Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Pamelo Fruits

Attach is my Gods and Spirits house. They are Chinese, Christian, Thai, Hindu and Malay. All together stay happily. Together with the Spirits.
Look at the small Pamelo fruits. Is been there for 2 months. Still fresh as new Pamelo fruits. What is this meant? I had throw 3 same fruits that get rotten less in a week after it was pluck from the three. But this one lasted 2 months and still looking fresh. This is the Spirit of Pamelo. Chiness Hokkien peoples used to pray during Bai Di Gong festival, The Gods father. Even The Godz Father is here. So, Zeus will be here too. Yes, he is here... i feel it.
I got connection with Gods.

Anyway, Hello all Gods, enjoy your day as your own house.

Rich peoples so rich. Got money buy this buy that. Do this do that. Money find money. Then get Datuk of Dato'ship from The Royalle. Some will buy the Datuk'ship somemore. They feel so proud and some will act differently after get rich. They feel not like to connect to poor peoples or look down at them. Some even will disconnected or stay away from the poor. But they do donations only sometimes thinking this is consider goods. I tell you, that is not the way. If you are goods, you good at the start until the end. Not only the end you only want to do goods. Is bad moral if people get rich and do this, totally no value persons. But atleast still got a bit good thing to do then nothings, get 1 points for that too.

Dato'ship or Dato'plane you got, dont be so proud of it. I got two "DATUK GONG", you know or not? They always walk beside me.
You dont see me, they also dont want to see you. Developer or construction builder, you get more ong and huat whenever you come for me. My Datuk Gong combo mix is extreme powerful for you. Just remember take me your business card and building projects. That is the Luck you get from the Lord.
No charges, 100% Free of Charges.
Free Luck for Good Peoples with Good Fortune. Ofcourse you can donate as you like, now, after or later anytimes you feel you want. And all is just what you like Rm1 also is a donations.

Tweet the birds

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
The Lucky Charm for Business

Please check out all my connected peoples of thier business years to years. Especially those I step in before or went to thier factory before. The Luck is still there until I throw the business card away, then Good Bye for the them.
If I want to revenge. Is a easy job for me.
Gods are happy if I do that. To teach them a good lessons and make them start all over again. Same like me. Because they never suffer to get success. They get my luck from success, and worst they want to push me down after getting success. Do they reserve the Luck from me? Comment and advise are allowed anytimes at my Tweeter or Facebook.
Let other peoples voice thier view.
Do these friends, relatives, neighbour, and other related to played me gain this luck from me? Luck or Bad Luck I can do to you. A book of Bad Luck will be created also. Just write your company name and address. The place will be haunted forever with bad luck together until I deleted it. Ok. That is the way to teach some peoples a good lesson from the Lord. The whole world I can do. Not Sg buloh, Malaysia only.
What you think my power is little Kids?
My power is Universe, I can create a planet and I had already created 4 planets just wait NASA to research. But they still not get my news.
Ok. Good peoples share my blogs and Facebooks pages. The more you share, the more luck I will give you.

Read my blog and gain somethings without share will get bad luck. This is my new rules and regulations.

Same to all New Business and Invention of all God's creations. So you copy now do at China without my permission, the Bad Luck you deserve.
Dont blame me when Fire Broke up, Short circuits, Accidents happen, the Karma of Bad Luck 2016 from the Lord of Universe.
My Karma is trained by Ganesha God and Kuan Yin God. The mix combo is so Powerful Karma. First ever Karma being created in this modern world. To difficult to teach no moral adult. So use Karma to teach them moral. Because I want and not to use Punishment as my last choice or if can without punishment at all. This is what I had been thinking for over a months. How to teach the adult moral?
Why I do this.
So for small case peoples such as theft or robbery, fighting, etc can be given a second chance to live together with thier family. Or be giving an early discharge from jail because of good behaving. Anything that is Good will always get benefits.

You do good, you get better return. You do bad, you get worst return.

