Friday, May 6, 2016

Uncle Tony is MCA also

Hello Uncle Tony,

*smile* he is here too... My own Uncle.
He is my mother's eldest brother.


Break the Spirits code.
1. How you feel the Spirits - done
2. How you see the Spirits - done
3. How you hear the Spirits - done
Task completed

How you communicate with the Spirits and learn the Guides belows
Free of Charges, as I giving all free services.

1. Tune in and start to BELIEVE (must beleive there are beside you) that is the first connection you must do. Once you beleive, they connected and they are beside you already.

2. Meditate with crystal (small or big does no matter)

3. Get out in nature

4. Ask you spirits guide to reveal themselves (because they are too many of them if you are a Good person - is like I am The Rock and the fans are cheering at me, and I dont know to talk with which fans), so what I do, they all are watching at me too. 😉😉😉 but the Bull are open minded. Just dont think any negative, let them enjoy your show. They will like it! Dont ask them to go away, you ask them go, next times they dont feel to come for you. NEVER EVER ask a spirits to go and do something stupid to make them go.

5. Keep a spirit guide journal.

6. Try "automatic writing"

7. Try "Googles search" on ask your questions. (I allowed the Spirits to communicate with human via Googles, and the Gods approved)

8. Ask them what they needs. Offer help for them first. Protect and care for them. That is human jobs. 

9. Just dont ask them for favor before you solve thier problems. Always offer your help first, treat them better first.

10. All Spirits are belong to The Lords. Never respect them, meant you never respect The Lords. If The Lords can do, you too can do better, right? Because you are rich then The Lord.

I can see, I can hear and I even can feel the Spirits. I am human too.
So you also can if you follow my Step 1 to Step 10.
I can call on all Spirits and talk with all Spirits all over the World. You think who I am? Even can talk with your great great grandfather and mother. Holy shit.
Crazy Clown do crazy work. Get crazy result and do miracle job everydays.
I can talk with Steve Job, I can talk with Micheal Jackson, I can talk with Uncle Lim, I can talk with my Uncles, I can talk with any death persons. HOLY HOLY SHIT.
And now my jobs are getting more and more. Gonna do a time table for myself. And I LOVE this job so much. Is so Fantastic and Marvelous.
So now you design for me, I choose your design. Your products pass to me, I approve your design. Because I dont have enough times to think for you. All your new products, depands on my taste and like. You can try not to beleive. If you beleive, you will be a Millionaire very fast. If you dont beleive, then you work for the rest of your times. Because I change my love and like to the natural things already. If your still want my Mr Lucky and friends, you need to take for me. No charges for all. Free of charges.
2. Technology and Innovation will be KIV (keep in view) at the moments. So my new Technology will be not share due to Technology abuse. No Steve Job's expanded technology.
3. I will not approve anything from China raw materials. Other countries all can accepts. Especially India, and the cost is cheaper then China 10 to 30 percents. So why not India since the cost is cheaper? I had done the Research, the quality is same and better, and they got Moral in business. Not like the Chiness peoples.
100ml reduce to 90ml, but selling the same price. 20 density reduce to 18 density but also selling the same price. Or 25mm reduce to 23mm but selling the same price. Many way they do. Propose Sample with A quality, produce with B quality. That is not the way. That is cheating peoples. Moral did not teach us to cheat. If cheat also dont over, "agak agak cukup" sikit tak apa, jangan banyak banyak. I very know all of this because my research I cheat before and I get cheated also. Both side I know very well. So dont tell me bullshit. How to cheat and How to get cheat both I know. So stay balance is the best way.
4. You do as I wish, Guarantee you be rich. Do not do illegal business. Because illegal business will bring you Mr Worst. Do it transparents way. If the Goverment want money, they will approve. Dont bribe them anymore. You no give Kopi, they will find way to get Kopi. Better you give me, I give you super LUCK. They give you what? Shit you know. Last they get you back anytimes? Why give them eat and drink?
Is like the Lion, "you give them eat but one day only he need, you are finish. And he got away" see those Underworld story of China I posted, get my meaning. To wake you all. The person that can betray you is someone near to you. Same as me.
But now I bite back only, not haul.☺☺☺
5. Even a single hair drop is a spirits life. You keep it, after 10 years, you got the Miracles. Counts how many hairs you had keep? Those are how many Spirits with you now. Your broken teeths. All I keep. Your owns things always return as most powerful things. Beleive it.

