after I just promoted.
And I know outside the Universe World of how many Lunar there are. I had fly until there already, and you still want stepping on me. Sudah jatuhkan Undertaker tak nak lagi, nak pijak pijak lagi, cekik leher, tengok lah WWE sudah tau. 33 kali tau. Tak jadi jatuhkan Undertaker.
Lagi nak mari. Betul tak. Same WWE?
Sama sama link mah. The most entertaining sport in the World. The best is all my work. Not the top. You get the top but I do the best result.
You kaya, tinggal rumah besar, kereta besar, apa apa pun besar. Saya apa apa pun kecil. Tapi nak challenge saya, tanya dulu cukup tak nak kalah. 1000 kali pun tak cukap kawan. Belum start facebook saya pun sudah jalan dulu. Tapi jalan diam diam belakang. Besar, buka dua, besar buka 4, jangan bagi besar. Supaya orang tak tau. Tapi pakai besar punya strategi, bikin kecik kecik tapi banyak banyak. Satu customer boleh sign up 100 kali sama punya system, cuba tukar saja nama. One for all, all for one. Understand my strategi to earn money? Same advertisement, all mu website he sign. One brand put all advertisement to all my website. One company only I want his advertisement on all my website. I earn this only, customer alls got free gift all times. That is sales and marketing.
Do one things same, but different name and story targeting all. That is the way.
Not do ABC things. Just one items but different name and packing. But do it fair. Not change name only then want sell higher price, customers are not stupids. Just they dont notice it. And you keep doing this tactic to earn poor peoples money. You change and sell same price is OK. But you change and then sell different price not OK. To A shop to B shop and to C shop all same price, you are good boss. You cannot sell, this my friends A price, this is Indian B price and this is Malay C price. Then I wait to hell I teach you do business at hell. Not fair.
This is consider rasicm. See peoples colour and do business. Then you come and tell me I no force them, they come and ask. Then you must answer the same answer to all. But you answer different answer to all. What is that meant? Lie lah.
You tell papa I fuck a girl, you tell mama a girl fuck me, but you just fuck yourself up.
You see peoples low education, you bully him and force him work hard. You scold him and beat him when he work slow.
What is that meant? Bully lah.
When you see people with datuk or rich, you treat him like king. What is that meant? Dont know respect.
Peoples who know respect dont need to do all this. This is not called respect.
If you do like this, I know how you treat poor peoples already. No need to ask you.
From your act I know how you treat a staff or workers. 100% accurate
I meet friend and boss, I already know who is good boss and who is bad boss.
Can bully workers boss is all bad peoples.
Show me the boss that no bully his workers at Sungai Buloh only. Those are good boss. I give him extra Luck.
People poors, no money study, no educated, not dont want to help you is they dont know how to help. They are low educated because they are poors. Animals you know this? And you can help them better living you all did not do. Your mouth is use to fucking on peoples is it? Shouting on peoples is it? You dont know how to use a mouth or want to know how to use your mouth, search dictionary what is the mouth defination.
Mouth also abuse. Talk bad of peoples. Bad mouth very good.
See your cousin Kelvin Tan, what is his attitude? Did he look down on poor peoples and how he respect old peoples? I give him 100 luck you know. I give him where he goes, the tree will follow him. To Indonesia also. I give him all technology to get from the trees. Because he is the Good boss. He almost no way to go. Did you know? You ask him.

If i turn off Kelapa Sawit Malaysia, he also no effect because at Indonesia, he got 5 times Malaysia trees. Because Malaysia tak nak. Bukan saya tak bagi. Yang dapat satu saja makan semua. Buat apa nak bagi dia. Betul tak? Satu kapal saja yang dapat. Lain lain apa pun tak ada. Lebih lebih ada sampan dan kapit saja. Sampan nak buat apa? Tangkap lala udang boleh lah. Nak tangkap Tuna mana boleh. Kapal dia saja boleh. Ini macam mana boleh. Sendiri makan tuna, orang makan ikan bilis. Panggil bagi sikit makan. Buat tak nampak. Pukimak dia.
Marah. Kenapa tak marah. Puki nenek pun marah. Nak jumpa saya boleh konek.
Sabar sabar, nanti hujan lebat pulak.
Control. Susah control. Nanti ini nak cakap, itu nak complaint, dia mau marah, kena tunggu gilaran. Satu translator saja.