So i will refer to Chinese peoples base on my WeChat discover via locate nearby list to choose the lucky peoples. And those not found, will be what luck? You know. You ask for it because you avoid me.
Get all of you back Cina Babi.
Dont need come add me now since you all want to turn back from me. So I give you all my back bad luck. You ask for that.

Oh, I am horny guy. I like to add ladies only. And I like to flirt with girls only. I am not gay as you also want to blame me in case such Anwar, right? But you cant get me, my Worriors Gods is my bodyguard. You know or not? You use bomoh or Gong  Dao also cannot pass my Warrior Gods. That is why all the Gods are here. Jesus Christ is here, so others will come no matter how far. Jesus is the Lord Gods. Did you all know? Go read Googles for further details.
But I will built a stronger pyramid or better in polygrim chart for the New Modern Gods. On my coming book publish when I got Money to do.
Now is still Zero but is already a Hero.

I am giving chance to you all. Appreciate it. If not you will get worst. That is you choice, I no force anyone in my life.
I do what is right only. My post and standard is bottom. But I do the Job is top post job. So is Top of the World job with no salary request. You cannot do what I do, nobody on earth got this Heart before. The first in billion years. That is why the Gods and Spirits all came to Sungai Buloh, soon whole Malaysia will be full of spirits. I can feel the power so fantastic.
Malaysia got bright future because the spirits bring light to here.
OMG, how can I say Thank You? You returned me something I never expected at all. No worry, I will never abuse what I had. Because I hate abuse even an insects. I give insects foods to eat. I give ants sugar, i give crocroach paper, i give rats foods, do you all know I do this since 10 years ago. This they return back to me. Just 10 years I get my returns back.
Do good will. Who know that you get 3 years only, I am human, you also are human. No different at any spec, only different with girls. They got pussy and breast. My favourite dish at night. Hahaha

Dirty minded too but with moral please, respect the girls and treat them like a princess no matter what is wrongs. They are builth to pleasure guys. So you need respect them, not force them or push them to pleasure you. That is 100% wrong, no moral. Anything in sexual is right only when the girl is willing by herself. So please Stop Slavery. There are willing girls if you treat them good. They sure return you more good then force.
Is a natural give and return Karma.

Recycle is a habit. One of my habits. I use to collect empty tin wherever I seen on the ground, pick it up and take back home to keep. Old use paper and book and newspaper. Last times when I was working I will collect back used old paper and keep tidy until is allots. I will wash any  carry box meal include those recycly poly to re-recycle again. I will wash and clean plastic packing and dry up to keep. I will clean up and keep the baby milk packing bags and boxes. All I doing this 15 years.
All the recycle items collected I will give to people that need to use or sell. The money I always give to the drivers or foreign workers I use to work together.
I can do recycle, why not you too. Is it so hard to collect a empty tin or paper you saw by the road side? Get down and pick up only. That is not a hard job, that is because you to care of your reputations. Then the less 1 points in Moral. That is a good habits if you do recycle. You help clean the environment and recycle. Why need to do if you can recycle. Why need to throw is you can recycle. Then my house got many things to throw. Because once I throw the whole business will be gone. Understand.
Ofcourse I know it very long times. If not why I keep so many rubbish at both my place. Everything I do always had a reasons. The reason only I will do. As long it is good and is not disturbing peoples, you can do. But stupid peoples come and disturb me when I was doing my research and failed my experiment, destroy my research, and stole my research. This is what peoples? Bad and Evil peoples. So reader please dont get mistaken that my rude words always refer to Bad and Evil peoples and harsh word is to those with no moral only. Other peoples I never speak or talk like this. If face to face talk I also will not talk any bad words unleast you also talk the same way then I talk your way too. You good I more good, you bad I more bad, you dirty mind, i more dirty mind, whatever you are, I just will be more then you. I can be less, when you less. All you do first, I will be the second.
But second do Top Things then first.
I dont do first, I give you do first. That is how you play the games. Same like fishing fish, let the fish eat something nice first, the only you hook up. If you use net, they will always a chance for the fish to run. So you need the perfect cacth, you neex to buy worm, then give the fish to eat first. Now you got the fish, what you need to do? Roll it back slowly or quickly?
The story is at this point. So you need to pull it fast or slow when the fish hit your hook and rods?

