Tuesday, May 3, 2016

My Strategy of Attacks

Do you want to know how I arrange my attack strategy? I share with you here, because I give chance to you.
1.) I planned my attacks first before I do
2.) I planned each attack.with 3 back up.
3.) I planned atleast 5 attacks
4.) I planned which is the weakest attack first
5.) I planned only sure win attack, like Hiroshima -
Every move I made are planned first with back up options so that it will continue when it is failed first times😎 to reattack another 3 times. And is planned with 5 different attack. Then is 20 times.
I am alone, but my mind is 30 person intelligent human brain. Do you know that? You need 30 scientist to get me one brain and that is not confirm you can win me also. Because all 30 ppl not really connected and run together. Me is all work together in a same times. I can calculate without any calculator as fast as nobody can beat me. Challenge the best calculator with me. Anytimes I proove to you I am the winner. Without any help of Gods or Spirits. The maximum of 7digits to 7 digits number. I am confidents faster then calculater. Human beat technology.
The chess player did that.
Who say cannot when there is a will?

When I was in college, i will hangout at cybercafe and play games. That times is games like Red Alerts, Warcraft, Starcraft, Quake, etc. There was already got competition for these games but I didnt join. After the competition, the Champion of these games players hangout at the cafe and talked about how good they are. How well they play and powerful and fast they can play. They were so prouds and arrogant, well so I invited them for a fun games. They ignore me first and say they only play when got people bets. Meant they want to play and win money only. If no money they dont play. So I say Rm10. They laugh at me and reply the minimum is rm100 or more. Oh! I say I got Rm50 only and I want to play with 4 of you. They reply OK, but we just entertaint you games only and we are not free. So you choose who you want to challenge. I choose Warcraft. So the Warcraft champion player played with me. And I win him. He get angry because he lost to me. So this times is my turn to say, who is next? Now I can play Rm100. So the Starcraft champion sit down and we played. And I win also. This guy also get mad and slam the keyboard. I look at him and say "is just a games, why get mad"? He did not say anything and walk off. Then I say who is next and now I can play for Rm200. They discuss a while and came the Red Alerts champion player, the arrogant guy that say they dont play for fun. He look nervous before we start. And I was so calm, why he was nervous since he is the Champion? Maybe because he seen me played so well on the first two games. All this 3 games are almost the same. So we started and played and I win again. But he also got the same bad attitude, get berserk after losing. I feel this peoples really got problems, get angry easily after losing the games. If like this, why want to play the games if you cannot be a loser? Now is my turn again for the last games, the Quake, this is different games, is a shooting games. So I got Rm400 now I ask how much you want to play for this last games? They think want to win back all the money they lost, so they say Rm400. Hmm, if Rm400 I lost I still lost Rm50, I calculate and this bet is not worth for me because i play 3 times to win Rm400 and one times if I lost, I lost Rm400. It is not worth to bet in this way. So challenge them all 4 players game vs me alone. If I win, I win Rm1600. If I lost, I lost Rm400, this more benefit me. And they agree for 4 vs 1 games. And this stupids guy never think before act, if 4 people vs 1 meant I got more peoples for me to shoot and they 4 only got 1 to shoot. Ofcourse I win the games again. And what worst, they dont have enough money to pay me. They only got Rm800. Then I say you go bank and I wait here. They say they dont have more money and need wait next month. I did not scold them, but I say you give me all the Champion trophy and next month you pay me then I return to you. So they give me the trophy and I keep it until now because they did not pay me as promised. Rm800 peoples, chinese race, how can I trust Chinese? Do you get what I meant?
My wife is Chinese, cannot be trusted.
My lover is Chinese, giving her chance... accept it, I take. Ignore it, I wait you go...
Steady, because I never dump a girl in my life, only let the girls dumb me... this is the gentlemen way.

