Thursday, May 5, 2016

Business 2016 Predicts

Business predictions for 2016 until infinity years (that I said so)

1. No more chemical beauty products, causing 80% cancer  disease. Must be stop immediately
2. No more hair products with chemical too. Causing the same cancer diseases.
3. No more body products with chemical that cause cancer too.
4. No more Chinese can food that also produce and extract dangerous chemicals that cause cancer disease.
5. Go for Asian or Western foods and products that is no chemicals. Japanese foods is a best choices of all with all stated descriptions and well packing procedures. Very good for Japanese peoples. A very good manner peoples. Very good at Goverment too. They 100% help the poor peoples. I no check but I know because base on thier peoples moral value. Is true of my predictions.
Absolutely a country that we can follow for better living of all.
You see yourself the Chinese peoples moral values then you will know what they are. Simple human calculations tips.
To read the fung sui of people is just see his moral value. Only one month you will know this person attitude and leadership. By the moral and value. Simply way of predictions.
Break the human code (Moral)
You can know how well he can be a leader or not of your choice. See what he do normally. Not see them do when there is coming to voting. See them do when there is no voting. Dont see those purposely do, see those that they normally do. That type of people are the true future leaders. And peoples do good things no need purposely make media or get himself at TV. Those are faking one. Look for those you cannot see. Because those are the Crazy peoples the fake people want to close up thier identity. Superman Teluk Intan is a crazy guys, i go for him a vote. I am not Superman, I am Crazy Clown only. And I dont like politics, but I can predicts politics with 99.9% accurate. Beleive it or not, ask Ripley. You know Ripley? Then you must watch this show too. My menuscript written there 5 years ago please. When you start publish my book, I had already making movies. Who is faster then me?
Intelligent peoples not working a job at a times, they are working multiply jobs at a times. They will not let you know thier 5 other jobs until it is ready already. Understand. They only purposely do one thing for you to focus, so you wont focus the other 5 things. Understand.
So when you follow the thing he purposely do, then Congratulation. You fall into my big traps. And is my times to collect the traps or just let it in the trap or release it at other place or release it at the same place or keep it as my pets or punish it first and keep or punish it to death or just release it? You see intelligent peoples always got 10 ways for 1 solutions. They always got many choices to solve a solutions. You stop one, they had lunch the other 10 ways. You can stop one at each times, they can do 10 ways at a times. By the times you stop him the first one or not, he maybe already not feel to do the first way. Because they already reach the place in others way. You know or not? The first way is just to attract all of you to focus. Waste your times to focus the first way that I purpose wanted to do so much. That is purposely do want. Do like I so wanted and wanted, but that is the pieces of cake I want to share together. So we all focus on the cakes. Nobody focus on the other 9 cakes. Right. Because you all are too many peoples, I alone and I must get all of you to focus on one thing first. Sacrified the things first. "Bagi umpan bila nak pancing. Jangan tak umpan, ikan tak makan" bila dah makan tarik sikit, jangan kuat sangat, nanti putus mulut ikan, bukan tali putus. Tarik ikut hati sendiri, nak cepat nak pelahan ikut hati sendiri, sebab ikan sudah kena pancing. Dapat atau tak dapat bagi saya tak penting. Sebab saya ada banyak pilihan lain. Saya boleh bebas dan tangkap lagi, saya boleh terus tangkap. Saya boleh minta pemancing lain bagi saya ikan. Saya boleh beli di kedai. Saya boleh makan di kedai. Saya boleh tak nak makan. Saya boleh buat apa saja saya suka ikut kehendak saya selagi saya tidak buat jahat, tipu atau curi barang orang lain. Apa pun boleh buat. Apa yang saya buat Tuhan Tuhan suka sangat tengok. Macam tengok TV semua Tuhan Tuhan. Sebab saya buat Tuhan Tuhan gembira, Ketawa dan Tepuk tangan. Ini sebab saya dipanggil "Crazy Clown". Sama Tuhan pum boleh main main macam kawan saja. You boleh tak? Ada hati, mesti boleh. Tak ada hati, mesti tak boleh. Ada hati pun kenalah baik, jangan ada.hati tapi busuk pulak. Saya pun tak mau kalau hati dah busuk. Boleh cuba cuci tengok, mungkin dah bersih saya boleh mau. Tak cuba tak tau, sudah cuba baru tau. Mungkin hari hari mau.

