Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Living Stone

What are Living Stone meant? Ada meaning punya. Bukan cakap cakap saja.
Ok. Ada satu hari, lepas lumba motorsikal, saya pun balik ke Teluk Intan dari Setiawan. Semasa di simpang empat di Teluk Intan yang ada satu biji batu, besar tak besar, kecil tak kecil, yang diletak sebelah jalan saja. Saya pandu agak cepat juga, nampak depan sudah tukar hijau, lagi tarik minyak nak cepat sikit (semua orang ini macam punya, saya buat ini macam, semua pun mesti ikut ini macam semasa di lampu merah) tanyanya sendiri sudah tahu. Tiba tiba ada tangan keluar dari batu itu layang layang tangannya, nampak tangan terkejut lalu tekan brake, depan satu kereta laju pass terus. Kalau bukan nampak tangan batu. Sayalah kena langgar. Har, betul. Batu itu ada sampai sekarang. Dan check berapa accident yang berlaku disimpang itu. Saya tak tau. Kalau ada pun sikit saja. Sebab batu ada spirit tolong jaga jalan raya supaya tak jadi kemalangan. Macam itu letak lah batu disimpang jalan. Letak lah dengan baik. Atas bagi duduk. Bukan panggil duduk bawah rumput. Tak hormat langsung nak spirit jaga jalan raya. Tak perlu letak banyak banyak. Nanti semua bukan kerja, lebih pun 2 atau 3 cukup. Kalau ramai, mana satu nak ikut jika satu panggil jalan, satu panggil jangan jalan, satu lagi panggil keluar (macam itu you mesti cepat cepat keluar kalau ada jumpa, sebab spirit tak tau cakap bohong macam saya). Recoment satu sudah cukup. Jangan tamak letak banyak-banyak. Buat lah cantik sikit baru letak "Living Stone". Kalau batu tak ada spirit, nampak rumah cantik, mesti dia pergi duduk. Jemputlah dia duduk. Semua simpang satu biji, kemalangan pun mesti kurang. Mana mana selalu ada kejadian kemalangan yang mengakibatkan kematian, mesti ada banyak spirit dekat sana. Sebab tak tau jalan mana mau balik. Pokok pokok sudah potong manusia, papan tanda tak ada. Tak jumpa jalan balik rumah. Tunggu tahun tahun duduk sana pun tak ada orang mari tolong bagi apa apa pun. Baju, tak ada, seluar tak ada, makanan tak ada, tak kesian kah kalau itu spirit famili you sendiri. Macam dalam hutan tak ada apa apa. Sebab masa untuk Spirit reborn kena tunggu ribu ribu tahun. Nak cepat, jadi lah binatang. Nak jadi manusia, lama kena tunggu, sebab production manusia lambat sangat. Tak erti kongkek bikin anak. Panggil saya kongkek kalau kamu tak tau kongkek. Spirit semua pun marah apa ini manusia, tau cari wang, tak tau bikin anak. Ada wang, apa guna. Marah lah spirit. You nak Luck, dia bagi, you nak dia buat ini, dia dah tolong, tapi dia nak reborn, you pulak tak buat production bagi dia. Tak balance. You dapat manfaat dia, tapi dia tak dapat manfaat you. Sama saya juga lah. Link punya. Kita member mah. Bagi punya, tapi manusia tahu ambil tak tau bagi. Sampai spirit nak rebirth pun tak jadi bagi. Alamak. Ini complaint spirits. Tuhan punya tak settld. Lagi spirit punya. Haha. Rokok pun habis. Spirit pun tak dapat, lagi bagi u kah? Saya baik, tapi spirit ada feel juga. Betul. Lunar baru ini sekarang you bukan saja boleh nampak spirits, tapi you boleh rasa spirit. Buat sex sama spirit pun ada feel.
Bark the dogs.
Air mani pun pancut pancut loh. Sudah test punya. Ada buat research. Bukan suka suka cakap. First human sex with spirits on the first day of New Lunar Year.
Mestilah lagi best. Mana ada spirit boleh kalah manusia. Ofcourse the spirit are better then human. And they are a good players for you because the do what you need for you. Not like your ladies, i am tired, i am sleepy, i am busy, many many excuse. Make already sure tired lah. If no make how to tired. Sohai. Work what so tired? Dumb ass. Got Princess Donna for you to do, you dont want, you want to be a bitch. Then my value is what? You want make me no value, at the end is who no value? Is you yourself only. And I always want to clean you up, want to help you clean, you dont want it, you prefer going no value. No value is what? Cheap.
Yes, no value is cheap lah. We do what always will think our value first, the most important think in life is the value of yourself. If you had no value on yourself, then there is no moral already. You had failed the first Buddha test. The first is your own valued. The very most important thing is your own valued. Understand.
