Saturday, May 7, 2016

How to do Powerful Ectacy Sweet

Well, my entertainment jobs for my own entertainments.

The powerful meant "High and Higher". First you need to know the elements inside the pills. What are the mixtures to produce the sweets. Each batch of these sweet are different feel. Because they are mix with no actual weighting method. All are done "agak agak" or with different elements but same energy provided. So I will make a Miracle Sweet. The best sweet on Earth. ☻☻☻
Using inhouse elements to produce this Baby Sweet and share with my babies. This times, I will use 11 elements only.
Kids, please dont try this at home. Wrong mixture might get you inhaul dangerous chemical produce. Bad for health if kids are around, so better do it day use hotels. Day use because peoples dont suspect, if use one day, many things can happen. More dangerous. Day use you can extand the times if you cannot finish. So you no need to rush. And when you do somethings, do part by part, so they cannot get you in any finished goods, so no sweets produce, no complete raw materials, how can peoples say that you are doing the ABC Sweets? No chance at all they can get you. Chance is you give them to get, if you no give chance, how can they get you? Right?
So I always do things no give peoples chance to catch me. No matter how, there is no chance.
Tweet the birds.
The things you just need to know
1. What temperature needed for the substance to reactive
2. What is the reverse reaction
3. What is the diverse reaction
4. What is the taste (anything is "pahit" will naturally make you high) the simple things to know. If you want get high, just take those thing... haha. Kill yourself if too much, overdose. So this times, I produce Miracle things, it will be taste "sweet" and colourful.
5. Carbonate drinks, Soya Bean extract, Coffee extract (pahit mesti ada), that is why I like coffee loh, white rice, Cigarrate Ash, Pamelo Skin & Leaf, Cactus Extract, Cordycept Extract, etc (6 out of 11)
Cannot give all. Later human abuse it.
6. The first organic extacy pill. Organic ebay can sell. No worry, not illegal. You maybe can be an Ebay Millionaire if you get this formula from me.
7. The mixture make you high. But when you reverse it, what happen? Yes, it make you higher. The same things happen when you do reLEAF. Tested before
With my buddy Mr Kenny. The sweet make you feel crazy. You will suddenly cried out. You will feel the strange spirit beside you. You will feel is raining in the room but no rain at all. You will feel your skin got worms but nothing happen. You will feel making love at heaven. Like Pink Lady or French Flies. You will feel the unbeleivetable feel you never feel before. That is the "Feel" those clubber want. I know because I am the "kaki clubber". The super powerful sweet is super Incredible. My Mr Kenny tried one times, he surrender because to powerful. I only take half and he want to be Hero, he take whole sweet.😲😲😲
Yes, we tested it before, you can ask him.
Whatever my things is different and better. I dont copy peoples things, I development my own better things to other peoples only.
Ok. You do it this way. After getting all the extractions, is better to leave it expire or rotten. Why? To produce an active bacteria to help these active agents. It will make them stronger, the molecule will expand and run faster then the normal fresh things.
Using temperature to increase these active agents. Make it hot, then cold, then hot again, cold again. The more you did this, the more effect you will increase it. This is a natural mathematic science that work for electrical, medical, love,.. everythings on Earth.
If a couples in love get argue and get good later, it happen always, then the heart and mind get bad to worst.
So is the same formula for all medical too if you need to increase the power. Use the temperature, Fire and Air with water Elements. To make it faster, add Metal Elements. The Magnesium. There is a plants that produce very "pahit" fruits. Dont remember the name, dotted with black spot. Green in colour. That is the best to produce organic estacy sweet. So the process is same as "Bedak putih". Easy right? Get rich easy, dont forget me when get Rich. Remember to donate.
Is organic, no side effect if you get High everyday. No chemical used. 😍😍😍
Then the logo you put ☺ the imoticon face. You can be a billionaire organic estacy in the World. Because you produce the good estacy to replace the chemical estacy. So nothing is wrong for Organic. No test get positive for this mixtures.
Ops. It rain again. Because I replace another magical things without Stopping anythings. And get more benefits as it can be sell on Ebay and Amazon openly. And to cut down paying coffee or free coffee.

Is the same method for other sweets. All same you can do with plants. "Pahit mesti ada element itu. Bukan saja chemical ada, tumbuhan punya lagi cantik, sebab original" cuba rasa saja, paling pahit paling kuat. Dan ini juga sama ubat" research mesti dapat. Trust my words.
You get rich very fast with pokok pokok pahit. Banyak boleh sembuh. Cina orang banyak nak beli, jual balik mahal mahal lah. Sebab barang mereka semua ada chemical, orang sendiri pun takut beli, kita lagi mau belikah? You tanya lah orang orang China sendiri, berani beli barang buatan China? Semua tak nak lagi. Kita lagi kuat kuat beli jual sini. Tolong jangan beli barang cancer lagi. Banyak orang sudah susah, kena cancer. Sekarang Dunia nak barang Organic Malaysia. Paling best. Sebab hutan Khatulistawa... hantu tulis ketawa