Nanti konek nenek moyang you. Betul. Saya nak translate. Tengok apa nenek cakap dengan cucu cicik mereka. Saya belanja minum kopi. Wang tak ada, tapi kopi lagi ada. Ada apa belanja apa. Tapi orang ambil senang, belanja susah. Besar sangat jumlahnya, tak erti macam mana nak transfer. Ambil tahu, nak bagi susah sekarang. Nanti salah transfer takut orang check. Tak transfer nanti habis semua.

Al-ḥamdu lillāh (Arabic: الحَمْد لله ) or alḥamdulillāh is an Arabic phrase meaning "Praise be to God".
Not one God, is all the Gods.

Cis, ini ahmoi apa mau lagi. Semua bagi cakap tak mau saja. Kalau cakap mau, taklah susah. Ahmoi tak mau, saya pun tak mau. Orang bagi dia tak mau. Bagus, ada nilai harga. You tak mau saya ambil balik checking dulu. Senang. Nak cari kerja buat. Checking barang ada jaga baik baik atau salah guna. Lepas itu, bagi sama rata rata. Jalan baru cantik. Taklah tak balance. Lubang sini, lubang sana, tak jaga baik baik pun. Nampak lubang buat tak nampak. Tak ada seorang pun keluar repair lubang itu. Lama lama lagi besar. Sampai tayar masuk, tak dapat keluar. Baru panggil tarik kereta. Lagi lebih wang bazir. Tapi yang masuk tayar punya ialah saya pulak. Celaka punya orang. Cerita sama sama lah. Sponsor jalan bagi orang, orang pakai hari hari, senangkan delivery, sudah pakai lama lama, kenalah service jalan. Buat tak tau. Tunggu sponsor lagi jalan. Ok. Sponsor lagi yang baru punya. Thabk you pun tak cakap. Nampak pun tak hirau. Tau orang susah pun tak tau. Hahaha. Lagi tanya balik, susah pergilah kerja. Hahaha. Pergi kerja juga, bagi lagi ong. Ingat ini kali sudah cukup. Eh. Tak cukup lagi. Nak lagi. Hahaha. Lagi bagilah. Sumbat sumbat sampai you puas hati. Lagi banyak masuk. Eh, tak perasan apa apa orang ini. 😣😣😣
Tuhan cakap, sudah lah. Jangan bagi lagi. Dia orang tak akan bagi balik punya. Saya cakap, boleh, dia orang mesti boleh. Tuhan challenge sama saya. Alamak. Saya lagi suka. Saya cakap mesti boleh. Tuhan cakap mesti tak boleh.
Siapa yang menang?

Menang kalah bagi kita tak penting. Tapi bagi manusia sangat penting.
Pasal Ego.
Zeus punya Thunder Cat
Mickey Miao power
Petir atau kilat mana lebih Energy?

Mestilah kilat. Kuasa pisau silat tu. Special power. Yang dipegang Hang Tuah.
Dengan pisau silat ini, dia mengalahkan semua negara negara lain yang ingin menguasai tanah nilai Malaysia.
Reborn the Modern Hang Tuah Malaysia.

Ops. Hang Jebat. Apa special power pulak. Kenalah fikir. Tapi petang susah sikit. Kena lepas 7pm. Member mari. Wow. Apa apa cerita pun boleh return. Kuasa memang kuasa ajaib. Stabilizers kena upgrade branded punya. Ini kuasa stabilizer teruk lah. Tak tau service pun. Haha. Mungkin sudah lama. Atau banyak pakai. Tak bersih. Susah nak connect saya. Haha. Baik baik punya stabilizer sendiri buat busuk. Tuan baik, bagi chance, tak nak layan Tuan. Ada bagi chance dia tak nak. Habis service mesin lain mana ada kuasa lagi nak service tuan. Letih nak service tuan. Tuan sabar, Tuan service sendiri. Self service ada. Ada jalan sendiri mah. Mana boleh ikut jalan orang saja. Kiri kanan depan belakang atas bawah pun ada jalan. You ingat you punya jalan saja ada? You mari saya bawa you jalan jalan. Mana jalan pun boleh. Hutan masuk malam malam saya pun suka. Romance dalam hutan bagi binatang tengok lagi suka. Haha.
The Ultimate Worriors. Got your name and the thunder sysbol of Ultimate Worriors, WWE.
Machoman Randy Savage, come create for him ladies.
Dun fuck and get pregnant later you say is Jesus Christ son. You get pregnant I give you the Vampire son. The return of the Vampire. Do you know what is Vampire.
Is created because of mix devil sperm with the Lord sperm. Then created the Vampire. Make this movie.
I want to Watch. And is. Know what to do after you earn money.

