Friday, May 6, 2016

Marble, Stone, Glass & Woods

This elements power energy created effect your home "Fung Shui" allots.
Woods, Marble, Stone & Glass.
After my 20 years of Research of "Fung Shui" and with your Etymology are a perfect match of a person living "Fung Shui". The match will create a 99.9% Wealth and Health naturally. Things will come your ways in what life you want. You choose your own life.
I break the code, I share it out free to everyone for better living.
First you need a home. You need to know your home energy. You need to know what is more and what is less. All you need to do is balance the elements. There are 6 elements now (Light, Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Metal) I take out darkness because the darkness Energy is too strong for human to control. And I also take out GEM because it will change the peoples too fast. Now is not the times for giving you GEM. So no Energy source produce by GEM at the moments until I see the human change. And I put Light and Fire elements, more heat to produce more energy with more air elements. Remember light from bottom up is brighter then top down. The more light, the more energy with more air. Is that simple. You controlled 3 of your elements. Now is Water, Earth & Metal. Too much water or too less water is depend on how much Earth you got. Earth things like Stone, Marble, Woods, (those natural things, organic - less in plastic, polyester things) A good Earth element is natural things, they all produce the Earth Energy. Only Earth energy can control or stabilise you home "Fung Shui". Then you need water elements to control the Light and Fire Elements. A must, such as aquarium or pond. Then the last is Metal elements to help the Earth. Without Metal, Earth do not produce enough Energy to balance the others elements. Only Earth mix metal can produce more E2m Energy.
Make you house more like natural with less poly products. Because those poly absorb these natural energy away.
Adding living stones, plants, fishes, pets, feeding birds, allowing animals to come, are all good added value and natural energies. Allowing spirits is more energy, but I dont know the Spirit want my friend or not. Ask them?
Glass is the most mistake peoples place in thier house and shop. To much glass will only absorb your others energy away. So do not put your showroom front all glasses only. Maybe you do 50 percent or less. Do not open and let people to just view it all from outside. If they can see from outside, some will not walk in to see. We open shop is want customers to come in and see. If they can see it outside, why need go in. If the did not go in, how you want to serve them. You let them see from outside, then you go outside to serve them. Do not let them see what is inside until they walk in to see. Same as you doing exhibition at fair, peoples will go in to see when you close up your area, people will just walk pass to see if you let them see from outsite. Those who close up all the view will always got the most walk in buyer. The "Fung Shui" is like this. You cannot change it until I want to change. And those with natural feel will always attract more buyer walk in. Built your  fair look natural. Place more green plants, make waterfall or put an aquarium with fish only. It will attract more buyer. That is the power of Elements you need to know. Same as you do at your office or factory or shopping mall or shop. Use these elements energy to get your customers, dont just know to pray Gods ask more business and customers, or pray spirit help do business better. That is not thier job to help you. Understand.
The Gods  created you and you just know how to ask them for favor. For what they create you? Giving them more problems or more things to do? They created you so you can help them, not you ask them back for help. That is why they built human bigger brain with hand and legs. Installed a Heart and let the system run. Is same like you create a computer. But computer never pray for you to help? But why human pray Gods for help, help to destroy earth? GODS say you are smart? The Lords say you too smart? Only smart peoples will do this, only smart peoples will abuse brain, only smart peoples will cheat stupid peoples, only smart peoples will lie stupid peoples, only smart peoples will benefits stupids peoples, and only smart peoples will work with stupid peoples. Bosses always dont know anything and need hired smart peoples to do. Smart peoples always worked for stupids peoples. Am I right?
Oh, everyone say is Yes, is true. My boss dont know ABC but he can be a big boss. Right. Many Sungai Buloh bosses also. Never graduate or take any course, but all success. Come on, you think they success by themself or by the Luck of me at Sungai Buloh? What do you think? They say they workhard for thier success. Oh well. I say is my Luck for you to success. You dont beleive, then you challenge me right. So accept your challenge now, and I say is My LuCk that make you all success. Let see what happen in this year only from now. Ok. Until end of December 2016. *smile* Because I just need to ask my Mr Luck and Mr Wealth come back to Daddy. Your business will naturally drop. You do research now. Not me.
And for me I will say different, not the smart peoples work for stupid peoples. I go against other answer all the times, because I want to do miracle things all the times. And I had done so many Miracle things, and I am confident on doing it more and more Miracle things. To get my name into Guiness Book Of Record The Most Miracle human in the world that break the most code.
And I am confident too, always confident.
And I will break DNA code too, I believe I can.
And now I want to break another bigger code. Connecting Aliens. And I am confident too. But this times I need to use China Technology, the latest satelitte at the galaxy to do the connection. NOT BABYLON, CRAZY CLOWN CYBERNET (CCC) died died died. Dangerous meaning? Any Fung Shui meant? Dont worry, you die, I follow you die together. Then I bring you to heaven have a look then send you to hell and I back to Earth again. Be your friend at Heaven and Hell before I back to Earth on other body I want. Maybe a famous handsome Tom Cruise. I can do that. Hey, just remember my other body, Will Smith. What you done to him, Gods, I remember, thank for reminding me. I just want to see what they still want to do more only. Push them to do more. Purposely more bad things I want to push them to do. Same as how they want to blame peoples or frame peoples. Do you know that? This is not Evil or Bad to teach Evil Bad. This is called Iniquitious
Short word, "wickeness mad"
Check out Youtube update for Malaysia please. Ultraman or Marvel or DC.
New song from famous singer.
New more movie on cinema. All same story with one massage. Play the games well. How good you are? 🤗🤗🤗
I am The Lord, how you can win me?
Can the Mountain Musang King do anything? Can The Heavenly King do anything? Or can The President do anything? Can do if is Right, cannot if it is wrong. Same place you go if you do wrong. I dont care who the hell are you? How much money you got? How powerful you are? Not my problems and I dont see anything benefits for me at all. But the Presidents is differents, same view and same massage we got. Do you know why? 🤔🤔🤔 maybe my another body too. Look at what his quote on Googles?
Ops, Zeus give Sungai Buloh special rain. Thank you Zeus.
Listen to the rhythm of the failing rain.
That is the Gods breathing. So near at Sungai Buloh, feel it guys.

