Sunday, May 8, 2016

I Purposely Let Go a Rat

76Buddha : U let go bird in cage, you are bless in good.
Ganesha : U let go rat in cage, you are bless with very good.

A rat is calling and begging "please let me go, please let me go, I am hungry so I eat your food. You destroy my home and my place, i had no foods to eat and no place to stay. I had to stay at dirty places with no foods. How can I survive? How can I care my babies and partner? Please please, they need me, my babies are still small and my partner just give birth cannot find food for the babies. Why you human treat us like this? Is you human that itself destroy our future. You give us eat poison. Then we only urine poison. After human consump the pollutate water, they blame at us? You yourself give us poison first, now you blame us. Why human just know how to blame? Even as Rat you also can blame. What are this human brain all about? I am Ganesha favourite, he ask me bring you luck. But I bring to you "Luck", you dont want nevermind, you still want catch me and kill me. You human being, always do dirty jobs". Killing the Ganesha God's favourite animals and blame them as a "Killer".

Then Ganesha God know about this. He is very very angry. You know let go the Bird because is your Buddha favourite. But you kill and blame my favourite animal to bring you my "Luck". You no respect the Hindu God. You human think as Hindu Gods cannot punish you all. You know what is Ganesha Secret Power?
The power that Googles also dont know because The Lord not yet open his Magic box for the Ganesha Secret Power.
Ok. Let me open now and see what is Ganesha Secret Power. I need 5 minute to open a presents from Gods. And I got infinity of presents waiting for me to open.😃😃😃
Ok. 2 more minutes.
The Secret Power is = when you let go a cage Rat, you will be very good luck. When you feed them foods to eat, your health will be always healthy. If you allowed the rat to stay, built them many house and supply them foods, whatever sick you had, will be 100% cure in 30 days. This include Alzhemier, Old age sickness and all aging human health above 40 years will be heal without any needs of medication or healthy foods. This is the Secret Power of Ganesha God will bless human when they help him to protect and care his favourite animals. So, Rat is not only bring you Luck, they bring you Mr Health too. They are not Killer as posted on the media. They are the healer. You blame the wrong animals. Do not acuse them, they are just an animals, a rat only. You human also want to bully them. Big size bully small size, not fair.
At school also, teach the kids this moral.
Dont bully the small size kids just because you are big. He maybe is your healer that you need him to survive. Because Gods create us, all organisism are balance. No human or animals can be bullied, only the strongest to care the smallest, and the smallest always heal the biggest. That is the fact. Go circle around all the times.
So scientist again, your tips is given. The small is healer. The smallest is the biggest help, and is always be. What is that? Dont need I say you also know. What are those poison of insects.  Insects. They are the healers for... my ladies work. Just take back 5 magazines of health problems. Ok. Wait I bring back for them to study. So scientist all around the world. We got new challenge again.🙄🙄🙄... Medical Scientist vs Medical Research from Malaysia.
See who is the fastest research on Medical treatment without the help from Gods. But ofcourse from my lovely Kuman Thong again. Hahaha.
Let you start first. I start second. Because now need blogging.

Hahaha. My baby lover. She such a cute little princess. I like her the way she do. Her face are cute when she is mad. Her face are funny when she is angry. Her face are notti when she is berserk.
That is why I like her. Different. The differents make me like her. Because I like different things. That is her power. 😗😗😗

Oh. Just now at now Clinics Astro at Kota Damansara. I give you many lucky lucky lucky to all the staff and doctor. Because they are doing the good things. Remember pricing is important. Giving free consultant will give more customers. With the Spirit I ask them to go in your clinic because got many seat for them. So your Good Luck is coming to your clinic. Do not take away the Rm0.10 I put at your place. You can add in but do not take out. That is my Mr Luck for you. Free and no charges. So when business growth, remember to help more peoples on your medical research. Good Job. Well done.
Want to add in value? Ofcourse I got, I always got things to add. The Add Master is here for you. And with Add, your business more better. But before this, we go for Fung Shui first at your Clinic.
First, Less in nature, please use original plants, office plants (a good new business  venture, just supply office plants and service every week - give plants free to customers, charges them for servicing plants, dont ask me how to service plants? Just service handphone lah? Do your own research - how to service plants☝🖑🤘👍👏 ok 5 things only need. Tell your customers, these 5 steps of service plants indoor. Help them showers, help them cut hair, help them put make up, help thep styling hair and help them dress up) what is dress up? Put decoration hanging things. (Another connected business to venture) is link up business.