While, attacking method continue.
While attacking the first option. That is purpose do and let you know so you all focus on this. At the same times option 2 and option 3 already attacking you. You dont know this attack at all. And is attack before I inform the first attack. Is too late to stop this 2 attacks. And my 4th and 5th attack is anytimes from now.
Check out Youtube for more special video of I Love Malaysia. Make it a proud country. Are you happy to stay at Malaysia? Where there is always a goods and bads informations I will upload it free to everyone. Same as you upload Gutterpost free to everyone. What you do to peoples, you get back in return and worst. What I ask to do you dont do then you get my gifts. The magicbox I prepare for all of you as you prepare the movie for me. Same way I return back to you. Do you want to see the spirit video? I also got upload to all to watch how the spirit and what the spirit doing from Sabak to Sungai Buloh and to BRP area for everyone to enjoy. Watch it and listen to the voice from my lovely ladies. They are so sexy and pretty then your wife. You want to fuck them or not? No charges, ask me permission then I ask them to let you fuck them. Try this before? You will like it guys. They can make you feel the feeling. I am not kidding or joking, is 99.9% real ghost. Can clearly see the face of them. Because I help them get back thier face and painted thier face. Only the God Father can paint a ghost face. And I can do that, that meant I am the God Father you know? Now you know. Go Publika Shopping mall and see the wall paper again. See the last 4 pcs wallpaper. Who paint the face of the spirits. Now do you think they will do what I say? I help restore the spirit back to 99.9%. They can anytimes reborn again as human. They all so happy. But the birth is not enough for the spirit to reborn. Need very long to wait until thier turns. Can you offer your body to them? They really need your body. To get your body, your soul need to take out first. Wow. We played the games until this way. What an fantastic games. Who created this games? I love this games and I love Malaysia.
Or your want offer your kids body to them also can. They are intelligents spirits. Replace your fault to your kids. You lost nothing also. When The God is Mad, you get to know is power.

And where is the website I requested? How much money needed to creat a website? This you also cannot donate to the Lord? Then the Lord still need to protect you and your family or not? Nobody is protecting you all now, just only me. The Gods all are not with you anymore. All your cars or wallet or whatever is Zero protection. The temple is no more Kuan Yin also. Because all they gods got eyes to see. No Gods want to protect bad and evil peoples.
So my website is must link with this blog and open to the world for healing purpose. If you not do this, each second peoples dying all I put under all of you. Because you know The Lords want to heal peoples, you can help you dont help, then is your fault that cause the death.
You ask yourself the Gods know what I want to do. But you stop me to do. They angry of you all or not? Is damn angry.
You think you all still can go temple and get posses by Gods? Sorry, the gods never wanted the dirty body anymore because they had found and connect with a pure natural human with easy communication. Who can talk with Gods like normal human? I can. Who can absorb Gods power? I can. Who can help Gods now? I can. Is me help the Gods.
Not the Gods help me. And is me help the Spirit, not the spirit help me. I help them first, I give first then they return back for me what I had been sacrified. Not like all of you just know how to pray and request money money come or things. Nobody pray for gods and ask Gods, what you need I help tell me? This is how I pray Gods. I offer my help for them. Do you know now? You know praying or I know praying? You know requesting only lah. Ini mau, itu mau, apa pun mau, tapi bagi tak mau. I pray Gods I ask Gods what you want I help you? Different style with all of you. Dont know moral at all.
Hari hari tau minta saja. Nak sex pun tau minta saja. Tak tau nak service balik amoi. Sama Tuhan pun bikin ini macam. Sembahyang pasal nak minta saja. Taklah sembahyang pasal nak bagi.
I do reverse type, pray to offer help the Gods. So now I must help the Gods.
Then the Gods automatic help me, I just pray for my gods only, and now the whole Worlds of Gods came to me. Same, If you help 1 poors peoples, 10 peoples will help you back. But you all never do that. You help them by offering them to do something back for you. That is not help. That is hired.

Every one hours, 17 videos will be uploaded on youtube, googles, yahoo, pintherest, and more internet website. Every one hours. Until I see my website is lunch and share out everyway in the world. You control my website and get info from my blogs for all Medical Treatment. If you are honest person, you post what I post. If you are not honest person, you choose what to post and what not to post. I let you choose and do. Steady? You do penapisan before you post. But we at here wish is all posted.
We prefer transperent work. No hiding jobs.

We are watching you all.

We called our team Evolution Exchange (Double E)


Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
The Peacemaker

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