Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Unicorns Toys

Why you still copy and produce the God's creations things without The Lord permission? You still not feel regret and remorseful for the pass you all do to The Lords? And why is still giving to China only when The Lords say is for Malaysia and other countrys without China? Are you against The Lord? Yes, you all are against with what I adviseb to you. You ignored the chance given too many times.
The Lord now give permission to all Gods teach them a good lesson and Karma. Never learn the right things and moral. This is rich Chinese peoples bad attitude. Stole and copy, like to reproduce other peoples things, Technology, Fashion, Medical (this is OK because heal peoples), Innovation, Design, Art, Story, Books, all just stole and copy. After sell back to Malaysia and other Country with thier own copyrights, some dont even have copyrights.

Many products from China actually did not pass the F&G rules and regulation. Consumers can sue then for selling fake and undescriptions of the real products.
All products especially foods and beauty are very sensitive things. They can cause bad medical health or even cancer if is used orally or skins / hair. This items will cause peoples many problems if no instructions and details given. What if any Children accidently eaten the products. What is the ingredients of these products and what to inform doctors to give the antidose to neutral the kids. How many percentages of the ingredients in the products and how much the kids taken all is very important to tell a doctor in emergency case. Dont wait until someone  die only want to investigate.
As consumers too, be smart to know that you need to check this before you buy something or use something for yourself such as
Beauty Products, Facial Products, Slimming Products, Hair Product, Cosmetic, Freshener, and Perfume/Frangance (all easy cause cancer disease products to ladies) know why ladies get Cancer more? Because of all this illegal products being selling to all unnotice cunsumers.
For consumers, you can sue the shop or dealer that are selling products without this list :
1. BRAND (look for "r" or "tm" instead of no mark at all)
2. COUNTRY (many just use a country name to represent the products, but is Made in China - check with Google first instead of the given website, Google can inform you that this website belong to which country and the host URL, if not at the Country, then take photos and sue them directly. You get money if you win. Sure win.
3. Model (cannot use place name, same as the Brand name) you might get sue from the country if consumers  complaints and Malaysia too.
4.Descriptions (the purpose of this products)
5. Weight in nett : in ml (without the bottle or packing)
must be printed, if the weight is different with what is printed, you been cheated, they can printed 100ml but the actual only 70ml. Yes, you can check it. 95ml also is cheating, Chinese people can stole your things like this.
6. Ingredients : must listed seperately with percentage in order to give consumers a clear details of chemicals used. Even organic and natural mineral items. (Who know what is inside, drug mixture or recycle oil)
7. How to use : direction to use the products.
8. Emergency Tips : must always stated on the products
9. Menufacturing date : must have
9. Expired date : even must have
10. Laboratories company : Lab tested products
11. Product code (which you can refer Google for a check - products will be lunch first and then will be upload to website, supply and then sell)
All this product with chemicals cannot last longer then a year only. It will cause Cancer if applied to expired beauty products. Always recomended tradisional or organics beauty products. Products with chemicals are very dangerous because this chemical can cause Cancer Disease easily. Check Googles for the ingredients and you will know it better when you use somethings or sign any beauty packages. As my research, I found out more then 80% beauty products did not pass the Rules & Regulations in F&G and Cunsumer safety buy rules.
The product will normally advertise in magazines, website and some on media without proper details and is different with the packaging or nothing at all. Only the Brand and Model.
Selling consumers this product is wrong and cannot be accept because is dangerous to the user. Is like giving them Cancer to suffer. I cannot accept this cheating methods.

Importing or exporting products without this details is totally illegal because no follow the products and import instructions. Some items got import duty and custom. How the custom know or check your products that is without details stated. Where is the Lab Report certificate for the custom to check?

For consumers that already buy or signed any packages of these products are advised to check the details. Any short listed items stated here can also be found at Googles. So do your part to get refunds or complaints to Consumers departments about the activity and business these peoples are doing and cheating for so many years. Is there any laws at Malaysia? Is the Goverment know about all this issue the peoples is being cheated so much by rich peoples?

At the same times, for Branding and marketing, the Furniture and Electrical lines is also doing the same things. This is because all are the same group of people that is cheating especially the Malay and Indian peoples. The are the country betrayer, do you know that?

The direct selling company also doing the same dirty business. Targeting unnotice consumer. Because the salesperson are well trained to sell products to customers until they did not notice all this things.

The big mushroom of online website selling all this products like a one stop center. Most household products are not passed the rules and regulations of Malaysia goverment. Failed the test or some even no tested. Electrical items get exploded or burned because of short circuits. These product did not passed any electrical check or lab before being sell to consumers. How can this happen? Because many was Made in China. They did not do the proper work. They will do whatever, as fast, copy and produce, as cheap as possibles, without any test or lab reports, less weight to reduce cost, no proper printed packaging, no details, just to sell only. Never care about the safety and health of the user at all.

Whatever also, chemicals products are the most dangerous and must be solve as soon as possible before more innocents peoples suffer more Cancers.

Worldwide check is requested. Hope someone will take fast action to stop all this cheating health and money business.

*How can a same products but different brand can be selling at Rm30 and Rm300 respectively. Just change the brand name then the price rocket up. And add a country name Italy or Switzerland. So easy but I dont want to do because is no moral business. Liar.

P/s : because you copy my Unicorn. You bribe my lover. And she not free to accompany me, left me alone all the times. You pay for what you had done.
You use money and give her a little money for her just to do all this to me? I will be quite if she happy and free to accompany me. But you cannot return what you had done to my wife and lover also. It will not be the same anymore.

Tweet the Bird

Stone Cold said so.

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe

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