My lover disturbing me again. Always just know how to ask peoples to work, never try to help peoples, hmm, when can mature and think positive? If cannot think positive, how to think smart? Without smart cannot be intelligent. If no intelligent, you cannot create ideas and inmovations. No ideas no art and designs. All link up a line... life principles wit business wit politic... are same things haplen that start at home. That is moral.

I am back.
Let me connect now. Dont know will connect which lucky Gods.
Ops! Spirit again. Ok

Oh! They want link with Elements to tell me how to adjust your shop perfect Fung Shui. So is The Elements with Spirit Fung Shui. What is mix always the best.
The bird tweet.
The Birds want to join in also. That is more great. Then we are adjusting the Fung Shui with 6 Elements + Spirits + Birds to produce the best Fung Shui for your Shop. So that you will invite my Mr Fortune to your Shop and increase your best growing business...

alamak! My lover is disturbing my lines....
This little cutie, The Lord are teaching students, and you are making the noise. What Buddha teach you the Moral? Buddha never teach anyone to disturb or make noise to other. Because, will interupted the class of Moral.
From Om Amy Dewa Say...

Lucky my connection is strong. And now Gods say use double connection. Wireless and Bluetooh or LAN. So if one disconnect, got another back up connections. 😆😆😆 Good ideas.

Ok. To get Mr Fortune, oh wait. Allah and Ganesha also want to join in my class. They like my teaching way. Ok. Then welcome All of thd Gods, call Jesus also. So we got all Gods in my class of Fung Shui + Birds + Spirit in Business Fortunes. All in one concept. Yes all in ONE CONCEPT will always provide the best Business Fortune.
First, All Gods is a must. (And those who got missing Gods around my place, maybe until Ipoh or Penang, you ask Master JinBochi to help you search your Gods or Kumanthong. I dont know he got charges or not. Since he can publish and selling the Gods things and telling the story. Meant he got connection. Then he can help you track your Gods. Or ask other master or sifu. If ask me, I give Free Service charges. Just receive donations and give. Less is more, more is less.

