Sunday, May 15, 2016

My money at Fantasy World

I created 9 worlds already.
I cannot created this one? I dont beleive.
Even the Future i created. You think I cannot create in reality? Imposible.

Nothing is more important then helping the Gods. Not only Gods, spirits, elements, animals, plants, insects and human I want to help. All they know, just you only disturbing my way of flow. Blocking the Earth circle. Stop at the point. So the flow cannot go pass. What happen with this "Fung Shui", bad luck. You cannot change the Fung Shui energy, Fung Shui know I want help him, what he give me, the secret power.
And I learn from my room. Fung Shui teach me how to do. I follow fung shui lah. Where the wind blow, i just follow. He bring me here so I come here lah. He want me do this i do lah. Follow the wind.
Follow the wind, not against the wind. The energy of wind is the strongest among all Elements. Not fire. Earth follow wind instead of fire. Solar is not the best energy, is the wind. Wind produce more energy. And is 24 hours non stop. Solar only got few hours. I give more energy in future, what you know? What you can do? Curi makan tahu, bagi makan tak tahu.
All elements produce allots of Energy until you dont want it to use. Show me the maps and I tick for you which place at Malaysia can produce energy by research of the Geography only. No need go there and do this and do that. Take photos and measure this and that. Just look at the photo and geopraphy of the place. The height of the mountain down to sea, how fast the water flow I can count for you. Between 2 mountain, how strong the winds can produce when they pass around everyday. You go destroy the mountain, the wind energy reduce, natural gift you dont want, you want to korek sini, letup sana, mountain pun tak lepas. Bunuh juga. Alamak. Bagi free tenaga sana pun tak nak ambil. Tahu solar saja. Tapi lagi nak cari untung orang miskin punya. Tut@ mana boleh tut@

Ini macam tipu orang miskin boleh tut@
Mata sebelah buta sekali. Sebab you suka tutup sebelah mata. Buat tak tahu. Jadi saya tolong sebelah tutup saja. Tak payah hari hari nak tutup buat tak tahu.
Banyak chance sudah bagi. Tapi susah nak cakap "Sorry". Apa yang susah? Memang tak faham. Apa dia berani buat sama you, saya mesti tolong jaga sama you. Apa power dia boleh buat? Tak ada power lagi. Seekor semut saja dia. Dragonfly pun boleh attack dia. Saya pakai dragonfly saja. Tak perlu keluar mana mana dia. Lepas itu belalang pergi. Lipas pun masuk. Anai anai sudah siap kerja minggu lepas. Tekan butang saja, lagi satu magic. Tapi tuhan nak duduk sana, jadi tak nak bazir. Saya duduk triangle area. Tahu kenapa. 😍😍😍
Mesti adanya lagi treasure hunt games.
Saya suka lukis peta peta. Kena dapat jackpot. Betul punya treasure hunts. Bukan wayang wayang punya. Bukan US1 million punya hunts. Lebih US10 million atau lebih US100million or more.
Didalam satu peti saja. Ada banyak peti peti sudah siap. Peta saja belum lukis. Ada 3 peta sudah di lukis dalam tandas yang saya pernah pergi. Betul punya peta.
Betul betul ada emas, wang, gem, dalam peti itu. Tak tipu.

Beleive it or not, ask Ripley.

Real Treasure Hunts at Malaysia.
Tips. My COC games maps.
According to the GEMS boxs. From any location of my House.
Imagine the Geography of the Maps.
Where is the water. And wat lah.
Perfect spot. Got 4 maps there.
All the tree and stone location. Excatly the same as the real one. But nobody notice I play COC I did not collects GEMS, i give to smart peoples, but nobody notice that.
What are the plants for? The mushroom? All are value things you want.

Mushroom is a Miracle Gift box. I got too many Miracle Box. You find it, make a wish. You get what you want. See what wish you will ask? All will be given. One enough lah if you find. Then let other peoples chance.

And dont think is always underground only. Maybe is in the bag inside the duskbin. You will never know it.
And if you korek lubang, please close up after you dig. Dont just left it with a hole. You will never find in this way. Because you no love the Earth. You dig it, you close it. Or you saw it a hole, you close it. You got luck on your side.

When you find treasure, please check your goverments who's it is belong? I dont know they will makan all or give you. So I advise you share with everyone when you find. Everyone include the poors and beggars and ofcourse me lah.

Buah berlian mesti ada berlian lah. Tapi kena buah besar dulu. Cantik dan segar, mesti you dapat bila you makan. Bijinya boleh jadi berlian. Sudah saya nampak beberapa pokok dekat saya. Tunggu buah saja. Bila burung dapat makan baik. Najis burung bagi pokok. Berlian you dapat balik. Lagi baik burung dijaga, lagi baik semua dapat. Jaga buruk mana boleh dapat?

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Santa Claus

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