Tweet the bird. Miow the cat. Shh the rat.
All animals are here sing song together.

Tapi insect tak mari sebab semalam pest control mari sembuh Aedes. Usah takut, saya sudah bagi formula cegah dan sembuh Denggi dengan cara organic yang senang. Tak sampai Rm10 sudah boleh sembuh. Cepat dan tepat formula saya. Cakap saja apa lagi sakit misteri nak saya sembuh. Saya boleh sembuh dengan senang ajew. Tolong yang susah itu kerja saya. Yang kaya tak perlulah tolong lagi. Yang kaya cuba kena tolong orang baru boleh lagi kaya. Bukan makan orang, itu dah salah makan orang. Itu otak sudah kotor punya, "hati busuk, otak kotor" lagi teruk babi. Mesti saya bagi dia jadi babi nanti. Baru tau rasa macam babi. Tak rasa tak tau, sudah rasa baru tau. Tak tau nyawa babi babi cukup nak bagi tak. Banyak sangat nak buat replacement rivivify ini. Babi tak cukup saya bagi babi hutan pun boleh. Kasi masuk hutan hari hari. Sama juga saya akan buat ini macam kalau anak saya buat salah macam ini. Saya buat kerja tak buat berat sebelah punya, tak tutup sebelah mata punya, tak makan wang punya, tak buat jahat punya dan tak apa pun tak mau punya. Sebab Tuhan dah bagi saya semua. Cuba kena bagi share sama semua orang free. Tuhan punya barang saya bukan ambil semua, saya share semua dan harap semua juga share keluar. Sudah dapat, share saja, lagi banyak dapat, lagi banyak share, jangan dah dapat banyak banyak baru nak share sikit sikit. Kedekut betul. Dapat free punya, tapi nak ambil semua. Boleh tak buat ini macam? Saya boleh share, kenapa you tak boleh share? Jawapan saya nak dengar sangat lama bila ada chance duduk sembang. Saya mesti tanya soalan ini? Tengok you jawab saya ada rasa malu atau tak malu. Sama juga kawan kawan kaya dan bos bos kaya. Bukan share sama saya, saya tak mau. Share sama orang miskin. Orang susah. Orang yang tak bernasib baik. Itu orang orang saya nak tolong punya. Itu orang orang yang perlukan wang punya. Bukan wang yang dipakai untuk main dan tengok saya. Ada wang tapi salah pakai, bukan tak tau pakai. Jadi Mr Luck saya pun sudah letih. Jadi saya panggil dia pergi lain tempat cuba nasib lagi. Nanti kejap saya panggil semua Mr Luck saya mari meeting sama saya. Tengok mana mau pergi jalan jalan. Ok. Saya punya Mr Luck is wang Rm0.10 saja. Tapi dia bawa punya Luck macam Million punya wang loh. Tau tak. Saya cuba jatuhkan wang rm0.10 dalam mana mana kedai. Itu kedai punya "ong" tahan bertahun tahun. Malah satu tahun demi satu tahun lebih baik. Guarantee tak boleh rugi pun dimana mana you buka. Itulah wang rm0.10 saya yang jatuhkan saja.

Kuasa Tuhan yang bagi saya boleh buat ini macam. U tak boleh kan.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
The Fortune Master (the creator of Mr Luck, Mr Wealth, Mrs Health, Mr Ong, Mr Huat, Mr Lai, Mr Go, Mr Sui, Mr Come, etc)

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