Thursday, May 5, 2016

Kedai Wellmart 2016

This is a trial for Wellmart shop. As I say, Rm10.0 is my Mr Lucky. I had purposely dropped into the shop just now when I drop by to buy cigarrates. Let's see the business of all Wellmart shop at Malaysia. Yes, all Wellmart shop. One if you need another one I will honestly drop it again because I found out that your price is still acceptable for the poor peoples to buy there. And you are selling farmers and fishermens goodie. That one added your shop value to me. So I look good for your business and give you a three month test before I drop more Rm0.10 Mr Lucky to your shop later.
Every coins of my save are specials. They are the spirits I let them to stay with me. And I trained them for good purpose only.
They are all the Powerful spirits if you trained them well enough. And I trained them together with the Gods so they will be the good Moral Spirit in the future. I been trying so hard, thinking so much, how can I help all these spirits so much. How can I do or what can I do because there are so many spirits. Until one day I got my ideas, I let them stay with me and allowed them to stay in every items the want at my home. And I will protect them together with my Gods. Because peoples with catch them or push them away when they know the exist of Spirit at thier home or shop or anyway they stayed. They get disturb and no place to stay. So, I wish I can help the spirits and let them stay with me. While, the popularity increased very fast as everyday and night these spirits will come to me. All spirit I accept them, never left any spirit or say NO to them. Yes, I accept all this Spirits that peoples dont want them because they think Spirit will bring them bad luck or disturb them. Peoples, you are wrong to think the Darksite like this. They will not disturb you if you did not disturb them. Is you that disturb them when you built or develop a place. They were happy at the jungles and stay at Trees, Plants and Stones. You destroy thier place and you hired Dato Gong and pray Gods to help you. Is you ask Datuk Gong to make way for you. You make The Spirit with Dato Gong misunderstand. Is you that did wrong at first and then the spirit had no place to go and stay. Did you know that? Peoples just dont accepts the spirits. So I am different again, I accept the Spirits and welcome them to my place. And the Gods also accepts them too. They are nothings, they did not disturbs me or anyone. What is wrong with these peoples only when they destroyed thier placed like they destroy the animals places. Is all human made that destroy it. Never give them replacements place at all. Then all came to me. All, you guess all is how much? But now, thier return for me is the Miracle of the Miracle things. They are the Fortunes of this Worlds at my hand. Because all the Spirits of this world came for me. Not I want all, they come by themself and I just accept all. With no question. Is peoples that dont want them.
Actually, when you know there are Spirits, every also got Spirits. Is trues. You must built them a Spirit house, not ask them to go away. Where can they go? The place is thier home. You want to develop the place, not ask Datuk Gong to get them away. You must help Datuk Gong together built a house of spirit for them. Let the peoples that came to provide them meal or things they want easier. They need long times to wait for Rebirth. You cannot just ask them to stay by road side. And then every year you just pray for them one times. OMG, they also no eyes see you do this way. And some still pray for request favor from them. That is more then over. Still want to ask favor from the spirit. Hello friends, if you kick out your father and stay outside, then you invite them back one year one times to eat dinner together. And still ask your father to give you money. What will your father do? What brain are you try to explore? Dirty brain?
"I melt the heart of Gods again. Is raining now"
I got many Spirits now. So many that I want to give peoples only. All good spirits and bring so many Mr and Mrs when I just pass to you. What a Miracle things happen, it happened. The Gods I help with no favor, the spirits I also help with no favor. Together they return so many Gift for me. I never ask for what I want. So they just give me Magicbox for me. You know what is Magicbox, is a box with Magic. Just close my eyes and make a wish of whatever things, 1 2 3 open it. I got the things already. That is the Magicbox the Gods and Spirits give me with no request of anything at all. I never request. I give and help. And my Magicbox keep coming for me until I dont know where to keep. Is dropping from the sky each times I walk out my house. That is the "Miracle" things happen to me now.
Soon I will be the Santa Claus to give presents to the kids. You know Santa Claus. That is me. Reborn the Santa Claus back to Earth from the Fairy Tales. Not one Santa, need two Santa because too many presents box. Waiting my choice the second Santa. See who want to be my partner. He will be super marvelous peoples on Earth too. Because I will share with him my things. Good Good & Good.