The story will then continues, 2 ways
1st the string broken, the fish runaway
2nd the fish you get at your hand

Back up Story :
3. Just buy a fish at market and cook.
4. Try fishing again if you got times
5. Forget to eat fish, try others.

You see, for one things I want, I always got many ways. I choose and plan everything very well. 5 cards of choice for one things to do. You stop me the 1st, I go for second, you stop me the 2nd, I go to 3 and 4 then back again to 1. Can you stop me from what I want to eat? That is why you cannot stop me. I am A Math Genius.
Calculate infinity questions. Question and Answer is always a circles. The is no stop point for the answer, only will always turn turn turn. Understand how I solve solutions, then you will solve whole country solutions by circle circulation. Dont go for pyramids style. Business too. Cirlce, pyramids style will just benefits the top post. The problems cannot solves. Benefits the bottom first. You get last nevermind, because at the end also is yours. Give first, take last.
Same as what I do. Give first, take last.
Dont come and stole when peoples can give free, why need to stole when somethings is free? Is that funny peoples or monkey peoples? Monkeys also wont stole your things. I can forgive if they are Monkeys. The Gods too will forgive Monkeys. Dont because of reputations you feel not to admits. Your ego will destroy your future. Because for me and animals, they are my lords. They can sit on my head anytimes they want. And I will knee down to them. You know? The Gods never stop me to do this. Can a King in the World knee down to his peoples? Answer is No. They had ego mind. What will the people feel when you just knee down to them. They will more respect you, Putra Karma this is. I knee down to the animals, all the animals, they return me so much magic. Because you all dont treasure all this gift from Gods. I treasure them more then Golds or Jewellry, money, branded items, etc.
Now all the stones give me magic. All the plants give me magic. And all the insects, animals and plants give me super magic. Which one of your things more value then my natural things? You give me 1 carat of diamond to change a small stone with me, i say no thanks. Your money I dont wants to sell, I will always just give free. So poor people and rich peoples also can get. I cannot sell things from gods, but I can give with magic from Gods to everyone. Just ask if you want. Dont stole or take without permission.
Just donate when you get better, no request, as you like because is donation.

My stone water is a magic drinks. Beleive it or not, ask Ripley. Mix with my magic it turn out a to be Fabulous Magic.
Thunder Cat said so.
Because I pray for stone too. People will throw stone, but I collect stone from the roadside or someway on the floor. Take home and wash it with my brush, then I make a wish. 1 day 2 day 3 day only, wish come true. Because I connected my soul with the stone for 15 years already. Once connected, is easy for me to do my things. Same as you connect wifi. Dont hack the system when you connected and do dirty jobs. Hacked for good reason then is allowed. For yourself only is OK, dont hack then post and share something making peoples humilated or drop of reputations. For yourself to enjoy then i close one eyes, for all peoples to share then you must responsibles. Pay the prizes.
Is always right when the Lords is writting his blogs.
Try listen to the Tunder Cat sound or the rhythm of the rain or Winds sound. I connected to all Elements. I can make anythings with Elements. I can create the Fung Sui of your House, Garden, State, Country and The World. Business and Family. Love and wedding. All Fung Sui.
When I combine Element wit Ying Yang. Combo Mix power again. My favourite attacking power. (Watch Slugterra already, when Shane defeat the Goul) Combo Mix Earth Elements. Nice movie to watch adult? That is my menuscript of my real life. Not 50 shade of Christian Grey that you all want to creat for me. You all are 5 years late to me. I already done it faster then all of you. I told very early but you all never listen to what I say.
Armani Exchange -
Gucci Exchange
LV Exchange
All I want to see is "Exchange"...
Chance always is my choice, not punishment. Earn your respect and earn your value when people give you chance.
If you dont know how, just watch WWE, how the Champion get respect.
Do you respect The Rock, Stone Cold, Shwan Micheal, Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Machomaa, Jake the Snake Robert, Tripple H, BBM, Stiener Bro, Bret Hart, Jericho, Yokozuna, The Dragon, or The Undertaker? Or you want to see the Cicak man in wrestling WWE? I make for you to watch. How about The Undertaker vs Cicakman. That is fun entertaintment only. Join the Marvel and DC in the coming new Movies? Power from Gods.
When Cicakman join Avengers.
Ofcourse we can, got can mix, human also can mix. Mixing is better then alone.
5 years ago animals start mixing already before human. They are more easy to train then human. Thier brain are smaller, so less troubles, human brain to big, abuse the brain by themself. So making troubles more and more. This one not solved, 3 more troubles coming out. Want to solve the problems, need the person he hired only. But the person dissapear already. So how you need to solve without the person he hired? Police jobs can do if they want to check. No need the excist of the person. All computerized, just proceed to check without the person also can. For investigation only, not ask you to stole anythings. What are compiter systems for? Let investigation work smarter and faster. If not with the systems, how I know each second one death at the world?

