Sunday, May 1, 2016

Kuman Thong Name

Oh well, I invited 5 little baby spirits Kuman Thong from Genting yesterday. And just help them to clean up. Well since everyone know I am Daddy, so is alright for them just to play with me anytimes they like. They will also massages to me or write to me or just draw to me what they want. They can also ask the animals to make noise or blow the winds. And now the can connect with elements too. To help me more new on Medical, Health, Recycles, Sexual desire and Song composer. Because I had too many works to do nowadays. I must need thier help so I could fulfill the Gods wishes and dreams. The dark site is needed to over come the evil. That is the best choice for me. Well, just an advise to all, dont play with the dark site. Respect them an as you respect the Lord. Thier power is so Marvelous and Fabulous if you can connect with them. Do not control them in order to do you a favor. I will take him away if I see any human doing this to the dark site or spirits. Treat them as you treat your family member. Treat everything the same. Never mistreat anyone, you will never know his power. Dont always think you can just bully someone when you are rich and he is poor. Or when you got more peoples, and he is alone. Or when you are power, and he is weak. That is no moral people attitude. Want to be the big big brother that can control anyone or anythings. You are absolutely wrong, there is no big brother among us. All of us are same level, standard and god's creation. They created you, and you challenge them back, that is very wrong mistakes you all had done. Come and get my healing the faster the better. You keep waiting and ignore my advise you get more troubles and headache later. I advised and warned many times. Almost a month I think. 
How on Earth human can beat Gods? They can beat the humans only. But I told you that I am different with all other previous human Gods. I am the Modern type with different attitude. I got Moral and Value. I failed but I never give up. I got will and I am born to win. I never play any games that I feel I am a loser, I only play games that I will win. And Win on the top one. Not the second or third place. That is who I am. If I want to study, I will want to be number one, but I dont like to study, so I am the last top students. But I am the top student at physic and Chemistry. All my test for Physic and Chemistry are Perfect Score, never a mistakes. And always my experiment I finished the fastest way. Even the book is written 10 minutes, I got my way to make it 5 minutes with the better result too. That is who I am. You need 10 men to do, I find way to make it 5 men or 1 men jobs. Nothing is impossible. The interest thing is when you challenge yourself for something special. When you know how a factory run, you find way to cut off the production but mantain the supply. Same as you cut down the raw material but mantain the quality. Same as you cut down the times, but maintain the supply. This things always work if you are willing to do. Give me a products, I can produce it the same with different way and different materials and lower costing for you. Yes, I can do that just a pieces of cake. Any facial products you want to do. Any drugs you want to do. Anything. That is my inteligent of my mind because I want it. But I am not interested with Technology because peoples abuse technology and cause all this problems. But I know technology too, just I dont want to share this because people will abuse Technology as shown on Transformers. The country is named. Did you guys notice that when you watch Transformers. All the expisode, on different country. That is my massage I send to everyone. Also 2012 or Pacific Rims. When human they GODzilla to defeat the Kaiju level 5 monster. Go watch and you know my massage. This my menuscript I created for everyone. Not you all want to create my menuscript, dont act like a kids. I am working 24 hours for 10 years, equal to your work of 30 years (without deduct the off day and holidays). I also work when I was staying at Hospital and Caring Center for 5 months. You know that? And all answer I written there on the wall, furniture, floor and even in toilets where ever I go. That we call what in Eygpt when we write something on the stone? Malay called "batu nisan". This is the modern Batu Nisan. I purposely do this so future peoples know the rehistory happen again in the modern years. Why those name is written on the wall? Why with number? What is those number are? Break my code you get the jackpot. You will be the Trilionaire once you get to know my code for. Dont worry, I will give more treasure hunt for everyone. This is real treasure hunts at Malaysia. Wow! The real and the best in the world as all participant are free with no fees or charges. Got my maps, you are free to join the Treasure hunts. This could ne large hugh money, big GEMs, Jewellery hidden by Underworld, Cash money hidden by Underworld, if bad luck maybe found Weapon or Drugs, then you must help to report the local police for investigations. Do not try to sell it or gain money, if you do then is consider you are involved. But if you did not had any transaction or red handed, no matter what law, you are no problems of getting the blame even if someone put something in your house and then blame it belong to you. So if you put one load of 3 tonnes of things you had no right at all. Do you know the international Laws? Then go Googles check it out. If so easy I just send one box courier service to your office and then ask police to go there check. Then blame the boss. So easy police investigate and close the case? Sorry, CSI never investigate such case like this? First, any peoples will do drugs on own properties? Second, any peoples will keep stock in bulk. If you are making drugs, keep stock is giving chance to peoples betray you. So big smart boss will not keep any stock at thier own hand. No stock everytimes, so no chance you can catch them. Only keep stock for semifinished then is alright. That is not finished good. Nobody can get you for any charges. Third, no money at bank, local or oversea, family member too. Because CSI will check not only your account, all your family account too. Local and oversea with thier system. No need to go bank and check. They can check at Miami also if report is made from Malaysia. Do you know that?
So actually not easy if you want to runaway and think nothing happen after sometimes. Is depend on the person want to lodge local police or international police or interpol for investigations. They International Police investigate all case differently and if is related to Underworld, they will very interested to work together. Did I report any police about your business until now? Then why you still want to stole my things and come my home? Why you want hack into my life? Why you want my lover to betray me? Why? Why? WHY? Are you asking to Hell or Cell? Just tell me which one you want? And dont let me see or wait alone at home all the times. I KEEP QUITE you keep doing then you get your own business disturbs. You disturb my lover, i disturb your business. Next is me to disturb your daughter or son. I meant it. That is you ask for it. Not only you, those rich people I will Fuck all your daughter in BDSM fantasy. Because I am not happy with all of your dirty jobs since very very long times ago. And still want to continue doing it. Bye Bye to your family if I want. All the Gods waiting answer from me very very long.
Dont be silly and bribe my lover. I killed your business one by one all of you. Before I killed your love one by one as you do to me. Fair play. Because you cannot return back my love anymore. You destroy all my love and my family. Now you all need to pay the prizes. Watch out for thier safety and accident do happen in Karma. This Karma not by the Gods or Dark site, is from the Lord. That is me. Powerful Karma to all rich people and mastermind today 2nd May 2016. Start from today, one by one you will notice my power is real, not kidding and jokes. Check out all your family and friends and neighbour and Madam Kwan... confirm each day at least one people get the Karma or Cancer or Zika or Avian or Guttervirus. Because you all is disturbing me from Healing good people and stole my Unicorn again. Also I am lonely and nothing to do with my lover.  Then your love one I disturb back. Fair right? Happy Labour Days.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
LORD of Universe

Ps dont ever said I am Crazy or No Brain.
This you say it, So you do it, u pay for what you said. Dont bribe my lover to do this or talk this. Before she will not say such things to me. Because your dirty money, she change. I love challenge too.

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