And only reserve to peoples I dont know. Because peoples that I know just know how to gained from me and for own benefits. So peoples that I dont know, will not think to get my Luck only and with purpose only. All are faking friends.
Wheel of Fortune is availabe for everyone to play with me. Not only my friends.
Give others chance to play together. Everyone also got the chance. Dont stole thier chance and turn, you play already, get back the line and quee. Wait your turn again. Let others to take thier turn.
Sudah sampai giliran you main, balik belakang baris dan tunggu giliran kamu sendiri. Kaya atau miskin, semua pun sama sama nak baris. Bukan kaya dulu nak main. Bagilah yang miskin main dulu. Sebab you punya Fortune sudah banyak sangat, tak perlu lagi main pun boleh. Jangan terlalu tamak, sebab you dapat pun tak bagi orang. Sudah kena pun tak nak share. Buat apa lagi saya nak bagi you main? Bagi orang miskin saja. Yang kaya tapi baik hati boleh main. Yang hati busuk tolong ketepi atau balik lagi baik. Letih nampak muka muka you orang. Tak sihat nak tengok muka muka you orang. Macam babi betul. Saudara pun sama. Lebih satu pun tak ada guna saja. Sama macam tikus. Hari hari datang rumah curi makan nasi. Curi curi makan sendiri. Kalau curi makan sama sama lagi ada sikit harapan. Dia curi makan, tak habis tak apa, dia simpan sendiri banyak banyak. Sampai busuk pun dia tak nak bagi tikus tikus lain. Ini tikus apa?
Jawapan : Tikus tak berhati lagi busuk
Dia lagi boleh ajak tikus lain mari curi. Sama sama curi makan dan sama sama simpan sampai busuk. Bazir lah nasi saya. Nak bagi orang lain pun tak cukup. Semua tikus ini macam curi makan dan simpan sendiri. Satu ton beli, setengah ton tikus curi simpan saja. Lagi baik bagi saya beri tikus lain makan. Yang lain lapar tak dapat makan, yang ada simpan makan dan buang makan. Betul betul punya tikus tak buat ini macam. Betul betul tikus share makan makan. Tengok youtube apa macam tikus share makan. Dan compare lah sendiri. You akan faham. Sebab you bukan tikus. Tapi nak jadi tikus tak berhati dan busuk saja.
Ini satu point potong. Lagi mari, lagi satu point potong. Saya tak apa, saya banyak nasi. You hari hari mari curi makan pun tak boleh habis nasi saya. Cuba boleh habiskan point you saja. Tau tak.
Saya pancing you makan. Saya tak pancing you pun tunggu makan. Ini ikan apa? Ikan sengaja nak dipancing. Tak challenge nak pancing ikan jenis ini macam. Tak natural.
Saya sekarang nak pancing ikan Sungai. Jom sama sama main. Lepas sungai kita ke laut. Last kita pergi Antartica pancing ikan paus. Jom lah. Jangan takut. Saya ada pancing ikan paus punya. Cuba tak ada kuat tarik, baru minta semua sama sama Tarik Ikan Paus Dunia.
Baru sama sama masuk buku Sejarah Malaysia.
Inilah rasa pemancing ikan. Sabar, tunggu, tektik, sabar lagi, tunggu lagi, last baru boleh dapat ikan yang diingini. Kalau tak sabar, jangan nak pancing. Kalau nak marah, jangan main pancing. Orang yang ada kesabaran saja boleh dapat pancing. Betul. Tanyalah pemancing ikan.
Kesabaran itu paling penting, siapa yang boleh bersabar, mesti dia dapat. Masa saja tunggu. Kalau nak bergesa-gesa, susah dapat, cuba luck ada boleh dapat cepat. Dan saya ialah seorang pemancing Udang Galah di Sungai Perak sejak umur 10 tahun. Udang pertama saya berat 2.3kg seekor. Besar boleh masuk record book. Umur 10 tahun saja saya naik basikal pergi Jambatan Sungai Manik, turun kebawah jambatan. Duduk atas tiang jambatan, seorang saja ngam ngam boleh duduk, jatuh nanti nangis pun terlambat. Deras air sungai laju, bukan lambat. Buaya besar pun ada bawah. Tak takut pun. Buaya pun nak pancing, tapi kena biawak. Tangkap juga biawak dengan pancing ikan. Pelik kan. Tuntung pun kena pancing. Belut sungai pun kena. Ikan pari (ikan hantu) sungai pun pernah dapat. Yang lain biasa, patin putih, keli, semua pernah kena pancing. Paling geli kena pancing mayat bayi pun kena. Tau tak kawan kawan. Featus bayi di Sungai kena pancing saya. Apa saya buat? Saya tak buang featus itu, saya ambil ketepi sungai, korek lubang dan masuk tanam balik dengan satu anak pokok. Pokok pun dah besar sekarang. Cantik pokok itu. Saya mesti balik tengok pokok itu. Sekarang pokok itulah satu satu ubat yang boleh ubat satu penyakit. Tau tak kawan kawan. Saya tolong dia, dia mesti bagi hadiah saya. Tak kira dimana saya jumpa, saya mesti tolong. Bukannya buang dekat sungai. Tak baik buat ini macam. Mana roh dia nak pergi. Tak ada orang tolong punya kerja, saya tolong tanpa minta apa apa gaji. Tolong dengan hati baik saya saja. Tak nak minta apa apa sama dia juga. Saya tahu bila dia besar, dia mesti bagi saya hadiah. Mesti bagi. Tak minta pun dia mesti bagi. Itulah Pokok saya. Nama pokok itu "The Living Tree of Teluk Intan". Inilah kebolehan alam semulajadi yang hebat. Kalau nak jual ubat saja pakai pokok ini untuk ubat HIV. You cakap saya kaya tak? Kenapa roh tepi sungai boleh tolong saya? Jangan pergi potong pokok ini. Nanti dia cari sama you.