Which one more popularity? All my creations. My hobby. My Entertainment, the best in the World too.


Your Rm2.00 donation only can save a life every second. But you all wasted money to save peoples but to play peoples.
Dickhead is your nickname. Yes, I meant it. I can Swear to Allah and Jesus. You swear with me. Jom!
Jangan takut, Allah bagi chance juga. SALAM SILATURRAHIM Tuan Tuan dan Puan Puan.
Nabi Muhammad ada Malaysia juga. Lain kali boleh kat sini jadi Haji. Tunggu Kerajaan buat saja.

Faham? Tak tau tunggu apa lagi.
Lama sudah Allah tunggu semua lagi diam diam. Nasib baik saya ada rumah tumpang Allah. Panggil lah Imam Imam mari. Saya tak tipu. Saya ada connection dengan Allah lebih dua tahun. Tak lama tapi saya tau hormat Allah. Jadi Allah pun Hormat saya Cina, tapi bukan Cina Babi itu.

Kawan Kawan & Friends and Enemy,
Just share my post to the World to Heal The World, make it a better place.
Save each second life when you still can do it. Each life convert to each spirit. You save one, you get the luck spirit. That is real and very true.
The luck is always by Spirits, not Gods.
Not all is from Gods, some are from Spirits.
When you combo mix it (break the God 's Code) you hit the jackpot. That is my latest researh and development best ever completed job without any rewards.
No rewards I accepts. Thank you if you wish you want to give me. The Gods and Spirits Gift for me is enough enough enough enough and enough. Many many thank you to all the Almighty Gods. You all melt my heart, so touch. Arigato and Sarengheyo.

And the ants, mosquitoes, crocroach, etc they come stay your house. You see them, you kill them. Not well done to you at all. First, human destroy thier place, to develop and built houses or road. So, where are they going to stay? You tell me? I destroy your house, where you stay?
Outside the road? Or inside the caves?
How can you destroy their place then they stay your house you kill them? You should let them stay because they are the first owner before you. Is you that stole thier properties. You can develop the place, but reserve the space for them also. Built them a place for thier own world. They also need place to stay. Not only you can stay. You big you bully small. You see them you kill them. The spirit will back for you too. One is small, when many is bigger then the Sandman, Spiderman. After I connected with insect, I never killed them anymore. I even feed them foods. Now they give me magic in return. I got so many magic on my hand to open. That is all my present the Santa Claus and Sweet Angel give me. Magic Presents.
Have you ever open a Magicbox? Well I had open some. That is super fantastic.
Just make a wish, open and then I got already. That is what we called Magicbox.
Each insects with a magicbox, how many magicbox I got from the world? That is what I respect insects. They are small, but thier ability you will never expect it so big.
So now you know why monks never killed insects? They respect too. But they miss out did not treasure the insects. Same like you treasure your lover. Not just Love, treasure it. Open up the Love and see what is inside a Love. You sure get a surprise of your life. LOVE KARMA for couples. Also for Animals and Plants. You will get many returns when your treasure the love with your pets and plants too.