Ladies, keep on your good jobs. Go spy more and get more story back for me. With capture video and camera please.
I LOVE THE WAY... what song is the name. Cmon, I cant even remember it. Ofcourse is Viva Forever and 2 become 1 still my favourite songs. That is loyalty. Bring back the new Modern Spice Sexy Girls for Daddy fantasy dreams. Hahaha
Ok. Give you Wannabe. Mix Asian country groups pop. Korean Japan Vietnam Myanmar and Chinese Indo. 5 in 1 groups. My favourite BDSM players too.
Since one she like me to work, always ask me to work, haha meant she like to work. Ok. She will be my workers. I let you wish come true. Like to work.
I help you all the times, you dont appreciate it. Oh. Hang Tuah buat power banyak kali dengan pisau silatnya.
Ada, rumah ada mesti saya buat mah. Kalau tak ada mana saya buat cerita Hang Tuah... link dalam cerita hang tuah dengan kekasihnya yang bersuhabat dengan orang orang celaka. Hahaha
Lagi best tengok. Macam mana Hang Tuah seorang boleh tewas semua dengan sebilah pisau silat. Pisau itu berharga. Satu satu pisau silat modern ini. Cantik berseri. Warna bukan emas, itu pisau warna perak, buatan perak. Pisau Silat buatan perak mesti laku. Kalau you buat sekarang. Dengan symbol kilat dan burung. Worldwide interest decoration items each of every house will wanted. Not only one, but in all rooms. And some with full colection of the set of 12 lunar chinese symbol on it. Same pattern different holding only. But must selling all same price. Not goat or bull you mark up the price. Then every years just change then fronts knife you can get more customers. The Pisau Silat Perak.

