Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Hackers Quotes

Hackers quotes
"Nobody can give you FREEDOM, Nobody can give you Quality of Justice, If you are a man, YOU TAKE"
Excuse me please, for the bad and evil hackers. You know what is a Hell Justice? I dont need a quality justice, I use Hell Justice to @#$&€£ you. Guess the 6 letter words. Is a surprise for you all bad Hackers. Just thanks the Quotes, if not I might forgotten about Gutterpost Hackers. Thank you for the reminder.

And Malaysia also. Start your jobs with a positive mind and say no more "Bribe or Corruptions". We need your good team to get all the bad and evil guys. We can ask for help from USA. They are willing to help us if we request. I got the link also. You want just ask me. My blog is international link now. Malaysia is famous. Getting famous and famous everyday because we are helping poor peoples in the world.
Give some support to me. I need your support Malaysia.
Anybody from Malaysia? Or Malaysia peoples is block or stop to see my blogs?
You do this, then I just ask my little baby girls to share my blogs. Hahaha. That is how we connect human with spirits.
Easy jobs. How Malaysia? Dont be foolish. I am kind to you. You want fool with me. Check youtube then you will find 10 movies. Why I am at Malaysia? You will find 12 movie clip, why I am Sungai Buloh and you will find 15 movie clip - What is the power of Lord Universe.
I created you all. You all are my little creations. The Gods cannot stop you. They ask me to come and see. So now I really know what happen with my little creation. Their brain, the motherboard interupted, because mother no teach them. Now Daddy need to teach. Kids, come to Daddy, Daddy want to talk a story for you. Dont worry kids, Daddy not going to beat you, Daddy just want to share story with you. Ok.
"Once a upon a times, at China... watch Wong Fei Hung". You know the story better. You not kids, if you are kids I tell you the story. I want tell my baby kids story better. Teach them more moral. Teach human not my job. But repair human is my job. So I need to repair few human brain first, then the rest will be repair by you. Dont forgot to watch Youtube of the 37 clips loaded. Or you want 370 clips loaded then you do? I can makebit 3700 in 5 minutes. Come challenge me with your power you got?
Or 37,000 in 3 minutes also can. 1 million movie clips in 1 minutes.
That is a pieces of cake kids.
I play play, you play play, now I am serious, then you also must serious to work lor. Got easy money just sit down no need to work meh. Who got the power to investigate and catch. Who got the power of justice to judge? Who got the power the use the power to work lah. This want no need I use power mah? My power want to make love. Can or not?
I dont want see your news also. Maybe sometimes just have a look. Because I am not interested with your news. Unless you make it interesting then I read.
Assalamulaikum tuan tuan dan puan puan. Dah malam tidur nenyak. Besok kerja baik baik. Saya belum tidur lagi. Nak sembang sembang roh-roh tepi jalan. Nak jaga keselamatan mereka. Sama kerja polis, jaga keselamatan rakyat. Saya pun kerja, you tak payah kerja kah? Habis siapa polis Malaysia? Hantu jadi polis? Insya Allah, jangan lah sampai hantu jaga rakyat. Ini dunia manusia lah, bukan dunia hantu. Hantu saja mari jalan jalan makan angin. Mana boleh panggil hantu jaga rakyat. Kacau boleh.
Tolong Imam imam jangan marah bila hantu kacau manusia. Sebab polis belum buat kerja. Mana satu kes nak start dulu?
Kalau boleh, pelacuran. STOP SLAVERY.
mau tips. Ok. 1 min cukup.
Dalam satu minit, saya akan bagi 10 tips. Tips saya 99.9% cun. Macam kena jackpot saja. Sebab ada buat research.
Tapi saya tak curi orang punya research. Saya buat sendiri punya research yang tak ada ambil apa apa gaji atau upah. Semua buat untuk selamatkan amoi amoi kesayangan saya. Tau tak. Saya suka amoi. Tapi tak suka tengok kena paksa kerja. Kacau amoi sama dengan kacau saya. Tak hormat saya. Tak ikut arahan saya. Tak boleh ini macam kawan. Tuhan you percaya, tapi saya you main. Berani betul. Tapi berani bagus, berani baru boleh tangkap penjahat. Bagus berani. Jadi masa pun dah cukup 1 minutes. Masuk Youtube. Buka dan type : "Malaysia Slavery Place" for PDRM.
15 clips with full details of address, location, contact and person incharge.
What you need more? Ask me.
I give you everything.
Work or no work?
If leader still say nothing, dont say I did not give chance.

Do not lokap those girls. Treat them politely as a Princess. Not handcuff the girls, handcuff the guys!!!

You had been warn not to fool with me when I am Serious. I take it very serious. And nobody can stop me when I am serious. Gods also cannot say anythings. What about you, human?
My world nobody is higher then me. Dont think Dato or Datuk, Tan Sri or Tun even the King or President and Underword also.  I get angry, the darkness also cannot stop me. You think you can stop me.
Get your job done and request salary increase double. Pay the police as they help Stop Slavery. That is job save human, so need more money for them. Not into your bank. Sponsor a bit you also cannot finish. Your bank money can cover all police at Malaysia for 30 years. Good will for doing this. Then I reserve a place for you at Heaven, Sgurga.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
Youtube Tweety Bird

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