Everything for me is important. Especially natural things. I never throw or broken a natural things. But I throw and damaged many Technology device since many many years ago. Mobile phone, tab or pad, notebook, all I get mad on them. You know why, because human abuse Technology so much. And I hate this peoples. Really hate. From my heart. No moral peoples. I throw and damage over maybe 20 to 30 units of phones. Really.
But I never damage a plants or animals or throw a stone also. Dont simply teach you kids to throw stone, they got spirits too. Now I promoted the Stone to be high spirits. So human will respect the Stone. Dont see and just kick away the stone. Pick up and put down slowly. Who know they got feel? You are not a Stone, ofcourse you dont know. But one things you must know, and must teach your sons and kids, everythings that Gods created on this World had spirits. Same as human. They all got thier own living world.  If Stone no spirit, then who help me do the stone water? Ofcourse the stone help me. I always help them clean and shower, what about you? You step and dirty them. So the stone help you or help me? They also dont like to you bad and evil peoples. They see me, they can move you know. Is true, i say all the living stone move infront of me. But I dont think my friend notice or not, if they are lucky, they can see. If they are no lucky, they cannot see. I put the stone on the floor, the stones all can dancing for me. How cute and nice they stone can do this. So I can everyday wash and clean them. Peoples see will think what? But for me is worth a million words of Thank You Gods.

So now you know my little story, you think GEM or Pearl is value or the STONE is value? I make the Stone to be Value with spirit power. The Living Stone alive. That is Gods creations human must treasures.
Stone business is a new business for everyone to start. Easy to do, just go collect stone, use your feel and mind to see which stone connect to you. Pick up and clean it. Then you can polish or natural you like. Sell it. That is all.
You can use my story to promote your stone business. Is a boom business for anyone who want to do. Poor peoples also can do. Collect beautiful stone and sell to the shop. Remember, stone had no market value, you can mark up your price to sell to rich peoples. So hope the poors peoples are smart to do business. Because rich peoples dont go collect stones. The scare no reputation when people see them collecting stones. I purposely do for poor peoples this. And more I will think for and create for you.
Same to old woods. When they got spirit, they will got value. Not throw or just burn only. Shell too. Sea shell. All I got many at home. Your money cannot buy my stone, shell or woods at my home. They all are high values. Because of all this, my luck is the best ever in this World.
I am the Lucky Charm human. Waiting girls to treasure me, because my lover all dont know to treasure me. Maybe they dont want to treasure me. And I am still available. Come flirt with me. Hahaha.
I can be horny as you like and kinky as you wish. Because I am the Master of BDSM. Beleive it or not, ask Ripley.
Make you cum and squirt till over and over again. Yes, is true. Your satisfication is my creation. So I am confident to what I can do for you. Be my slave or master is your choice. You choose first. I be the second. Teacher Student, Police Thief, Laywer Victims, Master Slave, Father Daughter, Mother Son, hahaha... that is fantasy only, Gods Allowed me to creat this. Fantasy and Reality is two different world. Understand the meant.

So Gay and Lesbian, you ask me is illegal or not illegal. Is not illegal if you are doing it natural without any sex change or boob enlargement. It it Illegal when you go and change your sex. Gods created you with this spec, do not change it without the permissions. You cannot just change anythings gods gifted to you. You got 6 fingers or 4 fingers, that is your gifts. Keep it and treasure it. You are gays, just do what you want without changing natural original spec. You like to be Shemales, just do as your natural spec, dont change or add any special things to change your spec. As long as you did not abuse your body, what you want to do is not wrong. Just dont do it in public place or purpose do to peoples or Gods see. Do it at your own private place for your own sexual fantasy. Do for yourself with 3your partner or your same groups with same fantasty at your own private place without any wrong abuse is always allowed. Dont purposely do openly. Some peoples cannot accept so need to respect them also. I am open minded so I can accept. But my fantasy reach just reach second level. Looking to upgrade but cannot find my comnected partner at the moment. So need to put aside first for pleasure, continue to Help and Healing. Things will come when you less expected them. Is a Karma too. When is missing, dont find it. You will find it later. That is Karma.
But it is different when peoples purposely hide it, and then pop up again. That is not Karma. That is called fooling around and playing the clown. @#$&€ ops. That thing is gone, ₩¥£€@ ops. That thing appear in my pocket. This is Magic. By Aaron Crow, The Fearless - Infinity Identity 92j... that is me too. Get his Show Magic behind story line. What he want to let the audience know. The story is my creation.