You pray what Gong all no protect you anymore. All your Gong you make them go away, but all I accept them. Do you know. How many Gong with me? Masuk Sejarah Kitab Tuhan.

Pacific Rim 2 and 3
Rise the GODzilla... haha
Rise the King GONG.... haha
Pacific Rim ada King Kong.
Crazy Clown make crazy movies.
Is your 50 Shade Christian Grey books for me and movies make for me is better then my movies? Ok lah, still can watch. But no action abit boring. I prefer action packed movies with Monsters. Hmm... with a Hero name Shade... great name.
My real shade.
Oh, peoples stay beside water becareful. Later got Kaiju because King Kong not yet rise yet. GODzilla cannot handles too many Kaiju, later another boat sink. It happen at Sitiawan before. Dangerous to Sabakcrew member? Ok. Get my warning. Red Alerts. Oceans is Dangerous place. Belongs to the Gods.
Ground attack, Water attack, how about Air Attack? You make MH370 dissapear... ok. You board the Plane now. You better pray for your life. Because I now attack Air. Yes, now. And peoples want to follow you together on Plane, I warn you better stay differents plane. Because Crazy Clown is Wickeness Madness now.
Then you know my power is how extremly powerful. Same to all of you that involved, when you board a plane. Easy job. The is played with life. You play it first. Now my turn to play your life. Is true, I accept all games you play. Can watch Youtube for prediction happen at Malaysia. More interesting then watch Tv3 or Astro.
That is call Harry Porter Magic.
My other life help me upload. I got 92 life at one times. Do you beleive or not?
You still dont want to beleive, I play more. I will play until you all beleive it and come to me. I want that. Miracle happen.
So you got money also no use. Better donate all and sleep well.
Air Force One return... want to make another movie. You see I need to work so many jobs at a times. Think and write menuscript. All no charges money loh. You can do what I do?
My sacrified returned me everything.

What can do, you do. What cannot do, you STOP now. To all of everyone warning.

Doing is against me. Against me is no respect me. No respect me, then I no respect you either.

And Ladies belong to me. I cannot stop the bottom, I can just stop the Mastermind. And I know well the Masterminds.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
Crazy Clown Chio Kia (CCCK)

Crazy Clown do crazy work for all human to learn.

Earth not destroy earth. They wan

Lord of Universe
The Extreme Moral Wickeness

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