Tolong, jangan tak tolong. You tak rugi apa apa juga bila tolong. Saya cuba tolong korek lubang dan tanam saja. Kerja tak sampai 10 minits. Tapi hadiahnya besar tak sangka.

Saya suka kutip sampah tepi jalan. Kenapa? Apa salah saya kutip sampah? Ada hadiah dari Tuhan. Kutip sajalah. Jaga Alam Sekitar Tuhan pun suka.
Tuhsn tuhan dan roh roh tak suka kotor kotor punya tempat. Tau tak kenapa sebelum Jade Emperor datang, mesti hujan punya. Sebab dia nak jalan atas yang bersih. Jadi dia pun minta Zeus tolong hujan. Lepas hujan baru Jade Emperor turun ke bumi setahun sekali. Jade Emperor lah yang pilih saya dulu. Lepas baru Hindu Ganesha dan lain lain pun mari. Tau tak kenapa saya hari hari mau lap lantai, tak lap Tuhan Tuhan dan Roh Roh tak nak turun. Kenalah saya cuci lantai dan lap lantai bagi meraka turun jalan jalan. Tuhan tak suka kotor punya tempat, sama juga roh roh. Kena cuci badan bersih juga. Mana ada Tuhan suka kotor punya badan, bilik, rumah, taman, negeri dan negara. Sini cemar, sana sumbat, nampak pun tak segan. Sini potong sana korek, lubang lubang, siapa suka? You tinggal lah sendiri rumah yang ada lubang lubang dilantai. Saya pergi korek lubang dekat dalam banglo you. Dalam bilik you pun korek lubang. You mau tinggal tak? Tak akan ini pun tak faham. Bukan budak lagi kawan. Orang dewasa, fikirlah dulu kalau you percaya tuhan. Jangan sini percaya sana pulak pergi korek dan potong. Ini bukan percaya lagi. Ini sudah bikin rumah tuhan lubang lubang. Aduhai kawan kawan sekalian, dengarlah suara tuhan, hujan lagi - kalau saya ada cakap salah, tuhan pertama marah saya. Kenapa tak marah malah bagi hadiah saya. Sebab segala yang saya buat bukan saja betul, tapi sangat betul.
Tak ada seorang dalam dunia ini ada fikiran macam saya demi tolong tuhan saja. Bukan minta tuhan tolong. Saya tolong tuhan. Ini saya buat, terbalik.
Kenapa saja tau minta Tuhan tolong, kenapa tak minta nak tolong Tuhan?

1. Orang yang tau minta tapi tak tolong
(Most Greedy)
2. Orang yang tau minta tapi tolong sikit (very Greedy)
3. Orang yang tau minta tapi tolong banyak (Greedy)
4. Orang yang tau minta tapi tolong semua (Respondsible)
5. Orang yang tak nak minta tapi tolong semua (Heroic)
6. Orang yang tak nak minta tapi tak tolong juga (independant)

Pilihan saya ialah nombor 5. Kawan punya?
Buat pilihan untuk baca kebolehan dan keinginan seeorang itu. Mesti tepat.
Ini cara betul tengok fung sui orang. Bacalah sendiri siapa you nak rujuk. President atau Royalle, bacalah sendiri "fung sui" seseorang itu.

Lagi tepat punya sila tunggu buku saya dikeluarkan bila ada wang nanti untuk rujukan semua rakyat dan negara.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
Medical & Health Research

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