2. The Nature is always the spirits like. You cannot just invite the Gods and ask the Gods to stop the spirits from getting into your house or shop. Because is same as the "The Rat Story". You human destroy thier place and no food for them. Only they disturb you to find food. But you hired Gods to catch them away. Can you do that? They did nothing wrong. Is you that do wrong, destroying thier home first and no food supply. So you need to balance back thier spirit life. Because thier energy is weak always stay outside under the rain and sun. Cannot go in your house or shop to take rest. The spirit actually is your business Luck Amulet, you dont need Kumanthong if you got many Spirit at your shop. If you know how to treat spirits. If i open shop, i treat open ceromony and invite all the Spirits to join the party. When the come, I will prepare a well and clean house of spirit. What is house of spirits? See the Thai Gods at Googles. Is like the God house also, but is place with stones (nice stone black and white is the best combination), you want stronger power, use stone and set up Yin Yang using the stone. They provide Energy to the Spirits. You give them place to stay, provide energy for them and treat them foods, WOWS. Business bom bom ki. Keep clean. You can make as a wish pond also. With water around the fountain if you got a big space. With those fish I like, not your Rm10,000 Japanese Koi or your Rm20,000 Lavendar Arowana. Is my rm0.50 lampan, keli, haruan, belida, Guppy, (Tipu dont beleive lah, Idiot), Arowana also got lah, fighting fish (fighting fish can mix actually in a group, how? Easy, 10 female = 1 male, if you got 100 female, you can mix 10 male together, they dont fight anymore because got many females lala together happy together, 2 more fishes you check at Publika shopping mall wall paper. Is draw out there. More future predictions (walau eh). 99.9% accurate. No missing one of 28 wallpapers is draw all over Publika. And the Fung Shui is just less one things at there. My rm0.10 Mr Lucky charm. Without this rm0.10 Lucky Charm, the whole place is just a pieces of cakes. Added my only rm0.10, the wholes area is very very Goods. First I go there, I like it and I ask my Spirit friends to come, the come happily, but next they take out the chairs, they dont let me sit, the spirits all sad, all go away. Hahaha. I give you Mr Luck, you throw away Mr Luck. Then I go pick up my Mr Luck back. Save back my Rm0.10 only. Nevermind, you lose rm2 million each months. And with Mr Luck, you increase every months for all business around the areas also. So now I also no feel to go Publika already. I offer to other who want welcome me only. And I bring my coins all the times for you. Even I dont know who are you, I like your way, I will give you myself without your ask.
But those who I give, and they dont want, I take back, nevermind. And not one, is many. One by one come back to me when they did not see me go there. Automatic come back to me. Dont say I never give, I give already then you "Kacang lupakan kulit" so the natural things will happen when Kacang no kulit. The are a component, you cannot break apart both of them. Coffee Ice without Ice is no more cold. Ice will finish.
Dont just ask me to follow lorry and deliver goods to your customers only. Lucky I bring enough coins for those beside shop also. And is my own money, no claims are made also. Everyone got this Mr Luck from me. But dont know what they dont accept the Spirits I ask them to go in and stay at Furniture Shop. Because got mattress, sofa and chairs inside for them to take rest. But many did not welcome them at all, always move the sofa, take in take out, change this change that, spirit sleeping also never ask permission when want to move the mattress or sofa. If you are sleeping, I fold over the mattress, you get angry or not? Just say lah "excuse me", 2 seconds words in what langauge they will understand also. Then you everyday change also can. Just the Moral words before you move something especially big things at your home and shop.
That is the Rules.

Outside shop must have atleast 2 green plants. You can put 2 together in big vase, or 2 saperate vase. Placing together or left and right also can. The front plants is very important for your shop. For those on  top, you can place a mini one on the staircase. This plants are thier signboard. And you must have this signboard for them to invite friends come. Without these signboard, how they know is the shop? No signboard shop is hard to find, same as for human. So the bigger plants meant the bigger signboard, the tallest and old is the best, is those like highway signboard. If you got a big old tree infront your shop, no need my Mr Luck also can. Research all Shop infronts with Big Old Tree and research it customers and business. Is beh tahan. Everyway with Big Old Tree is like a condominium for the spirits. One big old tree meant you got whole condominium spirit infront of you. So you just need to invite them to your shop. How to invite. Easy lah. How you pray the Chinese Holloween. But pray it once a month. When better, make it twice a month, is more better do it 4 times a month. If super better, everyday also you need to pray them. Is real. But dont be "Kacang Lupakan Kulit" kawan. Tuhan mana suka punya.

To add Fung Shui value, spirit house like aquarium, pond, small garden, land scape, tang lung, reverse light on floor, or bottom on your pond, chair, swing,

You see, kacau again without asking or saying excuse me, teacher, can i go to toilet. Just stand up and teacher, please take my book for me...
Lucky i got double connection advise from Gods. So it wont disconnected.
Hmm, we make it triple connection now. Stronger and more stability because many things the human want to disconnect The Lord with the Gods. Yaya... Jesus agree. Allah smile. Ganesha giggle, buddha say OH human, other Gods clapped hand. Cheers the Lord of Universe😆😆😆
This is the "feel i want" make the Gods Laugh, not giving them problems, solve thier problems.