I am open and crazy, but I choose to fuck value girls. Prostitute is a valued girl. The service due to family or financials problems. They dont have chooice to find a better way of living and they are sad to do it. But when they do with me, they are very happy girls because I treat all of them like a Princess Donna for me. They got the value, but you where is the value I want to see? Before I teach you many times and tell you the Rm10 notes story, many times, you never want to listen. Why? Now I want to proove you that a person can increase his own value. Making Rm0.50 value coin to higher value coin. No people will down grade own value. That is stupid peoples job only. And you follow. Not only no value, is out of value my girl. So, Buddha test number 1 you failed. Number 2.
How you treat him. You always let him alone and never accompany him after the work. You never think to eat dinner with him. You never serve him as the head of a family how can you be his wife. On dating only, you cannot serve him as the lord of a family, how can you be his future wife?
Test no 2 failed.
Do you supply enough food to your future family head? If a kid are together, what will the kid think when always just see us like this. The mother always ask her father to do things only. But the father do it because.he want you to realize that what ladies work he also can do without saying cannot. He do. And he even want to do it better then the ladies can do. Guys can do better then ladies, and I am one of them that will do the ladies job in the house. And I do it better also.
I passed the test, but you failed it as a girl in a room only.
If a person cannot tidy his own room herself, she cannot do it a home. She cannot do it at shop. She cannot do it at factory. And more on. That is simple link. If you see the house of the person, you can know how well this person can handle a big company or country. Not by clean by maid. Is cleaning by himself alone. The how look like. The tidy thing he do. Just look at his room and house you will know the person ability on work. If he do not help anything at home, he cannot help anything at office or factory at all. An indepandant guys with a tidy clean room or house is a very good in leadership and management of anything. They got the mind of management perfect choice. So look for staff that you go to visit his home and then you will know his ability of work. If got maid, those are lazy and copycat staff. Because thier brain is death to manage things, everything the robots job. Staff with maids at home are lazy then those who are indepandent. Staff who like to go work on times and back on times is a good staff. Staff who work on times and back late is a very good staff. Staff who is late but came to work until middle of the night is a different staff. You want different, you must accept the different of this staff. Only stupid boss dont know the value of this kind of peoples. Yes, stupid bosses. Give you luck and good design, he dont want. So all come back yesterday. I no ask them back, but they come back because no Gods protect them. Oh. That why. Fuck lor. Then all those no Gods all sure will come back guarantee back.
Especially branded and leather products. You will feel the different this month compare to last month drastically different. Is true my friend. My energy after promoted is infinity. No limits. I just close it. Customer walk pass also cant see your shop. They just close thier eyes for me. Cannot see your shop, you know that "Kuai Je Ngan". They do that, not me. I no ask them to do. Got help you now? Who can help you?
Terima Kasih kepada Allah, Jesus, Ganesha, Buddha, and all Gods for allowing the Spirits to do that.
Dont know why? Miracle do happen.
Alls gods in the first times allow free spirits, before they cannot do, but why now gods allow it?
One good things got 5 reason
One bad things also got 5 reason
1. They catch the Bird
2. They plucked his feather
3. They destroy his family
4. They humilated the bird
5. They humilated The Lord
Got or not. Ask yourself. Hey, please dont come to meet me anytimes you want. Now i am not open anymore. I very close now. My time is timeless. Please take note. No matter who the fuck are you. King also no fuck. Is dowan to fuck.

Hang Tuah vs The Musang King
Siapa menang?

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