What else you want to know? The New Modern Gods is built. The New Rules of Gods is followed and The Lord approved.
So they peoples to vote, the King rules & the Goverment is the peoples choices.
So Goverment must do what make the peoples happy so they vote for you all the times. You got so many Free money from Sky, do something benefits for the peoples. And I still provide so many Energy Power as your cash machine. What are you waiting for?
Dont be greedy to request another cash machine? Each for each country only. Benefit it. Is enough for all peoples in Malaysia. Too many later money abuse repeat again. Want more then you need to explore your own mind and use your own ideas. Everything you want the Lord to do for you? Then for what you take the place and do nothing? I am the Lord and I also need to work, and I work for no reward, you can be like me. Then you sit as long as you like. Nobody will disturb you. If you trust the Lord, after 10 years is Malaysia give Tengku 1 billion in return. No need his money, we got our own value and money. I know Malaysia mesti boleh.
I am here. Is your Luck to do.
Dont need give other people do for us.
Heal your people first.
So they are healthy to work.
No healthy how to work? Your doctor can heal? Sorry, they cannot heal.
Dr Sean Khor can heal 100%
So what will you do?
I no charges for healing? Free of charge.
Open a website for me to share to the world. That is all.
Everything A to Z i will share at my website. Everyone gain from my website.
Include Malaysia
Work fast, Work smart & Work fair

Bonus to the Malaysia and the World
Salt water Salt / Garam tulen from the Artic Ocean, Alantic Ocean, Indiana Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Sauthern Ocean. The Rise of the Godzilla each in one Ocean. The Lord of Ocean. They control the five Ocean. To protect peoples from Kaiju (appologize and sorry I rise Kaiju 3 years ago), so now I balance it with Godzilla. Fair, I solve it. There are news on Google peoples spotted Kaiju many times. Please check for more details. But both will attack bad and evil that try to runaway with submarine. I just dont want people to runaway from me. I will ask them come back. Your home is here. Watch Pacific Rim 2 and 3 you know better soon. My menuscript.

So salt water salt can be use for healing skin disease. Research please. I cannot do because no more money to research. Ask the professional to do. Give them more job to research since research are the most money job to work. The mind power of Researcher are 100 times more burden then normal peoples. They explore thier mind widely. Like me, until I get connected with Gods. So far also get connect. BMH Believe Miracle Happen.
No believe how to happen? I believe A, A happen. I believe B, B happen, I believe AA, AAA happen. That is my power. I believe Malaysia Can, Malaysia sure can.
I believe I see a sexy spirits, she pop infront of sexy like hell. Really.
I can do black magic too, for fun is OK. But can use it. Because is Magic abuse. No abuse in my life. Totally no.
I HATE ABUSE. but at Fantasy you can abuse, that one I like. Abuse in Fantasy and not Fantasy Abuse. Two different word meaning. Dont get it wrong and do Fantasy Abuse. Send you to Hell if you abuse my games.

So if you now willing to help heal people first, then you are not good heart to Heal The World. You are just want benefit from gods creation. Your luck is changing with Putra Karma and so with the Chinese peoples around me. Not I no give chance, is just you all dont know to appreciate it. What a big waste.

Anyway, 3 days for you all to discuss and think before letting me know. Or 5 days better.

I give lucky number to strike, notice those number you get jackpot anytimes.
All jackpot number I research got related to me. You can check back the record online.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
Master of Harry Porter & Ron

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