Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Kawan Kawan Lawan Lawan

Yesterday 5th April 2016, I check my location track via my google email. I look and see all the location and spot nearby here left, right, front but no back all around this area at Kg Baru Sg Buloh. Well that is not yesterday only. All these 10 years can be locate and track. Gods is Googles, that is a Gods emails. Gods sure will hell The Lord if the lord want to know. The all emails log in can be tracked at any location on earth, date and times with 99.9% accuracy. And is purpose let everyone log in so I can check.
@ hack the hackers
Any way with my emails, the locations is track and the data is linked with my Apps Maps from Google Play. Not just Maps got locations, any Apps with locations maps log in via my emails got all my history since the first date of my activated gmail account. Do you all know about it?
And remember to link it, because they might edit later and save. But they cannot edit those saved at other Apps. Understand that. Then you know when you compare it. Because human always abuse thier brain. Not explore thier brain.
And not Googles only, Bing and Yahoo is my Good Buddy too. Because Googles also get Hack, so need the help from Bing and Yahoo. They are Googles bestfriend too. And two more is secret for personal use only or emergency. Guess it.
My poker card. Anyone know what is the reason why I open so many emails?
Answer : ofcourse you know
Then, we keep for ourself.
If not it will be another system abuse.
The Mirror at my room is moving up and down. My Kumanthong spirit is doing make up. Always sexy for me.
That is my babies. Daddy will find you all a good match soon, Prince Charming for my girls. Absolutely no problems. And will treats all better and better without any favor from all. Just need to study hard to be the World best scientist and professor.
To be what you want to be. I make your dreams come true, Kuman Thong.
I give you freedom.
Call me Daddy is enough. That is I like to hear. You know that. Stop playing the rock, play the toys. Ops...

There is nothing if you want to know anything, just ask. I will share if you are helping the poors peoples or healing the sick peoples. The Lord will always give you the Luck and way to find Mr Wealthy and Mrs Healthy.

To your concern, The Lord's top 10 list of favourites things is
1. reEARTH
2. Go Green, Save Earth & Stop Slavery
3. Help the poors & unlucky peoples
4. Help the Animals
5. Help the Plants
6. Help the Stone
7. Help the Air
8. Help the Water
9. Help the Insects
10. Help the Ladies

You can see all my top list favourite is different with what a human will list out and targeted. Such as the best Career,  Financial, Properties, Loves, Family, Business, Friends, Entertainment, and more. In the Top Ten List of thier Principles in Life will not have "Help" or "Give". So with all the books, novels, or magazines that teach us about how to be success or want to be success or story from the success are just only 70% of the truth only. Gods will not give you a 100% no matter how rich you are, how intelligent you are or how good you lead when there is no "HELP" in your Principles Of Life circles. This is because your intelligent ideas and designs is always a Gods creations and gifts. Same as for me, I am Intelligents not because I studied well or good at school, is because I Help Gods and Spirits first before I ask from them, but I never ask any favor from Gods. Is the same, before you ask someone any favor, do something or help him first. Then only you ask them the favor. I never and not always "Pray" for Gods is not because I did not believe Gods or Spirits, is because I dont want to ask them any favor before I offer my Help to them. Dont just know to "Pray" Gods everyday and everytimes, with many spending during thier Birthday or Festivals with everyone in the mind is to ask the Gods for favor or want Gods to help them only. That is the wrong way to treat the Gods like this. Totally wrong. Can you always ask your father to give you something? Can you just ask your father all the times, from kids until you old. If you can treat Gods like this, is the same like the kids treat his father the same ways.
My father and Mother never give me a present from the day I was born until today. Not a single present or small gift he give me on my Birthday. And I never ask for it either to give me anything on my Birthday because giving me this is not the priority, giving Moral is the priority. Not things. This teach me a good lesson in my life, never ask anyone including the Gods ans Spirit any favor if you are not doing any favor for him first. Moral teach us to help peoples first, before asking them to help. And this Moral my parents teach me well enough. They can help me anytimes I wanted, they sure will help me, is just I dont need the Help always as I can help myself better because not only I got hands or legs, is because I got the brain to explore the magic. As long as there is a brain the Gods built in for you, that is the most value things for you to treasure and hit the jackpots. That is the successful peoples do, explore and treasure the brain. Hands and legs is for you to do somethings, is not for you to make somethings. To make somethings you need to use your brains. Treasure your brains, dont copy. If want copy, ask permission first, dont stole. Do the favor for someone if you need someone favor.
For over 20 years, whenever I am difficulty  or had a hard times, I still no Pray for Gods to help me. Because I know the moral "dont ask before you give" and "give after you ask". Do you know why all the Gods give to me, and I never ask from them to give also, and why they did not give to the people who ask? Because Gods know I will share and I will not keep for myself only or to my family, my race and my religious only. I will share it to everyone first without just keeping for my own family and friends first. I do for other peoples first. I help other peoples first and I do it all with no charges, totally 100% Free of Charges. I cannot use other peoples things to charges, if peoples are giving free, you cannot just take it and then sell it for your own profits. Can you take a Free Cup of coffee and later you sell to your customer at your shop?
Answer :
Can you copy peoples things and later you  publish and sell?
Answer :
Can you just do without asking permission and approval first?
Answer :
1. You are human, you got your own brain, you abuse your own brain (Brain Abuse), that is 1 point deduction from The Lord
2. Is other peoples things, you want copy then you ask permission first. Who know they will give free for you or maybe they need some loyalty. Get agreement first. Deduct 1 point for not asking.
3. No return or thank you for the peoples who had help you first or before. Deduct 1 point for not doing this.