Zeus say rain again. Melted the Gods heart. Dont be action -not action Gods, that is proud. Is different action and proud.

The landscaping and planting office plants is very good venture. Also the plants decoration items. Samples as my home decoration items. You know what? Yes, Angry Bird on trees. Bring back Angry Bird return for no Copyright or Trademark. This no need copy, is giving free to everyone to produce. Then help me free Advertisement all around the world. I give free, so people do free, market and I get all free Advertisement. Worldwide who dont know Angry Birds? So when I just say I am Angry Birds, what happen? What can I do? What can I do when all mobile got Angry Birds? A pop up massage only on your phone with any Angry Birds free Apps. Young and old also got. All can play. All can receive my msg? All is on my link. I just need to Bring back Angry Birds return. With this decoration at your shops, spirit will come naturally from anyway. If you got place the nature and elements under you control. If got wish pond, so easy for me to drop a coins for you. And also other peoples will drop coins inside the pond. And i drop allot at Daizen before I being sacked. Nevermind, I dont mind at all. Atleast I try to help, peoples dont accept or give contributions. I never ask also lah. Steady one. You want you give, you take they go. I get suffer a bit, you get more suffer. The only thing that supporting you is money only. Slowly they drop drop drop. Because your pillar are not strong anymore without the spirit holding it. And no customers because no lala ladies cheering peoples to come in. All just walk pass and look from outside. With my lala ladies, these peoples will naturally walk in your shop. Come to you.
If you do very nice and they like it very much, they go there to enjoy the clubs. But the club no DJ. No DJ to play the songs. How will the club get entertaints without the DJ? At least got my CD songs play at your shop.(bring back CD burning, because many CD cannot be sold out. So anyone need the song for the Spirit, can make worldwide business just selling online. Just one CD from my remix, your spirit stay and hang out and like dancing queen calling your customers? 1 CD burning you can get Rm1 million a month. And i dont like new songs, what song is those song. Is vietnam song. Is really with chinese mix song also. Why? Because I know Veitnam words and I like Vietnam Teen, they are no stubborn mind, polite, respect you as King, treat you better then your wife, all also very good when you got MONEY only. Same minded also. Maybe got target somemore. More dangerous in reverse side. Maybe they are the Crocodile in the river, not Chinese teen anymore. Because things will change. Sunshine will bright after the darkness. Circle, it will not just stop at one place only. Just stand up each times you fall, fall seven times, stand up eight times. Just stand up and you will win. But when you stand up, I fly up already. I dont waste times to keep stepping down someone. If he is the Undertaker like me, waste my times to step down on him. I go flying first. That is the way. Keep stepping down someone is only giving him chance, when you see him fall, run as fast as possible. That is the chance. Watch WWE Undertaker match when those player keel stepping on him, last he cholke his neck, get up, stand up, what he do? Cholke Slam. Ring the bell. Game over.
Is the same. WWE inner story, study it. Got many predictions for all. Not only this. The player represent which country, watch it 20 years ago until now all the famous match. SummerSlam, Wrestlemania, King of the Ring💀💀💀, etc.
You find the answer there.
John Cena is Soldier. Right he win what match? Which War in Reality? You can make the story reality with WWE or 50 shades you can lah.
But you try to make Jesus Story? You think you can or I can? Jesus say Oh. Is the dog bark. I say Jesus Christ no more the old menuscript, because he want to write the Modern Jesus Christ story, the happy ending story. That is what human mind thinking. Yes, is true. Buddha say Oh Human, Ganesha say Cina Babi, Allah say panggil Hudud and Jesus say No Amen.
I say "Bring it ON" challenge anytimes.
Old Jesus Story Vs Modern Jesus Story
Before they get me, I get her sacrified for me first to connect the Aliens. Because she planned this, I also planned that. We both got our own target.
Tengok siapa pancing pancing siapa.
You got many rods wit hook, but i just use tin and nylon string with hook to catch the fresh water prawn. I say I can catch more then you. Come we go Teluk Intan and fishing with you whole empire of peoples against me alone. That is a small town only. Choose your own spot as you like.
And now I am at your place, things is different when it is at my place. Right?
Teluk Intan, Sungai Perak vs Sungai Buloh.
Nama pun Perak lawan Buloh. Hahaha
Satu lagi cerita boleh bikin.
Ok lah. To day more value to your Fung Shui. I give you Ong Lai (in hokkien) meant nenas. Where there is Spirit, there will be Ong Lai. Meant Ong mali. Meant you can plant pineapples trees. And is with free fruith for each plants. You can continue each times you cut and replace on the grounds. The bigger, the better "Ong Ong Mali". Just plant it, beleive me. Kelapa Sawit boleh buah, Nenas pun boleh buah" dan tambah lagi ong bagi you. Plants Ong Lai infront or back of your house, the more the better Ong for you and family. Why Hokkien need Ong Lai for Bai Di Kong, The Grandfather and Grandmother like to eat pineapples. If you make them happy, then you know what will lai lor. Not only Hokkien can pray, everyone can pray Grandfather and Grandmother God. Malay, Indian, English and all peoples can pray. But pray for "I Bless God" everytimes I pray this way. Different way, the are Grandnie, so I pray I can bless them. Hope they receive my bless every year. I had no money, but I walk out and just pray for them. If I got money, then only I pray many many Ong Lai for them. Nowaday no relatives invite me to go thier home and pray, so I no go also. Nevermind, they cut off their own connection only, i just help to connect, they reject me, so I just disconnect it. Better dont give old peoples troubles, help them more. Old peoples will give you more Ong Lai. You help him take bath, make him clean, you naturally get his Ong Lai. That is what I want. Not his money, I want his Ong Ong because give me huat huat. And each times I help old peoples, Jesus will give me a Magicbox. If everyday I help, I get many Magicbox. They dont want it, I want. Is other peoples magicbox, God give them, they dont want, so is free, who cares. Take lah. Same like those people give Kopi, drink lah. 😄😄😄
Tak rugi apa apa.
So Ong Lai make your Mr Luck more energy. Plants lah as more as you want at back or front of your shop or house. Dont waste the space or close it with stone. You can add your own Ong better. Confirm will grew up beautiful and you can enjoy the sweet fruits. Got value. Because all thing I bring in sure got special value from bottom to top. I always like to share and give. You treat me good, i treat you more good. You treat me bad, i treat you good also. That is the bulldozer and not stupid dozer. Good always is good, evil cannot close Good. That is True Help only good people do good things.