A Toyol or Tuyul is a mythical spirit in Malay mythology of South-East Asia, especially in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore. He came to my house at my hometown. The first times he came I was not at home. He scared everyone at my home. My parents, my sister and my sister in law. He know everythings at my house. Where is the money put and where is the house key put. He squeze in from the windows. Small tiny sizes creatures. He opened the back door first before he take the money and run away when my sister in law suddenly wake up. My father came out and saw him running away. He got away and run with boths his hand on the floor. He can walk also. But the second times he came I was at home and he meet me face to face. He did not run away and I did not shouted at him also. I say "come boy" and "come here", he come to me. I ask him "are you hungry?" He say "yes", I ask him to wait and I get food and drink for him. Then he take and want to go, and I ask him come back, because I know he need money. Because his master teach him to do this things and not giving him foods if he failed. I give him money too. Then, I ask him do you want to follow me? I will give you foods without you to do this dirty jobs. Yes, he want. And he is following me all the times until today. And I never teach him to go steal any money. And I know is not only one now, with friends too. They help me in other ways. Not to take peoples things, but give peoples things from me. They are my postman not thief. I offer a different better job for them with better benefits. Do it different ways. They are not bad, human teach them to be bad. The master teach him to be bad. Same as I am doing, if I cannot change the master mind, I change the follower mind by giving better benefits. Do it differently. So followers, if you are brave enough, just open a factory and you come for me, I consult and give you The Luck. Guarantee you will be a Millionaire too. Better then your boss in few years times. For followers, not leaders. You want to sit the place, you just come. They close the media, I open the internet to the world. And is actually open 2 years ago. Want to see my news?
Is everywhere. 😎😎😎
Do you think you can stop the Power of Gods? You stop Googles, Yahoo, Bings and others search engines, you can stop me that way only. No internet, no God's connections. "No Technology No Gods, No Gods No Technology" right? And all players of WWE at Malaysia, who is the Champion of the year? And who is the owner of WWE Malaysia? The Manager and the Teams? How many money in the bank collected from the fans? Is it the money so much and so important for your GoldenBoat? And the fans all just got Sampan or Kapit? And more without any boat to survive also. Do you watch Titanic? TITANIC MALAYSIA 2016
Not donate the boat, sink the boat! Because you dont feel to donate it. And I cannot change your mind, what will I do? Many way for one question I always do. Does your Gutterpost team ever think what I think? Does your Professor think what I think? You think 1 ideas, I think 100 ideas. And 1000 suggestions. With no money use tactic. Zero. Because I want to make Miracle again. With no money in the bank defeat most money in the bank. You say who win? Check my bank now less then Rm3.00 only. And cash less then Rm5.00 only. So what happen to the treasure when the boat sink at the Ocean? It belongs to who? 😅😅😅

Now the Golden Palace. Do you think Zero can walk in the Golden Palace? He is not invited. So what will Zero do if he is still not invited? You choose, your choice. You can pretend dont know, but I had give many chance. You want to Control anything on Earth you must get my permission first. Earth belong 100% to me. Anything happen on Earth are my problems. Did you know that. Do you agree what I say? Even a tiny couples argues also is my problems. Same as between 2 countries is my problems. If a King cannot beleive the Gods, what will the Gods do? Your answer is my solutions. No answer is considered failed the Gods test. And this is test by Allah, not me. I am just a translator. Because Allah cannot connect with you. He connect me with you. And those are the God's job, I just help the Gods.
And I do not want to be a leader or King at all. Because I am already the Lord of Gods, The Lord of Universe. So i am not interested any of this post at all.
Allah say he sink the boat and he will sink the Palace too if no actions taken from now. ASAP. And Allah dont like to watch WWE. Allah want to watch new player at WWE. Those are too old to fight. Change new young WWE players and start the NEW WWE as fast as possibles. The massage is send on today 1.09pm.
And Ganesha Gods say please put in more Indian Players.
Chinese Gods say Chinese player dont know how to fights, boring to watch them play.
Others Gods say, put some Englishman into WWE Malaysia, will increase more fans.

Need Chinese too. Need thier fans also the Gods say. So Chinese is in.
Yes, that is the Gods massage.
Got Malay, Indian, Chinese and other.
The formation is like Real Madrid attacking mode. 4-3-3
This formation always make Real Madrid win in every match. Malay defender 4, Chinese midfield 3 and then Indian attacker 3. Because Indian peoples are naturally builth to attack. Is true.
The attack I meant is business attack, not gangster attack. So is India not China.
Or 4-3-2-1 also nice. The one is English Striker. More powerful combination. More powerful shoot.
4 Defender, 3 Midfield, 2 Wingers and 1 Striker. Gods combinations.
Strong at defend and attack.

Human life circle
1-10 learn moral
11-20 education
21-30 gain experience
31-40 explore experience
41-50 give experience
51-60 consult experience
61-70 enjoy experience
71-80 fullfil experience
81-90 pray experience
91-100 no experience
101-infinity miracle experience

Well, refer with this table on top, can the players still got energy to fight? Ofcourse they dont have the energy as strong as the younger generation. Those workers age 30 and above always work stronger and faster then those 50 above. Is naturally things. Thier brain also work better and brighther, more ideas and more innovation. Whatever things also better then the older peoples. So is same for WWE players, you want to see Hulk Hogan more or you want to see The Rock more? All want to watch The Rock. Confirm.
Same as WWE Malaysia. Because those fighting are same and no new tactics or powerbomb. Fans like new tactics. Bringing new players and who know he become the Champions, like John Cena. Dont just reserve for those older players. Make Miracle happen, and you get better in return. Fans always like new things to watch, and so do I.
Same as soccers, if every year also Manchester United, no fans will enjoys other Clubs. Because Top Club got money buy famous players. They builth the strong boat, same as you. You can built this boat, you too can builth another better boat. That is what the fans want. Some new Clubs that can defeat the Champions. Not those old clubs. If you put Selangor team into EPL and win Champions. Wow! That is superb Miracle, right. Then you straight away famous.
The Selangor Team. That is you need to do. The Miracle things. I let you do, I give you luck to do it. You will make Miracle happen. Is a very good offer with no charges and no revenge purpose.
Is me for Malaysia. Because I born here. My country.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
The Crazy Clown

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