Thursday, May 5, 2016

Bad Luck Charm

The lucky charm of my coins had two faces. One face Happy Luck and the other face is Worst Luck. So i can give you the best luck with the bad luck together. You cannot seperate both of them. Yes, is purposely do this way so you cannot abuse them. When you abuse the Good Luck, the Bad Luck energy increase then you get Bad Luck for abusing the Good Luck. And nobody want to abuse the Bad Luck. So each coins will be given both spirits togethers. Mix combo is always the best of my choice. Everything now I change with mix fortunes. All added spirit of the vise. This meant each items at my house will stay 2 spirits of Luck. One is good luck and the other is Worst Luck.
So I need to rearange everything again so the luck will follows the elements goes.
What is place up will be Good Luck and what is place down will be Worst Luck. Anything that is place inside will be Bad Luck and anthing place outside will be good luck. Same as inside the box or outside the box. Inside the cupboard or outside the cupboard. Upper the floor or bottom the floor. All is base accordingly with my will, my choice and my favourite. Not all are Good Luck now. I allowed the Worst Luck into my favaourites list and items. So they also got friend together. If the shoes i put back, is bad, if front then is best. The namecard if place down, is bad, if place up then is good. If put out, then more good. If I signed on it, extremely goods. Those all are Spirits power. And the best Fung Shui is always is what? Yes, is "Reverse" placing the items. That meant is up side down. Clever. Whatever things at my home will be Luck when is up side down. Same like the light place up then place down. What is place on the tables, plate or glass, pen or scissor, bottle or can, must be upside down. If you put the same, your Elements energy will change. Because this is "Fung Sui" I created for my home. And the World will follow. Your home or shop too. Light should be place on the floor now. Not hanging on top the ceiling. And the light shoot up. It will look more nice, yes, light shooting up from floor is actually nicer then light shooting from top to floor. And light shoot up also will make it brighter then light shoot down. Science. When you shoot down, the light stop when reach the floor, when you shoot up, the light goes infinity. So many business to start now. Produce upside down items. DESIGN & INNOVATE these upside down items and you will earn big money. Go go go. Light is an example. Make light that we can place on the floor without any screwing. Just put down and turn on. Easy to carry and place where you like. Books, start publish book reading from back to front, like the God's book. They like to do reverse reading. From back to front. Lighter, the spark on bottom, not the top part anymore. Whatever, for the best Fung Sui is placing upside down. You dont have to change all upside down, dont be so greedy to get 100% Luck, no perfection unless everything is upside down. I know is impossible, that is the reason I choose reverse so nobody get 100% anymore. Just change what is can, dont need change all upside down, then I know you are a greedy person or not when I reach your home or shop. The Logo or trademark is the important things, you just change it upside down, you can change the whole shop "Fung Shui" just the logo you need to do. Is true. If you can place it down or put another logo on the floor, it will be the best. Because spirit are all over the floor and they can help you of your Luck. Place your logo on the bottom right of your business card too. It will change your business very well. The spirit will always at the Right side. Did you know that? Your soul is on top left. See my book later you will know all this. What spirit at what location and what place with what energy. All spirit I know so well. Because I am The Undertaker for them for so long. Place your Logo also on the bottom of each packing carton box. That is show respect to the Spirit. Every items with your company logo on the bottom is the best. Beleive it or not, ask Ripley

Same as shirt and pant, place the small label on the bottom, not the colar top. Shoes also. Whatever is at bottom.
So, I need to revise my 6 Elements book again. Because is exchanged now. All Chinese welcome words must be place reverse. Get what I meant. Not only one. All greeting and well wishing will be the best when you place it Reverse side.
"Gong Xi Fa Cai" to upside down or "Cai Fa  Xi Gong". Because the The Lord said so.
What about the decoration during Chinese   New Year. Hmm, ok... if you place it upside down is best. And if you reuse back the old decorative then it is more better. The more year you reuse it, the more Luck the Spirit bring to you. So do not waste money every year just to buy this decorations and just throw away after used. Keep it and reuse back for better "ong" and "huat". Just hang on all year also better, new items got luck but not as luck as old items. Now I give olds items additional value, added Luck into recycle items or reused items. Every second hand items will had more Luck then new items.
The more hand, the more luck you got. The older, the more luck. So old items or collections please do not throw it, the values is the Luck you need. The more old items you keep as decorations, the more Mr Luck will stay with you. Do not throw your own Luck away. Let me know when you throw, I go collect it. Yes, I do this. I admit I always collects rubbish from the dumbsite peoples throw. But what I collected back is a Gift from Gods. Peoples see me collect rubbish and some will laugh at me, some will look down at me, and some will scold me dirty. And now I tell them, I collected God's magicbox home, that is not rubbish. I smile and I am happy with what I do. That is not stole, that is peoples throw away and I go collect them back. They are stupid enough to throw a magicbox into the dustbin. And I should say thank you, if not I wouldnt get so many free Magicbox. I treasure all these rubbish and recycle it and then explore it and then Ideas link Ideas something happen, added values or elements - click click - Surprise I get,
a new innovation of somethings from this all rubbish or treasure? You dont know anything about that at all. So dont call this runbish, without this I could not get this new Ideas, I cannot creat so many things and I cannot get so many Luck coming all the times. If you throw you old things, let me know, maybe I will collect back for new inventions. My jobs. My another house are allots of recycle items, all are my Lucky Charm. When I go there, I feel like at the Galaxy. Can create anything at there. I got so many creation that are ready also. Things that human never think off it. Things that are better then "Steve Job" creation. You know? Things that I can change the world technologies. All are done 2 years ago with my Spirit we created a Miracle iPad. Malaysia can develop this technology if they want anytimes. Not Apples, maybe is Pamelo.
China can do. Malaysia got me also can do. Up to you if you want or not, I can give to Western if you dont want. No to China only. Is Andriod also, but is Cyberiod system. Thunder! You hear it Malaysia?
You want or not this Technology? Unitech. Is Steve Job unsettle jobs. And I help him settle the Job already. Check out Googles the jobs that Steve did not finished. The power of these technology. My offer to Malaysia, your choice first? Before I ask USA, second choice and maybe Australia or Japan. Tak nak tak apa. Saya tak rugi pun, sebab saya bagi FREE saja.

Tweet the Bird

Stone Cold said so

Sean Khor
Lord of Universe
The Future Creator

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