There is a bird family staying on top of a tree. They got two small babies just hatch from the eggs. Still not know learning and even call papa. Then a group of human walk pass and saw the bird family. They catch his father down. One by one they pluck his feathers. They where 1000 boys  and girls together pluck the bird father feather until he cannot fly. Until he cannot give his two babies to eat also. He cried in pain, the boys and girls laugh at the poor bird crying in pain. Please let help my babies. They even not yet know how to call his papa. The bird father is torture and cage up by this boys and girls. Crying everyday, cannot fly to feed his babies, the babies no see his father, miss his father so much, soon the one of his babies brain retarded. The father cannot do anythings because his feather all being pluck off already. Then the feather grew, they pluck. When it grew, they pluck. They want his power. The cage him. Force him to do this and do that. Give this fortune. Give this wealth. Give this luck. This this health. And give the kids smart. He do everything for them. All the things the boys and girls want he give them. They do this how many year until the bird also dont know. His own babies need his power but he cannot give his own babies. They force him to give thier own kids to get smarter. He give them also. All he also give. No ask anything in return. The birds do nothing and until now also he still giving only. The boys and girls all so happy. They treat the bird like treating a Kuman Thong.
The birds got family. They destroy the nest and make the mother bird and 2 babies no home.
As same as you all treating me,
Sean Khor Yan Guan.
Are you an animals or human?
Uncle also Fuck to hell
You think this is the games? You want I sacrified my sons to bless your kids? What is this meant?
From now, I still will give you, and give you more then what you want. Yes, I say it.
True, my heart had no "Revenge" this word. And I will not tell my family or talk bad anything about what you all do. Even my parents, I will not say any bad of you all. Not a single bad word. If they ask, i still will say you are the best Uncle and Aunty. Yes, is True.
And all Friends all same. I bless you more and better. Close or far, just continues your business, money will come your way if you follow my formula.
You can dont want it, up to you. You want it. You do it to get more spirits. The more spirits, the more customers. Anything attract Spirits will attract customer.
Spirits like Green colour. Dont need all green I meant, with added value only. You dont need to paint all green. But all green is actually very ong.
And colour "fung shui" is also an added value to shop and home.
Every years colour will change, according the Elements. There are 10 colour in Fung Shui. How do you get this 10 colour elements? Is natural colour you must have in a colour box (White, yellow, orange, red, brown & Black, dark blue, light blue, dark green, light green) then mixture you will get the other sub colour. Sub colour are -energy while main colour are +energy. Balance the colour of your house   base on this formation. Beside light blue (blue is Water) and light green (green is Earth), other lighter colour are -energy.
You can try your colour Fung Shui by mix macthing colour or using the ton colour. Or painted a white colour base first and then add in value. This is 2 layer paint colour also can. Different colour style and different way created different Fung Shui.
You are the head, what is your element? Then choose your element colour. The colour are +energy colour. So you must need balance with -energy colour. A shop or house with one colour produce imbalance Energy then with mix colour of + and - Energy. I am try on 3 colour Energy and Research after I painted my own house. Still in prosess. Hope another Miracle will happen with 3 colour mix. Yes, planned 2 year agos but not free to paint. Everyday thinking what to share and help and blog.