And Hang Jebat is what? Ofcousre is the traditional games. The Congkak. I got. The Wau? I also got. Betul. Tak tipu. Semua plan awal awal lah. Beli tak main beli buat apa. Satu orang pun tak perasan orang sudah planning attack. You orang lagi main main. You nak main, joinlah saya. Main sama sama. Ini macam baru boleh pancing Udang Galah Malaysia.
King Fresh Water Prawn. Lagi best Durian Musang King. Ada reason punya.
Bukan suka suka cakap.
Satu barang kalau bagus, paling kurang ada lima kebaikannya dari saya.
Satu barang saja, saya bagi value paling kurang ada lima. Baru cakap itu barang baik. Bukan you yang cakap baik. You saja tau cakap bohong. Mana tau baik punya.
Sebab mulut you kotor. Cakap pun kotor.
Bau cibai. Hahaha. Bau Pantat.
Tak apa, makan timun. Ada solution bagi you. Saya tolong you lagi.
Cibai sama mulut kotor makan atau main timun mesti segar baru dan nyaman macam baru punya.
Bah kata pepatah,
"Main timun dulu, baru makan timun"
Tak rugi lah. 2 in one combinations use.
Wait I play with my Spice Sexy Girls. Or can test first. Sure the ladies love it when you put in fridge, cold. And another one on warm water, so is hot and cold cucumber can increase her climate naturally. You make her feel super high until she will just begging you for more.
She will wet till her ass for you to lick and eat her cum dry. Then you wash your mouth with cucumber also. Finished it. That is no wastages lah. Understand. Both can share it also. The benefits of cucumber is extremely very good and useful. The skins only is an anti ants you know. You just put at the side. The ants will walk away naturally. No need use pest control and waste money when natural can do FREE for you. If ants can go away, you think other insects will follow? Use ur brain a bit. Same family or not. Then you no need kill them, ok. You kill one insects, i pull your mother pussy hair. Or your grand nanny also i pull it. So when you come heaven, they will teach you again. You notti kids, see what had you done to my pussy? 🤗🤗🤗 saya tak nak ajar. Tunggu your own parents to teach you.
The Gods say, Hang Jebat, you memang hebat. Mestilah hebat, tak hebat bulu mesti lebat. Nasib baik saya ada bersih dan shave kilat kilat. Clean myself. Not with those people a bunch of dirty hair under his pant. New Salon shop for private hair styling and cutting. Sexy girls like sexy man. When sexy man do somethings new for sexy girls, wow, she will naturally get spice up. No need foreplay she will wanted to fuck you up. By just make up your sexy hair style with new sexy underwear for men. Good business, ver very good business for sexy guy underwear, ofcourse I knoe ladies always wanted her guys to be sexy as.hell. i know your mind. Horny girls. And I love it when you are horny. Love it more when you come into my world of fantacy.
The final fantacy style. At galaxy. Not dungeon anymore. Now we play it new place, i bring you to the galaxy for the drive of your life pleasure and sensation.
Not international standard anymore, i always will upgrade, now reach the level of galaxy world. Ladies, enjoys this gift. Remember to return for more or as gift ya. Making love at the galaxy.
You can feel it when you come to my home. Because that home is different. You only can get this feel at my place. Is the Galaxy. Is true. And you will feel not going back also. But cannot eat all, must share with others. Not fair to other ladies. Especially to my Sexy Spice Girls.
Princess Donna, please upgrade to galaxy world. Dungeon is out dated. And natural at galaxy produce climaks. Same like the Earth Climate. Haha. They melt, ladies get melt also. When is hot. Increase with cold. They melt more and more.
That is the secret how to spice up your lover. Show them how you care of them. Wanting and hoping to make her feel the best. Oh well, my lover reject me all the times. Nevermind, so I share with other girls. Is alright being rejects, not a problems at all. Since other are better, is your choice. Take it you can have it. No charge at all. I can share everythings. You cannot share everythings.
When people want to broke your heart, what will you do? Bring it on lah
You cannot break my heart because is superelastic Heart. Bumb back and hit you. How many girls with me before? Not a girl had ever left me cry. Is only you who success to make me cry. Really. Is only you are the one who had melted my heart. You is already get into my heart. But, I dont know you not treasure it when you are in my heart. What a waste my love. Yes. What a big big waste. You are the princess but is you rejected not one times, many times. Until my heart not broken just more open. Because is elastic, how can be a broken heart like shawn micheals. Need him too. For some reason. Hehehe. Surprise mah.
The New Heart Break Kids with new super power kick. Hahaha
Hmm, the People's elbow, the Rock. Need any upgrade? Popularity is getting less.
Need rest also. Peoples working only no rest mana boleh. Hari hari bagi orang kerja saja. Letih lah. Bagi masa orang kongkek amoi di galaxy juga. Mana boleh sendiri kong kek. Kita boleh tag team juga tau. Tapi dia malu. Tak apa. The Rock new movie apa itu? Nama pun tak ingat. Apa macam nak hot kan movie dia. Sempat kirim tak CD nya. Kalau sempat, mesri dapat. Tak sempat, spirit pun tak nak duduk free punya cinema. Mummy atau Scorpio? Lupalah saya.
Saya suka Mickey and Donald. Ada copyright. You boleh try beli. Mungkin Tuhan pun mau pergi Disney. Tak mau Malaysia.
Tengah meeting. Jadi ada Tokong tak ada tuhan, nanti ada Masjid tak ada Allah, ada kuil pun tak ada Gods, ada church ada father tak ada Jesus. Mary pun ikut pergi.
Pilahan anda semua. Bukan pilahan saya.
Saya tak ada minta apa apa sama mereka. Dan saya bagi tempat saya bagi mereka. I let them stay without any request or favor.

Oh. Hang Jebat punya barang mesti laku juga. Wau, Congkak, mata wang malaysia pun berharga. Ini macam buat value naik mah. Pakai lah otak. Rm0.50 cents boleh value. Tak terhingga. Sama juga wang Rm0.20, rm0.10, rm0.05 dan rm0.01 cents. Saya buat wang sudah kotor, lepas cuci bukan sama value, lebih value.
Sama juga manusia macam saya. Sudah kotor nama saya pun tak apa. Saya bersih habis, keluar lagi berharga. Buat different, when you feel different.
Dont Believe The Gods.
You FEEL the Gods now.
Bukan kepercayan kepada tuhan lagi,
Zaman Tun sudah tamat tempoh. Sekarang zaman modern baru. Ikut kalendar Cina lunar baru ini hari. Hari pertama  Lunar baru. Tak sama yang dulu lagi.
"Rasalah Kuasa Tuhan-Tuhan"
Saya dapat rasa, kamu juga boleh rasa.
Sebab tuhan sekarang bagi semua rasa dan bukan percaya saja. Satu permintaan saya bagi semua. Tuhan say OK.
For you all to Feel the Gods. And dont say only me can feel. Everyone also can feel. Fair. So spirit i teach you how to see, god i ask permission for you to feel.
Anything more you want me to do? Nothing is impossible for me.
Tak buat lagi nak minta.
Berapa digit. Hujan berhenti baru saya tengok. Main main lagi. Hahaha
Tengok lah.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

All branded huhuhu....
Gembiranya semua Tuhan. Tahu macam.

Buat tak tau dulu lah.


Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
The Lunar Master

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