Thursday, May 5, 2016

Why Allah Meet Buddha

Kenapa Allah jumpa Buddha?

Siapa boleh jawap soalan ini terus boleh pergi Sgurga. Itu saya janji. I promise to you.

I was at HKL and resting at the Phykiatri Ward for 2 weeks. Oh well, I get in with purposely. For some research and get the chance out from this whole bunch of bad and evil peoples. Because I need free space to do somethings and pass somethings to an important peoples. Because I know my life is dangerous at that times. Very dangerous. The only things I can do and runaway is pretending to be Crazy. 😂😂😂 At the same times I need to release the two dragon out and get Help from other Gods. And I was lucky enough because my Kuman Thong help me. And the Dragons was released. The Help I need is the Hindu Gods. The Gods that can give me re-alive anytimes I am death. And he came to me and give me the power. That is why I am Fearless and I cannot die. Do you all know this God? Sure you know. If not how can I not affraid of the Leader and The Underworld. You all are very naughthy boy. Because you lile to play amoi. And you like to play drugs. I also play drugs and amoi. So I no disturb you mah. But you play naughty weapons? And you play dangerous bomb. Even atomix bomb you also want to play. Like this can or not? The Gods say cannot. So, I must do my job or not? Or I wait the Goverment to do the jobs? But goverment scare the Underworld and cannot do the jobs. Hmm, so I need to help the goverment and protect the government.
These Madam Kwan friends owe me money, real personal money for my own business running money, they do not want to return me. I am sad. Those online purchase money cheated by them also they dont want to return me. And those little few thousand money they also dont want to return me. So no money how to do my things? If nothing to do sure many things to think. Many thing to thinks but nobody talk to me. Nobody talk to me so I do bloggings. You see, is all related why I blogged. You all force me to blog and link all over the world. You all do not want to return my money. And you all want to play with The Lord.
From I start blog from March 2016. Oh, wait, back to HKL, PPUM, Eve Caring, Pavillion, etc. I had write and draw many important clues all over these place. All with easy answer question. When you join them up you got the answer. Also watch Transformers for easy answer. Is written on the Movie just for you to notice it. Because my friends do not want to return my money as I requested so long. Still pretending and want me suffer. Since you want me suffer, then for what I need to protect you? Right.
Nobody will put dangerous items at own home. Same with me. I got more dangerous items then you all. Beleive it. And my dangerous items you cannot find it. My hiding place you will never know. But you hiding place I know all. And I dont understand why until now you all still want to pretend and not to return my money? 🤗🤗🤗 shame of you.
So the atomix bomb first locations had been told. Still got 2 more incredibles place. Very very incredibles.
When I was a kid, I like to keep coins. I will keep my coins inside my piggy bank. You know what is piggy bank? Then, I will place my piggy bank at the place. The place is a lucky place. Hehehe. Bodoh pun tau! What I do, peoples will follow. That is natural things. But please dont put the wrong things. Because they will complaints to me. So who the hell that put it there, you get the way to take it out. Dont break anythings, if not I will break your whole family into dust and send you all to hell. All the places that you had put, kindly apologizes and take away far from thems. Because all dont like it. Take to your shopping and put it as display items and written "not for sales". Nobody will disturb your items, and no police will bring pigs to shopping mall to checks. But they might bring pigs to temples nowaday.

Second, it is bad you want The Lord to punish the Malay. Lucky I am not a racism. You cannot get the blame on me but you put the blame on the Malay? Why you do this? Is this the right way? You do it, but you put the blame on other peoples.  All the blog shade story please read it carefully. From start until now, please do not get it wrong on M&N. They had nothing to do with all of these. ☺☺☺. They just want me to point on them, hit the Malay. This is the Cina Babi want me to do. Do you understand? To get away with all thier dirty jobs. And I purposely follow them to do and get the times going so my other side got enough times to finish my 5 projects. And is done 3 days earlier. And thanks for rushing my 5 projects in just short of times. Is just waiting my last editting or it can be just selling online.
You know why Allah came to me with Buddha? He need my help. Allah need my help. That is why he came for me. Ofcourse I will help since all Gods also I help. And Hudud also came. Is that funny that Muslim Gods come to ask me Help? 😅😅😅. Is laugh when he told me. Really. But I laugh at my own Chinese race. The Cina Babi. Because Allah and Hudud ask me to Help the Malay peoples, not the Chinese peoples. Do you know or not? Because the Chinese want to betray the Malay peoples. They want to destroy the Malay leader. And they want to get someone to be the leader. I had nothing to do with the leaders, but they want me to put the blame on them. Truly, the leadership is OK for me because so far is peace at Malaysia. Is normal for a country with just a bit of demostration happen. And all country also got this problems if you go for politics games. Because the games is like this, you play, you accepts the fans to act this way. You cannot stop the fans to do like this, because they support the players. This is the fans troubles, not the players troubles. And is cause by media reports. Oh well, I am not interested with politics. That is my view only and let everyone know that is Allah want me to help the Malay supported by Chinese Gods. So the Malay understand?
And I do what is want to help only. To do or not to do is your jobs, not my jobs. You want to investigate, you do, you dont want to investigate, you let go. Because my top list job are to heal the peoples and help the animals. Offer help to poor peoples. Save earth and go green. To catch thives I am not interested. To catch drugs, well I played drugs too, non of my business. Just dont put at those place then is not my business. Anything insides and outside the area are my business. So take away far far away from those things. Is not your place please all Mosque, Temples, Kuils and Church are my business. Without my permission, is cannot. If dirty money cash for donation can. More also can. And those place are not for you to play play. At your own home your choices. Included my place also. Get it clean and apologizes to them. Take back and put it your own piggy bank. Or you want take your atomix bomb back also can. You want new atomix nuc I send to you as a Golden Eggs.
Need a good sleep also need to wake up blog.

And friends, my money please. No need pay extra interest for me. I dont want those interest. I just want my money return.

Tweet the bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
The Crazy Clown

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