What shop can last for forever? Yes, Forever good business. Sure win business. No lose business. Open sure got business. Even without any Spirit.
Ok... the business is Drug business. If you open, sure got business, but I dont know the police will catch you or not. But you can try give many kopi. Haha. If you open, I can be your first customers and drop you a rm0.10 cents.

The sure win business is selling the God's things and the spirit things. Your business will not lose money. That is the God's guarantee. You opened at where, the business luck follow you everyway. If you do furniture, open a shop only selling the God's items. All your other business link will be Good Good Good. And this my Fung Shui for all. Not sell one, but is mix, your Business for all race customers also will come. Must beleive lah. If no beleive dont sell, sure nothing happen. Of you beleive the Gods, you trust The Lord. You follow, you get Ong Lai Lai beh teng.
Ong mali tak henti henti.
Jika jual barang Allah, Ganesha, Christ, Buddha, Thai, dan lain lain Gods, satu group punya company mesti baik dengan satu cawangan saja. Kalau dua cawangan, double baik. Kalau tiga cawangan, saya bagi you Triple kali baik. Happy semua. Semua dapat kongsi.
Jangan Kacang Lupakan Kulit bila tahu tips formula ini. Inilah special bonus.
Cakap Free, saya mesti bagi Free.
Bukan saja jual, mau percaya sudah.
Kehebatan Semua Tuhan jadi Satu.
Kalau bagi free punya, "add bonus value".😍😍😍. Barangan Tuhan baru berapa wang? Rm3-4 ringgit saja. Bagi Free bukan masalah besar. Tak sanggup bagi Free, macam mana nak dapat Jackpot?
Nak kena Jackpot, kena bagi lah Free dulu. Tak payah orang pergi beli. Bulan bulan kiram saja sampai rumah. Courier service pun jadi baik. "Mau bagi Free, bagi dengan ada style sikit" baru lagi added bonus. Ini cara mesti you dapat extra Ong Ong Lai. NENAS DUA BUAH you boleh dapat. Twins. I give you do this Miracle happen. As money you feel not enough. What about Miracle for you. Two fruits pineapples trees because you help poors peoples, Gods give you the present. Cakap bagi mesti bagi, steady punya. Bukan cakap "Pengecut" punya.
BMW tak cukup, Bagi Ferrari you, tak rasa cukup, bagi Lamborgini you, Nak lagi, ambil lah Boieng 777. Sampai you puas hati you baru derma pun boleh.
I WAIT YOU. The Gods extended the connection. Thank You my Gods.
Nak formula AIDS lah macam itu. Takut kena kan. Bagi juga formula you.
Semua problem settle bagi you. 😇😇😇
Tamak betul manusia. Saya ada baru punya juga mah. Sini tolong, sana buat. Bukan saya buat. Saya hari hari ada sini apa boleh buat. Bukan Ladies buat juga. Sebab ladies buat baik tak buat jahat. Haha. Siapa yang buat?
Itu orang paling dekat sama you lah.
Boleh cucuk you. And I want to help him. I HELP HIM 100%, and sure win.
And you get all his things. I dont want.
The we are the TOP standing side to side. Balance. No top No Bottom. The best solutions to get all back and give to him.
When you cannot get the Top, you try his followers, if cannot then you try the second beside him. Sure 99.9% he want.

