Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Face Mole Fung Shui of a Person

Below are human face Modern Fung Sui 2016 according and refering to my own face structure as a reference to all.
The descriptions may be vary from 10 to 20 percents of the details.
This is an original "Fung Shui", if you wish or hope for better Fung Sui, then you need to do make up or touch up your face according to these spec :
Yes, Fung Shui can be added if you change something or add something. Is just like your house, you arrange your own fung shui (Will be publishing Fung Shui book for your reference too).

Human Face Spec and Descriptions :
(Some bold words are my own Fung Shui)
Eyes - worldview
Shape across bottom lid - openness
Straight - wary
Curved - open
Depth - assertiveness
Deepset - laid back and waiting
Protruding - reactive and dominating
Width - focus
Close set - detail oriented
Far set - trend setter
Eyelids - intimacy
Thick - likes intimacy
Thin - prefers detachment
Eyebrows - thinking
Thickness - thinking quality
Uniformly thick - powerful thinker
Thick at beginning - great starter
Thick at end - great finisher
Thin - fewer ideas
Hairs - ideas
Contradictory - given to conflict
Scattered - disconnected thinking
Root hairs - early bloomer
Across - constant thinking, insomnia
Shape - orientation
Curved - people
Straight - ideas
Angular - conflict
Height - patience
High above eyes - patient
Low above eyes - impulsive
Ears - learning
Size - listening
Large - listening to people
Small - listening to self
Position - speed
High - quick learner
Low - careful learner
Flare - conformity
Stickout - rebel
Close - conformist
Nose - ambition
Tip - money consciousness
Large - schemer and planner
Small - uninterested in money
Turned down - shrewd
Turned up - impetuous
Nostrils - spending
Large - spender
Small - tightwad
Roots - family connection
Ample - family support
Lacking - social detachment
Length - career
Long - leads others to work
Short - hard worker
Shape - work style
Straight - logic
Hump - creativity
Swayed - intuition
Padding - people
Padded - need people
Unpadded - loner
Cheeks - leadership
Bones - fame
Prominent - bold
Small - private
Pads - recruitment
Heavy - draws followers
Light - works alone
Width - courage
Wide set - confident
Close set - steady
Shape - personality
Large cheeks - leadership
Tapering toward chin - passion
Expanding toward jaws - peacemaker
Flat cheeks - polite
Jaws - stamina
Large - physically strong
Small - delicate constitution
Chin - willpower
Size - aggression
Large - demanding
Small - compliant
Width - survival
Wide - tough
Narrow - tender
Shape - battles
Curved - people
Straight - ideas
Angular - control
Mouth - emotion
Size - fun
Large - social
Small - sincere
Upper lip - expression of thought
Thick - outspoken
Thin - secretive
Lower lip - expression of emotion
Thick - persuader
Thin - reserved
Teeth - decisions
Even - poised
Gaps - joker
Big front teeth - stubborn
Small front teeth - selfless
Crooked - conflicted
Buck - shy
Underbite - aggressive
Angles - interpretation
Eyes - life view
Angle down - pessimist
Straight - realist
Angle up - optimist
Mouth - spoken philosophy
Angle down - pessimist
Straight - realist
Angle up - optimist
Areas - priorities
Forehead - thinking
Largest of three - intellectual
Smallest of three - nonacademic
Nose - ambition
Largest of three - driven
Smallest of three - content
Largest of three - earthy
Smallest of three - nonphysical

Coming up next (will Research on this) is the human face Fung Shui with the power energy of your Elements Astrology 2016. The more perfect match will be review. When the Technology meet Ancients from
The Master of 6 Elements Exchange.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe

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