Oh well. For human. The Lord will do another book. A reference book for me when your Soul came to visit me. Before you can be a Spirit, your soul need to get my Permission and Agreement first, you are always had the choice want or dont want to come for me. If you dont want, then you are set to free "soul" to go around anyway you like. No "spirit" for you. See what can you do with your own "soul", you cannot do anything and soul is a blank white World. Just you, yourself and alone. Without transform to Spirit, you had no way to be reborn your next life of my choices. Not your choice. But if you are good peoples, I had open it, they can choose thier own choice to rebirth on the next life. Gods give me to do this job. So I admended it better for good peoples. You do good things, your soul and spirit will guarantee you a good Heaven life and good rebirth or reborn.

I still getting work with this book. The name of this human life book will be name "The Revivify" meant New Life reference book.
Believe it or not, ask Ripley.
And I dont care who are you, The Country, The Royalle, The Leader, The Police or the Underworld or Undergalaxy. I choose your spirit and your rebirth base on the "Revivify" book. If you are the Good King, you can return as Good Royal Family, if you are the Bad King, I return you to the Rat Family on your next life on Earth.
So who the hell are you are non of my fucking business. Yes, I am scolding and purposely scolding also. I dare to play on my World. I wait and see how you play.
Because your games is my rules.
And I will do the same to my own blood line. Even if he is my own father or own sons, they do bad things, I will still do the samething to them. And the same way I will scold them "You Go to Hell". I meant it, and I said it. Because I do my job fair to all the World. And animals also. Animals are my Lord, all animals are my lord. Mistreat the animals will deduct -5 points, same as the plants -3 points and the Living Stone -1 points. Disrespect the Gods -50 points, Disrespect the Spirit -30 points, Disrespect the The Lord -1 point only. You know why just 1 point if you disrespect me, because I always give chance to peoples, I dont want just punish them. Peoples will not change with punishment, peoples will only change with love. So I reverse the way to teach those who did wrong or mistakes by love. Make some Miracle.
To make Miracle, you need to make something different only. 99 peoples climb up the mountain using same road. 1 people climb up using back road. The peoples say him Crazy. But he reach top faster. Then the 99 peoples say is Miracle.

Same as peoples pray Gods asking favor, I pray Gods ask "What can I help you". I pray differently with them.

People get Kumanthong and wish his business get better. I get Kumanthong and wish her study better. I do differently

I alway do differently because I want Miracle. Do you believe now?
How I break the Miracle code.
This is my Research & Development project. Break the code "Miracle".
Believe Miracle Happen when you do differently. And they will always say you are Crazy. And only Crazy peoples can change the World. Not the King or Leader can. The Crazy Peoples Job only can change the World. Because they are always Fearless, not the effort or courage.
The destiny and the Future they want.
Remember, the Crazy Clown of modern era, that is me too.
The Identity Infinity 92j.
The Magician Aaron Crow, is me also.
We all got the same brain.
Micheal Jackson, Steve Job, Mohamad Ali, Famous composer,
Famous Movie Maker, The President,
Tsurabaya Ultraman, BDSM master, and more. With 92 human brain together we will change the World. Nothing is impossible when we got the will.
Me alone Gods know, they help me with additional 91 brains for me to discover and adventure. Thank you again all Almighty Gods of Universe, your gift for me is unbelievetable and unforgetable.
And is really Money is not on my favourite list in my life anymore. Just kick off the "money" out from my Top 20 list.
And is really Money only is not Successful in life. When you got money and you can connect with Gods, then you are 100% successful in life.

Ok. Later if free I will open a magicbox and share with everyone. See what is new.  Maybe is Technology or Innovation. Maybe is business. Maybe is fashion or maybe is design. Or maybe is Medical.
Everything I got. And I will share to everyone. Hope you do the same good things. +1 points for sharing only.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
Moral Man

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