Challenge myself. Because all no challenge at all. No excitement, no enjoyment and no interesting at all.
I challenge my self better.
My mind vs My soul
For making money more no value.
So no poor peoples or rich peoples in the world. This we call challange.
So all problems solve when money no value.
Circle is the formula. Not the pyramid.
Easy. Easy. Easy.
No more value for money when is circle like the rats back to dinosour. As the dinosour very very need the rats only for thier life. A need B, B need C, C need D, D need E, until Y need Z and Z need A back.
Take out (M) is Money. Then is L need N, without (M) anymore
A is 👮👲👳👷👸💂🎅👼👯👴
B is 🙍🙎🙅🙆💁🙋🙇🙌🙏👵
C is 👫👬👭💑💏
D is 👅👄💋
E is 👪👪👪👪👪
F is 💘❤💛💜💟
G is 👈👉☝👆🖕
F is 👿👺👹😱👽👾🤖
G is 👠👡👢👟👞
H is 👑👒🎩🎓
I is 🎒🛍👝👜👛
J is 👕👖👗👚👘
K is 👔👙
L is 📿💎💍
M is Money no value 😎😎😎 batu & gems is the value.
N is 👓🕶💄
O is🕵 Infinity Identity 92j
P is 👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰
Q is 💩💩💩💩💩💩
R is 👮👮👮👮👮👮
S 📿📿📿📿📿

Ok. This is a summary only. The sub will be many car, house, technology, cinema, song, all items in the world are all in this circle. That everything need the top to survive. Same to the Gods that need santa claus. Santa will need the animals. To produce miracle to devil. Devil will pass to dark side. The dark side will pass to spirits. Spirit will pass to Alien. Then alien pass to those who sacrified for thier family. ☻☻☻

The Gods agree this formula. Because it help save the EARTH.

So you cannot hired people do dirty jobs with noted. Stone and Gems is the value.

Or continue with M but no dirty jobs?

You want living better or better living?
People vote. I be the balancer only. I never abuse power. I let peoples to vote.

You want better living, poor peoples also want better living too. You cannot take all. Same together get the god's creation
and help the poor country.

Because you must got my formula only you can save yourself. Without what is the rock cocking, how you can get heal?
Do you understand.