Saya masuk hutan malam malam, semua roh nampak saya pun Happy. Tak bagi saya balik. Panggil saya tidur sana. Hutan atas bukit Sungai Buloh. Semua panggil pakai saya pakai saya. Itu semua pokok pokok banyak wang. Tapi orang bodoh kasi potong. Itu pokok boleh buat you Kaya kalau you tahu sayangnya. Apa apa ubat you mau, dia bagi Free you. Free tahu? You tak nak, potong saja. Bodoh lah. Kayu baru berapa wang? Sudah jual sekali, habis tunggu 20 tahun lagi. Bukan bodoh kah? Sangat bodoh. Orang orang asing mau pun tak ada. You ada tapi potong saja pasal nak kayunya.
Daun dan buahnya lah magicbox tuhan.
Kenapa tuhan bagi you, you tak nak. Kenapa pandai sangat nak pakai chemical punya kan organic semua pun ada? Mana satu chemicals you berani cabar saya cakap tumbuhan tak ada? You ada buat research betul betul tak? Buat tak tau ada, buat betul tak ada. Itu tumbuhan tanah saja, kalau tumbuhan sungai dan laut, walao eh! Tak boleh tahan keistimewaannya, itu bukan lagi kaya. Itu terus jadi Forbes terkaya. Semua ini barang semua orang kaya mau punya. Mesti mau punya. Sebab sudah kaya takut mati. Itu barang kasi tahan mati, tahan lama mati punya barang. Tahan lama peringatan. Tahan lama penglihatan. Tahan lama pendengaran. Tahan lama pencernaan. Semua barang barang tahan lama bagi badan manusia. You cakap orang kaya nak barang ini tak. Tahan lama kongkek pun ada. Sampai tua pun boleh kongkek pun ada. Siapa yang tak mau? Saya pun mau, jadi semua pun sama juga. Tunggu saya ada wang, saya publish semua pokok pokok punya value. Tapi sekarang belum ada sponsor lagi. Jadi kena tunggu dulu. Sabar kawan kawan. Mesti ada chance punya. Lepas ada lagi haiwan-haiwan dan serangga juga. Batu lagi, patung lagi, bunga lagi, buah lagi, ikan lagi, udang lagi, dan mesti lah burung lagi. Ini semua bagi orang orang miskin punya. Guarantee orang kaya mau.
Saya boleh buat telur lagi mahal emas. You nak telur jual Rm0.30 sen, nanti saya buat telur satu biji Rm30.00. Apa yang tak boleh. Kalau ada value dalam telur. Telur Emas Malaysia tau tak? Ada, mesti ada Telur Emas, Golden Eggs. Itulah burung saya punya. Tunggu buku saya the Golden Egg Birds. Sebab lover saya cabar sama saya tak ada Golden Egg. So I nak Win, jadi kena buat Miracle. Kalau telur itu makan sudah umur 50 keatas lelaki dan perempuan boleh kongkek lagi, dia orang nak makan tak Telur Emas Burung Chio Kia? Kayalah orang orang Malaysia. Tapi kenalah tukar kapal. Kapal ini semua masuk sendiri, mana boleh. Kena tukar kapal baru dan canggih. Kapten baru. Sebab Kapten lama tahu ambil semua saja. Boring tengok lah. Saya nak tengok semua senyum, bukan tengok atas yang senyum saja. Tak fair untuk orang bawah. Kerja susah susah, baru dapat sikit sikit. Yang atas tak kerja pun dapat banyak banyak. Mana boleh? Tak balance lah. Mesti kena batu tenggelam macam Titanic. Itulah cerita sebenar Titanic disebaliknya. Leonardo Dicaprio dengan kekasihnya. Apa jadi diakhir akhir selepas Kapal tenggelam? Tahukan kesudahan itu. Tahu bukan tak tau. Tapi nak buat juga pasal nak tolong. So I cerita Tuhan, Tuhun pun bagi saya 92 nyawa. Tunggu apa, pergi habis habis lah. Kalau satu nyawa saja, saya mesti diam diam, dah ada 92 nyawa, buatlah miracle sebanyak banyak yang boleh semasa masih boleh buat. Sekarang dah lebih 100 miracles saya buat. Tak cukup lagi target saya, 1017 my targets. Doing the most Miracles on Earth of 4.5 billions years. Tapi sekarang pun dah masuk. Ada orang nak tutup saja. Ditutup depan, saya masuk belakang. Bolehkan. Tutup belakang saya masuk tingkap. Tutup tingkap lagi, cicakman masuk bumbung. Macam mana nak halang saya? Masuk steel cage sendiri, macam itu saya tunggu luar. 😁😁😁
Awal awal saya dah ajak minum teh sama sama. Jadi kawan. Tapi orang tak hiraukan ajakan saya. SALAMTURAHIM.
tak apa. Saya tak rugi apa apa.
Semua saya ada ajak, semua saja buat tak tau. Tak apa. Saya tak rugi apa apa.
Kita tengok last apa macam ya. Ambil saja jika you boleh kaya kaya. Aku bagi dulu, tau lah apa last akan terjadi. Miracle juga. Dan aku dah tahu pun. Cuba bagi chance saja.

Ok. Jom tengok lagi Youtube dan Vimeo. Rancangan buatan Malaysia. Nak menang record Korean itu. Break the records. Miracle lagi aku nak buat.
Yakinkan sendiri boleh. Without any sponsorship but with my Kuman thong sponsorship only. They help me produce the videos. Because I teach them 15 years ago how to use Youtube and play ICQ and MSN chat. We use Ahmoi and Frenster and High 5. Beside Youtube, got 10 more websites you can get the link also ☻☻☻
Search yourself ya. And have a nice weekend. Oh, I can link via satellite too. My natural technology are incredibles. Ofcourse lah, I can connect Gods so easy. Then connect other things is not my problems. Right or not?
Actually, I already connect Aliens more then 10 times. And even can communicate with them. Is uploaded on Youtube also. Let you get the code what are they talking about. You break the code yourself. Dont just me to break it. Study the sign and sound of the video. That is a simply way like you study A to Z only. Then combine and get the sound. Then convert it. Then translate it. Simple things. That is Phonology Research with Semiology Research.

Learn if you want to know. Dont copy.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
Phonology & Semiology Researcher

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