The bird sacrified all the times his when his feather is born, being plucked. Thd bird sacrified because the bird want to save the animals first. The rats, the pigs and the insects. So he let them torture everyday. What the give him eat he eat, what they ask him to do, he do. What they want he give because he want to save all the animals and insect before he go.
Last he want to save the peoples that torture him also. Yes. The bird want to save earth from the Aliens invention on earth. He must contect the Alien and stop. He maybe failed to get contact the Alien in times. Yes. Is True.
2012, Alien & Predator, all in my bedrooms. All already happen, only this two creatures not yet happen. From MH370, 911, Ultraman, all is finished manuscript. Only this two toys is the last for me to challenge. And all human nobody dare. Nobody. Even I help you back, you not dare to go with me. If I no go, then who can save Earth? Who support me? Still nobody. All are just Pengecut. The Leaders, The Underworld, The Dai Gor, all nobody.
No human are brave then a bird. That why you know why all Gods support me. Not this big case, is something bigger then this. All I prepared and planned.
They come also we all die together.
Latex is better then Uranium.
Why I import just only the latex and to ny home. All I had planned. Not to get all of you. Is to get the Predator and Aliens.
They reach Earth, we are all finish. You can go my home and see all the toys I put from bottom living room to the dry kitchen and last to upstair second room and last to my room placing on top.
Never miss a toys story from A to Z.
Never miss one. Included the soccer team player. All. They are missing part.
Those at Damansara Perdana. If all join up, is a incredible story. All is connected in one. And the ending is already written 2 years ago.
The Angry bird go challenge the Predator first. He almost lost. He lost all his buddy and Eggs. Last is only Angry Bird (red) alone vs The Whole Aliens
A bird only.
The games can be download, anyone win the Predator? Then last the Alien.
Let me know how you win because I have nothing to fight them. And is just a shoot from the Lastic. And you cannot no matter how can do the Miracle.
I failed all also died.
Only win can save the Earth.

So got money also got use or not? Go enjoy lah. Do what you want. Cancer is given give everyone the second chance when you still can help. Keep for what. Got money treat all peoples eat lah. Keep for what. All rich rich formula also give liao. You want take it lah. Free for all.
Because got money no chance to use I know. Dont beleive, you go my home see all the toys I place. The God table. 99.9% accuracy my Fung Shui for the future.

Ok lah. Talk more Fung Shui for you to do on next life if got chance. The Living Stone. Why a stone is name a Living Stone since I always go around everyway collect stone. Not because I want to collect all stone so nobody will use lastic to shoot me. Is because when I was studying at secondary school, I like to race motor. My motorbike is Red also. Yamaha SS with modified engine and BM power. Will race with style also, not the Superman style, the Batman Style. Different way I race. And good result all the times. I always go to Setiawan the road, we race after the first Bridge, and will hangout with all Malay racer only. Not the Chinese. I mix with Malay peoples most of the times. Even play snooker and hangout with the Malay. Hey, I play snooker damn cun you know. Just I cin cai play most of the times. And my style damn ying also. Play with style. My hisghest record for Lucky ball is 15 Lucky ball and games in hand in 1 que. And my highest break for billard is 133 point in one que. You can go Teluk Intan and ask those dont know but I think still playing snooker player did you know "Cio Kia". Ask the Malay, Chinese, Mamak and Indian also lar. Because last times I always mixing with them. We play until come KL challenge the KL player everywhere. We play at Lien Hor, Ampang, PJ, Sungai Long, all over KL cari WaterFish to win money. Crazy times.
With my own modified Citiboy que by this guy name Botak. Very cun cari makan kaki. Play with top player but did not join competition one. He told me, if you want cari makan, you cannot be famous. Is true. Then you can curi makan famous player. Yes is true. Because you know all his tactic and how he play. If you not famous, nobody will know about you. Good teaching advise. So from that day, what I do also think first, dont be famous in no matter way if I still want curi makan. Once famous, no more chance for you catch peoples. So all the times only let peoples catch. So when you know peoples want to catch you. How you will play? Fung sui... let the waterfish swim up. Not play smart, play crazy.
So when go to racing, when superman style vs batman style. The way they fly, is  the same style we race. Haha. Batman win Superman. How he win, when Batman open his wings, he closed the Superman eyes and he fall down. Haha.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so.

Sean Khor
Lord Of Universe
The Movie Creator

Any comments people? I accept comments from peoples.

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